



#define WIDTH_LEN    4
#define HEIGHT_LEN  4
#define CLUTSIZE_LEN    4const struct linux_logo * __init_refok fb_find_logo(int depth)
{struct linux_logo *logo = NULL;int i = 0, k = 0;//struct linux_logo *logo_buf = NULL;unsigned char *clut = NULL, *data = NULL;volatile void *mapped_area = NULL;unsigned int height = 0, width = 0, pixsize = 0;if (nologo)return NULL;mapped_area = __va(0x84000000);//记住该地址,很重要,配置uboot环境变量需要用到logo = kmalloc(sizeof(struct linux_logo), GFP_KERNEL);if(!logo){printk("kmalloc error!\n");return NULL;}logo->type = 3;logo->width = 800;logo->height = 480;logo->clutsize = 224;width = (*(unsigned char*)(mapped_area)<<24) | (*(unsigned char*)(mapped_area+1)<<16) \| (*(unsigned char *)(mapped_area+2)<<8) | (*(unsigned char*)(mapped_area+3));height = (*(unsigned char*)(mapped_area+4)<<24) | (*(unsigned char*)(mapped_area+5)<<16) \| (*(unsigned char *)(mapped_area+6)<<8) | (*(unsigned char*)(mapped_area+7));logo->width = width;logo->height = height;pixsize = width*height;printk("Logo parameter width:%d height:%d ", width, height);data = kmalloc(pixsize, GFP_KERNEL);if(!data){printk("kmalloc data error!\n");kfree(logo);return NULL;}for(i = 0; i < pixsize; i++){data[i] = *(unsigned char *)(mapped_area+8+i);}logo->clutsize = (*(unsigned char *)(mapped_area+8+pixsize)<<24) | (*(unsigned char *)(mapped_area+8+pixsize+1)<<16) \| (*(unsigned char *)(mapped_area+8+pixsize+2)<<8) | (*(unsigned char *)(mapped_area+8+pixsize+3));printk("clutsize:%d\n", logo->clutsize);clut = kmalloc(logo->clutsize*3, GFP_KERNEL);if(!clut){printk("kmalloc clut error!\n");kfree(data);kfree(logo);return NULL;}for(i = 0, k = 0; i < logo->clutsize; k+=3, i++){clut[k] = *(unsigned char *)(mapped_area+8+pixsize+4+k);clut[k+1] = *(unsigned char *)(mapped_area+8+pixsize+4+k+1);clut[k+2] = *(unsigned char *)(mapped_area+8+pixsize+4+k+2);}logo->clut = clut;logo->data = data;return logo;


  1. 准备一张 png 格式的 logo 图片,其中分辨率应跟内核配置的 lcd 参数一致(显示屏有关)。
  2. 在 ubuntu 系统下将 png 图片转换为 ppm 文件,命令过程如下:
    pngtopnm linux_logo.png > linux_logo.pnm
    pnmquant 224 linux_logo.pnm > logo_clut224.pnm
    pnmtoplainpnm logo_clut224.pnm > logo_clut224.ppm
  3. 将生成 ppm 文件生成最后的 logo 图片数据文件。命令如下所示:
    ppmtobin logo_clut224.ppm -t clut224 -o logo.bin


flash_erase /dev/mtd4 0 0
nandwrite -p /dev/mtd4 logo.bin




nandboot=echo Booting from nand ...; run nandargs; nand read ${loadaddr} ${nandsrcaddr} ${nandimgsize}; bootm ${loadaddr} nandimgsize=0x500000

loadaddr: 0x84000000 logo.c映射的地址

setenv bootcmd "ext4load mmc 1:2 $splashimage logo.bin; run bootcmd_stm32mp"


/**  Convert a logo in ASCII PNM format to C source suitable for inclusion in*  the Linux kernel**  (C) Copyright 2001-2003 by Geert Uytterhoeven <geert@linux-m68k.org>* *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------**  This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public*  License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of the Linux*  distribution for more details.*/#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>static const char *programname;
static const char *filename;
static const char *logoname = "linux_logo";
static const char *outputname;
static FILE *out;#define LINUX_LOGO_MONO        1   /* monochrome black/white */
