
1 项目概述

1.1 概况


2.2 主要特点


2.3 开发环境及运行环境


2 需求分析


3.1 前端


3.2 单机版

3.2.1 行棋规则

单跨:单跨是指棋子可以一次跨过与它在同一直线上的几枚棋子,但前提是:跨过的 几枚棋子的号码要通过四则运算计算出所要行跨的这枚棋子的号码数。

① 所跨过的棋子之间不论有多少空位,都可以一次跨过;
② 起点和落点在同一直线上,且落点必须在所跨过棋子最末棋前方相邻的空位上;
③ 跨过棋子的号码必须全部参与运算,而且只能参与一次运算。

3.2.2 胜负规则

计分方法(积和法):棋子的编号数乘以该棋子所占对方阵营空位的编号数是该棋子的得分,然后将每枚棋子的得分相加即为总得分。可以想到,当对号入座的时候得分最高为285分,即:0 * 0 + 1 * 1 + 2 * 2 + 3 * 3 + …… + 9 * 9 = 285。

3.2.3 图形界面


3.2.4 键鼠监控


3.3 网络版

3.3.1 服务器


3.3.2 客户端多线程实现


3.3.3 通信协议


3.3.4 图形界面更新


3.3.5 棋盘坐标规定

国际数棋规定为 15 * 15 的菱形棋盘,棋子放置于交叉点,以左上角为坐标轴 原点(0, 0),横轴为 x 轴,纵轴为 y 轴,棋盘上角坐标为(7, 0),左角坐标为(0, 7), 右角坐标为(14, 7),下角坐标为(7, 14)。

3.4 AI版

3.4.1 评估函数


3.4.2 AI算法实现


4 关键函数


4.2.1 前端


qianduan.py: 绘制棋盘


def drawChessBoard(nameA, nameB, chessBoard, turn):if turn == 1:txt = big_Ziti.render('请' + nameA + '走棋', True, AtxtColor)screen.blit(txt, (150, 520))else:txt = big_Ziti.render('请' + nameB + '走棋', True, BtxtColor)screen.blit(txt, (700, 520))#画左侧棋盘def drawLeft(x=0, y=7):#棋子与右上、右下两两连线xx, yy = getChessPos(chessBoard, x, y)xUp, yUp = getChessPos(chessBoard, x+1, y+1)xDown, yDown = getChessPos(chessBoard, x+1, y-1)pygame.draw.line(screen, black, (xx, yy), (xUp, yUp), 3)pygame.draw.line(screen, black, (xx, yy), (xDown, yDown), 3)pygame.draw.line(screen, black, (xUp, yUp), (xDown, yDown), 3)x = x+1#递归7次,完成左侧棋盘的绘制if x >= 7:returndrawLeft(x, y+1)drawLeft(x, y-1)#画右侧棋盘def drawRight(x=14, y=7):xx, yy = getChessPos(chessBoard, x, y)xUp, yUp = getChessPos(chessBoard, x-1, y+1)xDown, yDown = getChessPos(chessBoard, x-1, y-1)pygame.draw.line(screen, black, (xx, yy), (xUp, yUp), 3)pygame.draw.line(screen, black, (xx, yy), (xDown, yDown), 3)pygame.draw.line(screen, black, (xUp, yUp), (xDown, yDown), 3)x = x-1if x <= 7:returndrawRight(x, y+1)drawRight(x, y-1)drawLeft(0, 7)drawRight(14, 7)#画格子basicZiti = pygame.font.Font(None, 24)#在棋盘的65个坐标点上画小圆圈for i in range(1, 65):x, y = getChessPos(chessBoard, chessBoard[i][0], chessBoard[i][1])if i <= 10:pygame.draw.circle(screen, AcellColor, (x, y), cellRadius, 0)screen.blit(basicZiti.render(str(i - 1), True, black),(x - chessRadius/3 + 2, y - chessRadius / 3))elif i <= 54:pygame.draw.circle(screen, cellColor, (x, y), cellRadius, 0)else:pygame.draw.circle(screen, BcellColor, (x, y), cellRadius, 0)if i == 64:screen.blit(basicZiti.render("0", True, black),(x - chessRadius/3 + 2, y - chessRadius / 3))else:screen.blit(basicZiti.render(str(i-54), True, black),(x - chessRadius/3 + 2, y - chessRadius / 3)) 绘制棋子

