错误1:Parse ErrorParse errors usually occur in code written for compilers that use nonstandard keywords or type names. (See the question on providing definitions of these names.)

 If you're getting parse errors make sure that the required libraries are included by using the +posixlib or +unixlib flags.  If you're using nonstandard gnu extensions the +gnuextensions flag make be helpful.

       However, Splint doesn't yet support all C99 extensions so there are some legitimate C programs that will need to be modified.

错误2:> *** Cannot continue.

Usually, splint does not use system headers for two reasons:

(1) The system headers are not intended to be parse-able by compilers    other than the system one (so they often use proprietary    extensions).

(2) Splint works best on annotated source. The *.lcd libraries used by    splint instead of the system headers are created from annotated    headers (see e.g. lib/unix.h).

You might use the '+skipsysheaders' and '-sysdirs /usr/include' flagsto tell splint which are the system headers to skip.

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