#define LINUX_LOGO_VGA16    2   /* 16 colors VGA text palette */
#define LINUX_LOGO_CLUT224  3   /* 224 colors */
#define LINUX_LOGO_GRAY256  4   /* 256 levels grayscale */static const char *logo_types[LINUX_LOGO_GRAY256+1] = {[LINUX_LOGO_MONO] = "LINUX_LOGO_MONO",[LINUX_LOGO_VGA16] = "LINUX_LOGO_VGA16",[LINUX_LOGO_CLUT224] = "LINUX_LOGO_CLUT224",[LINUX_LOGO_GRAY256] = "LINUX_LOGO_GRAY256"
};#define MAX_LINUX_LOGO_COLORS 224struct color {unsigned char red;unsigned char green;unsigned char blue;
};static const struct color clut_vga16[16] = {{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },{ 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa },{ 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00 },{ 0x00, 0xaa, 0xaa },{ 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00 },{ 0xaa, 0x00, 0xaa },{ 0xaa, 0x55, 0x00 },{ 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa },{ 0x55, 0x55, 0x55 },{ 0x55, 0x55, 0xff },{ 0x55, 0xff, 0x55 },{ 0x55, 0xff, 0xff },{ 0xff, 0x55, 0x55 },{ 0xff, 0x55, 0xff },{ 0xff, 0xff, 0x55 },{ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff },
};static int logo_type = LINUX_LOGO_CLUT224;
static unsigned int logo_width;
static unsigned int logo_height;
static struct color **logo_data;
static struct color logo_clut[MAX_LINUX_LOGO_COLORS];
static unsigned int logo_clutsize;static void die(const char *fmt, ...)__attribute__ ((noreturn)) __attribute ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
static void usage(void) __attribute ((noreturn));static unsigned int get_number(FILE *fp)
{int c, val;/* Skip leading whitespace */do {c = fgetc(fp);if (c == EOF)die("%s: end of file\n", filename);if (c == '#') {/* Ignore comments 'till end of line */do {c = fgetc(fp);if (c == EOF)die("%s: end of file\n", filename);} while (c != '\n');}} while (isspace(c));/* Parse decimal number */val = 0;while (isdigit(c)) {val = 10*val+c-'0';c = fgetc(fp);if (c == EOF)die("%s: end of file\n", filename);}return val;
}static unsigned int get_number255(FILE *fp, unsigned int maxval)
{unsigned int val = get_number(fp);return (255*val+maxval/2)/maxval;
}static void read_image(void)
{FILE *fp;unsigned int i, j;int magic;unsigned int maxval;/* open image file */fp = fopen(filename, "r");if (!fp)die("Cannot open file %s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));/* check file type and read file header */magic = fgetc(fp);if (magic != 'P')die("%s is not a PNM file\n", filename);magic = fgetc(fp);switch (magic) {case '1':case '2':case '3':/* Plain PBM/PGM/PPM */break;case '4':case '5':case '6':/* Binary PBM/PGM/PPM */die("%s: Binary PNM is not supported\n""Use pnmnoraw(1) to convert it to ASCII PNM\n", filename);default:die("%s is not a PNM file\n", filename);}logo_width = get_number(fp);logo_height = get_number(fp);/* allocate image data */logo_data = (struct color **)malloc(logo_height*sizeof(struct color *));if (!logo_data)die("%s\n", strerror(errno));for (i = 0; i < logo_height; i++) {logo_data[i] = malloc(logo_width*sizeof(struct color));if (!logo_data[i])die("%s\n", strerror(errno));}/* read image data */switch (magic) {case '1':/* Plain PBM */for (i = 0; i < logo_height; i++)for (j = 0; j < logo_width; j++)logo_data[i][j].red = logo_data[i][j].green =logo_data[i][j].blue = 255*(1-get_number(fp));break;case '2':/* Plain PGM */maxval = get_number(fp);for (i = 0; i < logo_height; i++)for (j = 0; j < logo_width; j++)logo_data[i][j].red = logo_data[i][j].green =logo_data[i][j].blue = get_number255(fp, maxval);break;case '3':/* Plain PPM */maxval = get_number(fp);for (i = 0; i < logo_height; i++)for (j = 0; j < logo_width; j++) {logo_data[i][j].red = get_number255(fp, maxval);logo_data[i][j].green = get_number255(fp, maxval);logo_data[i][j].blue = get_number255(fp, maxval);}break;}/* close file */fclose(fp);
}static inline int is_black(struct color c)
{return c.red == 0 && c.green == 0 && c.blue == 0;
}static inline int is_white(struct color c)
{return c.red == 255 && c.green == 255 && c.blue == 255;
}static inline int is_gray(struct color c)
{return c.red == c.green && c.red == c.blue;
}static inline int is_equal(struct color c1, struct color c2)
{return c1.red == c2.red && c1.green == c2.green && c1.blue == c2.blue;
}static void write_header(void)
{/* open logo file */if (outputname) {out = fopen(outputname, "w");if (!out)die("Cannot create file %s: %s\n", outputname, strerror(errno));} else {out = stdout;}fputs("/*\n", out);fputs(" *  DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!\n", out);fputs(" *\n", out);fprintf(out, " *  It was automatically generated from %s\n", filename);fputs(" *\n", out);fprintf(out, " *  Linux logo %s\n", logoname);fputs(" */\n\n", out);fputs("#include <linux/linux_logo.h>\n\n", out);fprintf(out, "static unsigned char %s_data[] __initdata = {\n",logoname);
}static void write_footer(void)
{fputs("\n};\n\n", out);fprintf(out, "const struct linux_logo %s __initconst = {\n", logoname);fprintf(out, "\t.type\t\t= %s,\n", logo_types[logo_type]);fprintf(out, "\t.width\t\t= %d,\n", logo_width);fprintf(out, "\t.height\t\t= %d,\n", logo_height);if (logo_type == LINUX_LOGO_CLUT224) {fprintf(out, "\t.clutsize\t= %d,\n", logo_clutsize);fprintf(out, "\t.clut\t\t= %s_clut,\n", logoname);}fprintf(out, "\t.data\t\t= %s_data\n", logoname);fputs("};\n\n", out);/* close logo file */if (outputname)fclose(out);
}static int write_hex_cnt;static void write_hex(unsigned char byte)
{if (write_hex_cnt % 12)fprintf(out, ", 0x%02x", byte);else if (write_hex_cnt)fprintf(out, ",\n\t0x%02x", byte);elsefprintf(out, "\t0x%02x", byte);write_hex_cnt++;
}static void write_logo_mono(void)
{unsigned int i, j;unsigned char val, bit;/* validate image */for (i = 0; i < logo_height; i++)for (j = 0; j < logo_width; j++)if (!is_black(logo_data[i][j]) && !is_white(logo_data[i][j]))die("Image must be monochrome\n");/* write file header */write_header();/* write logo data */for (i = 0; i < logo_height; i++) {for (j = 0; j < logo_width;) {for (val = 0, bit = 0x80; bit && j < logo_width; j++, bit >>= 1)if (logo_data[i][j].red)val |= bit;write_hex(val);}}/* write logo structure and file footer */write_footer();
}static void write_logo_vga16(void)