def drawChess(chessBoard):basicZiti = pygame.font.Font(None, 24)for i in range(1,65):if chessBoard[i][2] > 0:x, y = getChessPos(chessBoard, chessBoard[i][0], chessBoard[i][1])if chessBoard[i][2] <= 10:pygame.draw.circle(screen, AchessColorOut, (x, y), chessRadius, 0)pygame.draw.circle(screen, AchessColorIn, (x, y), chessRadius - 3, 0)else:pygame.draw.circle(screen, BchessColorOut,(x, y), chessRadius, 0)pygame.draw.circle(screen, BchessColorIn,(x, y), chessRadius - 3,0)q = str((chessBoard[i][2] - 1) % 10)screen.blit(basicZiti.render(q, True, black), (x-4.5, y-7)) 用户友好性


def drawCircle(x,y):pygame.draw.circle(screen, yellow, (x + chessRadius, y + chessRadius), chessRadius + 3, 3)

4.2.2 单机版


chess_board = {29:[7,0,0],22:[6,1,0],           37:[8,1,0],16:[5,2,0],           30:[7,2,0],           44:[9,2,0],11:[4,3,0],           23:[6,3,0],           38:[8,3,0],           50:[10,3,0],5:[3,4,5],           17:[5,4,0],           31:[7,4,0],           45:[9,4,0],            55:[11,4,12],6:[2,5,6],          12:[4,5,0],           24:[6,5,0],           39:[8,5,0],           51:[10,5,0],             61:[12,5,18],10:[1,6,10],        3:[3,6,3],           18:[5,6,0],           32:[7,6,0],           46:[9,6,0],            57:[11,6,14],            62:[13,6,19],1:[0,7,1],          7:[2,7,7],          13:[4,7,0],           25:[6,7,0],           40:[8,7,0],           52:[10,7,0],             60:[12,7,17],            64:[14,7,11],9:[1,8,9],          4:[3,8,4],           19:[5,8,0],           33:[7,8,0],           47:[9,8,0],            56:[11,8,13],            63:[13,8,20],8:[2,9,8],          14:[4,9,0],           26:[6,9,0],           41:[8,9,0],           53:[10,9,0],             59:[12,9,16],2:[3,10,2],          20:[5,10,0],          34:[7,10,0],           48:[9,10,0],           58:[11,10,15],15:[4,11,0],          27:[6,11,0],          42:[8,11,0],          54:[10,11,0],21:[5,12,0],          35:[7,12,0],           49:[9,12,0],28:[6,13,0],          43:[8,13,0],  36:[7,14,0],}

houduan.py: “移”操作判断

def yiJudge(chessBoard, source, goal):#求出起始点到目的点的距离xDis = abs(chessBoard[source][0] - chessBoard[goal][0])yDis = abs(chessBoard[source][1] - chessBoard[goal][1])#目标点没有棋子占位if chessBoard[source][2] == 0 or chessBoard[goal][2] != 0:return Falseif (xDis == yDis and xDis == 1) or (xDis == 0 and yDis == 2):return Truereturn False “邻”操作判断

def linJudge(chessBoard, source, goal):xDis = abs(chessBoard[source][0] - chessBoard[goal][0])yDis = abs(chessBoard[source][1] - chessBoard[goal][1])#斜跳:横纵差两格,纵跳:纵向差两格if (xDis == yDis and xDis == 2) or (xDis == 0 and yDis == 4):#起始点到目标点中间格子坐标xMid = (chessBoard[source][0] + chessBoard[goal][0]) / 2yMid = (chessBoard[source][1] + chessBoard[goal][1]) / 2mid = getChessIndex(chessBoard, xMid, yMid)#起始点到目标点中间有棋子if chessBoard[mid][2] > 0:return Truereturn False “单跨”操作判断

global shizi
shizi = ''
def dankuaJudge(chessBoard, source, goal):xDis = abs(chessBoard[source][0] - chessBoard[goal][0])yDis = abs(chessBoard[source][1] - chessBoard[goal][1])#判断单跨是否在一条直线上if xDis != yDis or (xDis == 0 and yDis <= 4):return False#若在一条水平直线上,返回Falseif yDis == 0:return False#纵坐标差表示连线棋子数cellNum = yDis#用列表存储连线上棋子的值chessList = []chessNum = yDis#起始点到目标点的单位向量if xDis != 0:sgX = (chessBoard[goal][0] - chessBoard[source][0]) / xDiselse:sgX = 0sgY = (chessBoard[goal][1] - chessBoard[source][1]) / yDisif chessBoard[source][2] < 11:res = chessBoard[source][2] - 1else:res = chessBoard[source][2] - 11#斜着跨if xDis != 0:lst = getChessIndex(chessBoard, chessBoard[source][0] + sgX * (cellNum - 1), chessBoard[source][1] + sgY * (cellNum - 1))print(lst)if chessBoard[lst][2] == 0:return False#遍历连线间的所有格子for i in range(1, cellNum):cell = getChessIndex(chessBoard, chessBoard[source][0] + sgX * i, chessBoard[source][1] + sgY * i)#如果这个格子上有棋子,将其值加入列表if chessBoard[cell][2] > 0:chessNum += 1if chessBoard[cell][2] < 11:chessList.append(chessBoard[cell][2] - 1)else:chessList.append(chessBoard[cell][2] - 11)#垂直跨同理else:lst = getChessIndex(chessBoard, chessBoard[source][0], chessBoard[source][1] + sgY * (cellNum - 2))if chessBoard[lst][2] == 0:return False#垂直跨越时格子数为一半for i in range(1, int(cellNum / 2)):cell = getChessIndex(chessBoard, chessBoard[source][0], chessBoard[source][1] + sgY * i * 2)if chessBoard[cell][2] > 0:chessNum += 1if chessBoard[cell][2] < 11:chessList.append(chessBoard[cell][2] - 1)else:chessList.append(chessBoard[cell][2] - 11)#两个棋子以下不能跨if chessNum < 2:return Falseif chessBoard[source][2] < 11:sourceNum = chessBoard[source][2] - 1else:sourceNum = chessBoard[source][2] - 11root = Tk()Label(root, text = "请输入四则运算表达式").pack()Label(root, text = "可用数字: ").pack()Label(root, text = str(chessList)).pack()Label(root, text = "需要得到结果: ").pack()Label(root, text = str(sourceNum)).pack()b1 = Label(root, text = "请输入表达式:")root.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (500, 300, 480, (windowHeight) / 2))button_text = StringVar() #管理部件上的字符 一般用于button上b1.pack()  # 这里的side可以赋值为LEFT  RTGHT TOP  BOTTOMxls = Entry(root, textvariable=button_text)button_text.set("")xls.pack()Button(root, text="确认", command=root.destroy).pack( expand=YES)root.mainloop()expression = button_text.get()global shizishizi = expressionexp = re.findall(r"\d+", expression) #将输入的字符串运算式的数字转换到为列表exp = list(map(int,exp)) #将列表元素转换为整型exp.sort()chessList.sort()#输入数字是否与棋子对应if exp != chessList:root3 = Tk()Label(root3,text="错了,再想想").pack()root3.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (200, 100, (windowHeight + 650) / 2, (windowHeight + 50) / 2))root3.mainloop()return Falseif formulaJudge(expression, res) == False:root3 = Tk()Label(root3,text="错了,再想想").pack()root3.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (200, 100, (windowHeight + 650) / 2, (windowHeight + 50) / 2))root3.mainloop()return Falsereturn Truedef formulaJudge(expression, re):operator = {'+':1, '-':1, '*':2, '/':2, '(':3, ')':3}expStack = []opeStack = []for i in expression:if i not in operator:expStack.append(i)else:if not opeStack:opeStack.append(i)else:if i == ')':for j in opeStack[::-1]:if j != '(':expStack.append(j)opeStack.pop()else:opeStack.pop()breakelse:for j in opeStack[::-1]:if operator[j] >= operator[i] and j != '(':expStack.append(j)opeStack.pop()else:opeStack.append(i)breakif not opeStack:opeStack.append(i)if opeStack:k = opeStack.pop()expStack.append(k)numStack = []for i in expStack:if i not in operator:numStack.append(i)else:num2 = numStack.pop()num1 = numStack.pop()if i == '+':numStack.append(int(num1) + int(num2))elif i == '-':numStack.append(int(num1) - int(num2))elif i == '*':numStack.append(int(num1) * int(num2))elif i == '/':numStack.append(int(num1) / int(num2))else:return Falseif re == numStack.pop():return Trueelse:return False