{unsigned int i, j, k;unsigned char val;/* validate image */for (i = 0; i < logo_height; i++)for (j = 0; j < logo_width; j++) {for (k = 0; k < 16; k++)if (is_equal(logo_data[i][j], clut_vga16[k]))break;if (k == 16)die("Image must use the 16 console colors only\n""Use ppmquant(1) -map clut_vga16.ppm to reduce the number ""of colors\n");}/* write file header */write_header();/* write logo data */for (i = 0; i < logo_height; i++)for (j = 0; j < logo_width; j++) {for (k = 0; k < 16; k++)if (is_equal(logo_data[i][j], clut_vga16[k]))break;val = k<<4;if (++j < logo_width) {for (k = 0; k < 16; k++)if (is_equal(logo_data[i][j], clut_vga16[k]))break;val |= k;}write_hex(val);}/* write logo structure and file footer */write_footer();
}#if 0
static void write_logo_clut224(void)
{unsigned int i, j, k;/* validate image */for (i = 0; i < logo_height; i++)for (j = 0; j < logo_width; j++) {for (k = 0; k < logo_clutsize; k++)if (is_equal(logo_data[i][j], logo_clut[k]))break;if (k == logo_clutsize) {if (logo_clutsize == MAX_LINUX_LOGO_COLORS)die("Image has more than %d colors\n""Use ppmquant(1) to reduce the number of colors\n",MAX_LINUX_LOGO_COLORS);logo_clut[logo_clutsize++] = logo_data[i][j];}}/* write file header */write_header();/* write logo data */for (i = 0; i < logo_height; i++)for (j = 0; j < logo_width; j++) {for (k = 0; k < logo_clutsize; k++)if (is_equal(logo_data[i][j], logo_clut[k]))break;write_hex(k+32);}fputs("\n};\n\n", out);/* write logo clut */fprintf(out, "static unsigned char %s_clut[] __initdata = {\n",logoname);write_hex_cnt = 0;for (i = 0; i < logo_clutsize; i++) {write_hex(logo_clut[i].red);write_hex(logo_clut[i].green);write_hex(logo_clut[i].blue);}/* write logo structure and file footer */write_footer();
static void write_logo_clut224(void)
{unsigned int i, j, k;unsigned char *clut224_data = NULL;unsigned char clutsize_array[4] = {0};unsigned char x[4] = {0}, y[4] = {0};FILE* fp = NULL;int fd = 0, ret = -1;//size_t ret = 0;/* validate image */for (i = 0; i < logo_height; i++)for (j = 0; j < logo_width; j++) {for (k = 0; k < logo_clutsize; k++)if (is_equal(logo_data[i][j], logo_clut[k]))break;if (k == logo_clutsize) {if (logo_clutsize == MAX_LINUX_LOGO_COLORS)die("Image has more than %d colors\n""Use ppmquant(1) to reduce the number of colors\n",MAX_LINUX_LOGO_COLORS);logo_clut[logo_clutsize++] = logo_data[i][j];}}clut224_data = (unsigned char *)malloc(logo_height*logo_width);if(!clut224_data){//fprintf(stderr, "clut224 data malloc error!\n");printf("clut224 data malloc error!\n");exit(1);}printf("logo width:%d, height:%d, clutsize:%d\n", logo_width, logo_height, logo_clutsize);   /* write logo data */for (i = 0; i < logo_height; i++)for (j = 0; j < logo_width; j++) {for (k = 0; k < logo_clutsize; k++)if (is_equal(logo_data[i][j], logo_clut[k]))break;//write_hex(k+32);clut224_data[i*logo_width+j] = k+32;}//fp = fopen(outputname, "w");//if(!fp){fd = open(outputname, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0644);if(fd < 0 ){fprintf(stderr, "open the output file error!\n");exit(1);}/* write width to output file */x[0] = (logo_width>>24)&0xff;x[1] = (logo_width>>16)&0xff;x[2] = (logo_width>>8)&0xff;x[3] = logo_width&0xff;ret = write(fd, x, 4);if(ret != 4){printf("write logo width error!\n");free(clut224_data);close(fd);exit(1);}/* write height to output file */y[0] = (logo_height>>24)&0xff;y[1] = (logo_height>>16)&0xff;y[2] = (logo_height>>8)&0xff;y[3] = logo_height&0xff;ret = write(fd, y, 4);if(ret != 4){printf("write logo height error!\n");free(clut224_data);close(fd);exit(1);}/* write index struct to the output file *///ret = fwrite(clut224_data, sizeof(unsigned char), logo_height*logo_width, fp);ret = write(fd, clut224_data, logo_width*logo_height);if(ret != logo_height*logo_width){printf("write clut index error!\n");free(clut224_data);close(fd);exit(1);}/* write logo_clutsize to output file */clutsize_array[0] = (logo_clutsize>>24)&0xff;clutsize_array[1] = (logo_clutsize>>16)&0xff;clutsize_array[2] = (logo_clutsize>>8)&0xff;clutsize_array[3] = logo_clutsize&0xff;//ret = fwrite(clutsize_array, sizeof(unsigned char), sizeof(int), fp);ret = write(fd, clutsize_array, 4);if(ret != 4){printf("write clutsize error!\n");free(clut224_data);close(fd);exit(1);}/* write logo clut */write_hex_cnt = 0;for (i = 0; i < logo_clutsize; i++) {//write_hex(logo_clut[i].red);//write_hex(logo_clut[i].green);//write_hex(logo_clut[i].blue);write(fd, &logo_clut[i].red, 1);write(fd, &logo_clut[i].green, 1);write(fd, &logo_clut[i].blue, 1);}free(clut224_data);close(fd);}
#endifstatic void write_logo_gray256(void)
{unsigned int i, j;/* validate image */for (i = 0; i < logo_height; i++)for (j = 0; j < logo_width; j++)if (!is_gray(logo_data[i][j]))die("Image must be grayscale\n");/* write file header */write_header();/* write logo data */for (i = 0; i < logo_height; i++)for (j = 0; j < logo_width; j++)write_hex(logo_data[i][j].red);/* write logo structure and file footer */write_footer();
}static void die(const char *fmt, ...)
{va_list ap;va_start(ap, fmt);vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);va_end(ap);exit(1);
}static void usage(void)
{die("\n""Usage: %s [options] <filename>\n""\n""Valid options:\n""    -h          : display this usage information\n""    -n <name>   : specify logo name (default: linux_logo)\n""    -o <output> : output to file <output> instead of stdout\n""    -t <type>   : specify logo type, one of\n""                      mono    : monochrome black/white\n""                      vga16   : 16 colors VGA text palette\n""                      clut224 : 224 colors (default)\n""                      gray256 : 256 levels grayscale\n""\n", programname);
}int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{int opt;programname = argv[0];opterr = 0;while (1) {opt = getopt(argc, argv, "hn:o:t:");if (opt == -1)break;switch (opt) {case 'h':usage();break;case 'n':logoname = optarg;break;case 'o':outputname = optarg;break;case 't':if (!strcmp(optarg, "mono"))logo_type = LINUX_LOGO_MONO;else if (!strcmp(optarg, "vga16"))logo_type = LINUX_LOGO_VGA16;else if (!strcmp(optarg, "clut224"))logo_type = LINUX_LOGO_CLUT224;else if (!strcmp(optarg, "gray256"))logo_type = LINUX_LOGO_GRAY256;elseusage();break;default:usage();break;}}if (optind != argc-1)usage();filename = argv[optind];read_image();switch (logo_type) {case LINUX_LOGO_MONO://write_logo_mono();fprintf(stderr, "This type is not support!\n");break;case LINUX_LOGO_VGA16://write_logo_vga16();fprintf(stderr, "This type is not support!\n");break;case LINUX_LOGO_CLUT224:write_logo_clut224();break;case LINUX_LOGO_GRAY256://write_logo_gray256();fprintf(stderr, "This type is not support!\n");break;}exit(0);


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