单机版主函数中最重要的是实现国际数棋运行流程以及键鼠监控模块,通过pygame的函数可实现键鼠监控,通过while循环可实现对操作的循环读取。 单机版运行主函数

def SOLO():nameA, nameB = getName('solo')#画前端cb = copy.deepcopy(chess_board)stop = 0od = 0source = Nonegoal = Noneimg = pygame.image.load(way + "backgroud_pic.jpg")screen.blit(img, (0, 1))drawButtom(nameA, nameB)drawChessBoard(nameA, nameB, cb, od)drawChess(cb)Scores(cb)pygame.display.flip()Astack = []Bstack = []tChange = time_now()Cchess = 0over = 0#键鼠检测while 1:if over == 0:tNow = time_now()screen.blit(img, (0, 1))drawTime(30 - time_sub(tNow, tChange), od)drawButtom(nameA, nameB)drawChessBoard(nameA, nameB, cb, od)Scores(cb)drawChess(cb)if Cchess == 1:drawCircle(x - chessRadius, y - chessRadius)pygame.display.flip()if time_sub(tNow, tChange) == 30:if od == 0:stop, over = gameOver(nameA, nameB, cb, 1, img)else:stop, over = gameOver(nameA, nameB, cb, 2, img)mouse = 0for event in pygame.event.get():#游戏结束if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYUP and event.key == K_ESCAPE):pygame.quit()sys.exit()#不结束游戏则获取鼠标所在位置的x,y坐标elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:mouseX,mouseY = event.posmouse = 1if mouse == 1:index = getCoordinate(cb, mouseX, mouseY)#获得对应棋子编号#认输if ((AwantLose[0] < mouseX < AwantLose[0] + AwantLose[2]) and (AwantLose[1] < mouseY < AwantLose[1] + AwantLose[3])) and over == 0:stop = 1elif ((BwantLose[0] < mouseX < BwantLose[0] + BwantLose[2]) and (BwantLose[1] < mouseY < BwantLose[1] + BwantLose[3])) and over == 0:stop = 2#点击棋子elif index != None and cb[index][2] > 0 and over == 0:cb, od, source, x, y = clickChess(nameA, nameB, index, cb, od, source, img)if x != -1:Cchess = 1#点击目标elif index!=None and cb[index][2] == 0 and source != None and over == 0:index, cb, od, source, goal, img, Astack, Bstack, finish = clickDst(nameA, nameB, index, cb, od, source, goal, img, Astack, Bstack)if finish == 1:tChange = time_now()Cchess = 0#A悔棋elif (AgetBack[0] < mouseX < AgetBack[0] + AgetBack[2]) and (AgetBack[1] < mouseY < AgetBack[1] + AgetBack[3]) and od == 0 and over == 0:cb, od, Astack, Bstack = AwantBack(nameA, nameB, cb, od, Astack, Bstack, img)#B悔棋elif ((BgetBack[0] < mouseX < BgetBack[0] + AgetBack[2]) and (BgetBack[1] < mouseY < BgetBack[1] + BgetBack[3])) and od == 1 and over == 0:cb, od, Astack, Bstack = BwantBack(nameA, nameB, cb, od, Astack, Bstack, img)#A停棋elif (AstopRect[0] < mouseX < AstopRect[0] + AstopRect[2]) and (AstopRect[1] < mouseY < AstopRect[1] + AstopRect[3]) and over == 0:cb, stop, od = Astop(cb, stop, od, img)#B停棋elif (BstopRect[0] < mouseX < BstopRect[0] + BstopRect[2]) and (BstopRect[1] < mouseY < BstopRect[1] + BstopRect[3]) and over == 0:cb, stop, od = Bstop(cb, stop, od, img)else:click = pygame.mixer.Sound(way + '点击错误.wav')pygame.mixer.Sound.play(click)#结束游戏if stop != 0:stop, over = gameOver(nameA, nameB, cb, stop, img)elif over == 1 and ((quitRect[0] < mouseX < quitRect[0] + quitRect[2]) and (quitRect[1] < mouseY < quitRect[1] + quitRect[3])):pygame.quit()sys.exit()elif over == 1 and ((againRect[0] < mouseX < againRect[0] + againRect[2]) and (againRect[1] < mouseY < againRect[1] + againRect[3])):cb.clear()again() 用户友好性


def clickChess(nameA, nameB, index, cb, od, source, img):if od == 1:if cb[index][2] <= 20 and cb[index][2] > 10:click = pygame.mixer.Sound(way + '点击错误.wav')pygame.mixer.Sound.play(click)return cb, od, source, -1, -1if od == 0:if cb[index][2] <= 10 and 0 < cb[index][2]:click = pygame.mixer.Sound(way + '点击错误.wav')pygame.mixer.Sound.play(click)return cb, od, source, -1, -1click = pygame.mixer.Sound(way + '下棋音效.wav')pygame.mixer.Sound.play(click)source = indexx, y = getChessPos(cb, cb[index][0], cb[index][1])screen.blit(img, (0, 1))drawButtom(nameA, nameB)drawChessBoard(nameA, nameB, cb, od)Scores(cb)drawChess(cb)drawCircle(x - chessRadius, y - chessRadius)pygame.display.flip()return cb, od, source, x, y
def clickDst(nameA, nameB, index, cb, od, source, goal, img, Astack, Bstack):goal = indexfinish = 0if od == 1 and cb[source][2] < 11:if moveChess(cb, source, goal):click = pygame.mixer.Sound(way + '下棋音效.wav')pygame.mixer.Sound.play(click)od = 0Astack.append([source, goal])finish = 1elif od == 0 and cb[source][2] > 10:if moveChess(cb, source, goal):click = pygame.mixer.Sound(way + '下棋音效.wav')pygame.mixer.Sound.play(click)od = 1Bstack.append([source, goal])finish = 1if finish == 0:click = pygame.mixer.Sound(way + '点击错误.wav')pygame.mixer.Sound.play(click)source = Nonescreen.blit(img, (0, 1))drawButtom(nameA, nameB)drawChessBoard(nameA, nameB, cb, od)Scores(cb)drawChess(cb)pygame.display.flip()return index, cb, od, source, goal, img, Astack, Bstack, finish

4.2.3 网络版

Internet.py: 消息线程


q = []
def rcv_msg(player):while 1:revMsg = player.recv(1024)msg = revMsg.decode('utf-8')if msg != '':data = json.loads(msg)q.append(data)print(str(data)) 网络版主函数


def internet():#联网,若未连接则弹出错误try:player = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)player.connect((IP, 50005))except ConnectionRefusedError:root = Tk()root.title("错误")b1 = Label(root, text = "未连接网络")root.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (500, 300, 480, (windowHeight) / 2))b1.pack()Button(root, text="确认", command = root.destroy).pack(expand = YES)root.mainloop()returnt_msg = threading.Thread(target = rcv_msg, args = (player, ))t_msg.start()nameI = getName('web')#加入游戏joinGame_msg(player, nameI)#画前端cb = copy.deepcopy(chess_board)stop = 0 #叫停od = 0side = 0source = Nonegoal = Noneimg = pygame.image.load(way + "backgroud_pic.jpg")screen.blit(img, (0, 1))Astack = [] #记录A方的行棋Bstack = []x1, y1, x2, y2 = -1, -1, -1, -1tChange = time_now()Cchess = 0stop = 0over = 0match = 0total = 0while 1:if match == 1 and over == 0 and stop == 0:tNow = time_now()screen.blit(img, (0, 1))drawTime(30 - time_sub(tNow, tChange), od)drawButtom(nameA, nameB, 'web')drawChessBoard(nameA, nameB, cb, od)Scores(cb)drawChess(cb)if Cchess == 1:drawCircle(x - chessRadius, y - chessRadius)pygame.display.flip()if time_sub(tNow, tChange) == 30:if od == 0:stop, over = gameOver(nameA, nameB, cb, 1, img)else:stop, over = gameOver(nameA, nameB, cb, 2, img)if len(q) == 0 and over == 0 and stop == 0:screen.blit(img, (0, 1))drawMatch()pygame.display.flip()elif len(q) == 1 and match == 0 and over == 0 and stop == 0:match = 1nameIt = q[0]['counterpart_name']game_id = q[0]['game_id']side = q[0]['side']if side == 1:nameA = nameInameB = nameItelif side == 0:nameA = nameItnameB = nameIscreen.blit(img, (0, 1))drawButtom(nameA, nameB, 'web')drawChessBoard(nameA, nameB, cb, 0)drawChess(cb)Scores(cb)pygame.display.flip()elif len(q) > 1 and over == 0 and stop == 0:msg = q[-1]q.pop()if 'status' in msg:if msg['status'] == 2:clientSendQuit(player, side)#棋子移动if 'src' in msg and side != od:cb, od = ItClickDst(msg, nameA, nameB, cb, img, Astack, Bstack, side, od)tChange = time_now()total += 1if 'request' in msg and side != od:if msg['request'] == 'quit' and side != od:if side == 0:stop, over = gameOver(nameA, nameB, cb, 1, img)else:stop, over = gameOver(nameA, nameB, cb, 2, img)elif msg['request'] == 'stop' in msg and side != od:stop = 3elif msg['request'] == 'report' in msg and side != od:if side == 1:stop = 1else:stop = 2#结束游戏if stop != 0:stop, over = gameOver(nameA, nameB, cb, stop, img)clientSendQuit(player, side)mouse = 0for event in pygame.event.get():#游戏结束if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYUP and event.key == K_ESCAPE):if match == 1:sendWantLose(player, game_id, side)clientSendQuit(player, side)pygame.quit()sys.exit()#不结束游戏则获取鼠标所在位置的x,y坐标elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:mouseX,mouseY = event.posmouse = 1if mouse == 1 and len(q) >= 1:index = getCoordinate(cb, mouseX, mouseY)#获得对应棋子编号#认输if ((AwantLose[0] < mouseX < AwantLose[0] + AwantLose[2]) and (AwantLose[1] < mouseY < AwantLose[1] + AwantLose[3])) and side == 1 and over == 0:stop = 1sendWantLose(player, game_id, side)clientSendQuit(player, side)elif ((BwantLose[0] < mouseX < BwantLose[0] + BwantLose[2]) and (BwantLose[1] < mouseY < BwantLose[1] + BwantLose[3])) and side == 0 and over == 0:stop = 2sendWantLose(player, game_id, side)clientSendQuit(player, side)#点击棋子elif index != None and cb[index][2] > 0 and od == side and over == 0:cb, od, source, x, y = clickChess(nameA, nameB, index, cb, od, source, img)if x != -1:Cchess = 1x1 = cb[index][0]y1 = cb[index][1]#点击目标elif index!=None and cb[index][2] == 0 and source != None and od == side and over == 0:re = clickDst(nameA, nameB, index, cb, od, source, goal, img, Astack, Bstack, side)if re != False:tChange = time_now()Cchess = 0cb = re[1]od = re[2]source = re[3]goal = re[4]Astack = re[6]Bstack = re[7]x2 = cb[index][0]y2 = cb[index][1]if cb[index][2] <= 10:num = cb[index][2] - 1elif cb[index][2] > 10:num = cb[index][2] - 11sendMoveChess_msg(player, x1, y1, x2, y2, shizi, game_id, side, num)#countTime(nameA, nameB, od)#举报elif (AgetBack[0] < mouseX < AgetBack[0] + AgetBack[2]) and (AgetBack[1] < mouseY < AgetBack[1] + AgetBack[3]) and side == 0 and over == 0:if weiLi(side, cb, total):sendWeiLi(player, game_id, side)stop = 1elif ((BgetBack[0] < mouseX < BgetBack[0] + AgetBack[2]) and (BgetBack[1] < mouseY < BgetBack[1] + BgetBack[3])) and side == 1 and over == 0:if weiLi(side, cb, total):sendWeiLi(player, game_id, side)stop = 2#A停棋elif (AstopRect[0] < mouseX < AstopRect[0] + AstopRect[2]) and (AstopRect[1] < mouseY < AstopRect[1] + AstopRect[3]) and side == 1 and over == 0:cb, stop, od = Astop(cb, stop, od, img)sendStop_msg(player, game_id, side)clientSendQuit(player, side)#B停棋elif (BstopRect[0] < mouseX < BstopRect[0] + BstopRect[2]) and (BstopRect[1] < mouseY < BstopRect[1] + BstopRect[3]) and side == 0 and over == 0:cb, stop, od = Bstop(cb, stop, od, img)sendStop_msg(player, game_id, side)clientSendQuit(player, side)else:click = pygame.mixer.Sound(way + '点击错误.wav')pygame.mixer.Sound.play(click)#结束游戏if stop != 0:stop, over = gameOver(nameA, nameB, cb, stop, img)clientSendQuit(player, side)elif over == 1 and ((quitRect[0] < mouseX < quitRect[0] + quitRect[2]) and (quitRect[1] < mouseY < quitRect[1] + quitRect[3])):pygame.quit()sys.exit()elif over == 1 and ((againRect[0] < mouseX < againRect[0] + againRect[2]) and (againRect[1] < mouseY < againRect[1] + againRect[3])):cb.clear()again()

此文件就是用于实现对消息进行加工并发送的功能。下面给出发送下棋信息的消息作为例子,其余类似。消息格式由教员给出。 下棋信息

def sendMoveChess_msg(player, x1, y1, x2, y2, exp, game_id, side, num):dict = {'type' : 1,'msg' : {'game_id' : game_id,'side' : side,'num' : num,'src' : {'x' : x1,'y' : y1},'dst' : {'x' : x2,'y' : y2},'exp' : exp}}player.send(str(json.dumps(dict)).encode())

4.2.4 AI版

AI.py: AI版主函数


def AI():try:player = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)player.connect((IP, 50005))except ConnectionRefusedError:root = Tk()root.title("错误")b1 = Label(root, text = "未连接网络")root.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (500, 300, 480, (windowHeight) / 2))b1.pack()Button(root, text="确认", command = root.destroy).pack(expand = YES)root.mainloop()returnt_msg = threading.Thread(target = rcv_msg, args = (player, ))t_msg.start()nameI = '陈奕棠、戴浩淼'joinGame_msg(player, nameI)cb = copy.deepcopy(chess_board)stop = 0od = 0side = 0source = Nonegoal = Noneimg = pygame.image.load(way + "backgroud_pic.jpg")screen.blit(img, (0, 1))Astack = []Bstack = []x1, y1, x2, y2 = -1, -1, -1, -1tChange = time_now()Cchess = 0stop = 0over = 0match = 0total = 0while 1:if len(q) == 0 and over == 0 and stop == 0:screen.blit(img, (0, 1))drawMatch()pygame.display.flip()elif len(q) == 1 and match == 0 and over == 0 and stop == 0:match = 1nameIt = q[0]['counterpart_name']game_id = q[0]['game_id']side = q[0]['side']if side == 1:nameA = nameInameB = nameItelif side == 0:nameA = nameItnameB = nameIscreen.blit(img, (0, 1))drawButtom(nameA, nameB, 'web')drawChessBoard(nameA, nameB, cb, 0)drawChess(cb)Scores(cb)pygame.display.flip()elif len(q) > 1 and over == 0 and stop == 0:msg = q[-1]q.pop()if 'status' in msg:if msg['status'] == 2:clientSendQuit(player, side)elif msg['status'] == 3:if msg['side'] == side:sendChaoShi(player, side)if 'src' in msg and side != od:cb, od = ItClickDst(msg, nameA, nameB, cb, img, Astack, Bstack, side, od)tChange = time_now()total += 1if 'request' in msg and side != od:if msg['request'] == 'quit' and side != od:if side == 0:stop, over = gameOver(nameA, nameB, cb, 1, img)else:stop, over = gameOver(nameA, nameB, cb, 2, img)elif msg['request'] == 'stop' in msg and side != od:stop = 3elif msg['request'] == 'report' in msg and side != od:if side == 1:stop = 1else:stop = 2if od == side and match == 1 and stop == 0:#停棋if AIstop(cb, side):sendStop_msg(player, game_id, side)print('aaa')clientSendQuit(player, side)stop = 3source, goal, expression = bestMove(cb, side)index = getChessIndex(cb, cb[source][0], cb[source][1])#点击目标od = AIclickDst(nameA, nameB, cb, od, source, goal, img)x1, y1 = cb[source][0], cb[source][1]x2, y2 = cb[goal][0], cb[goal][1]if cb[goal][2] <= 10:num = cb[goal][2] - 1elif cb[goal][2] > 10:num = cb[goal][2] - 11sendMoveChess_msg(player, x1, y1, x2, y2, expression, game_id, side, num)if weiLi(side, cb, total):sendWeiLi(player, game_id, side)stop = 2

此文件主要实现AI版的搜索算法以及评估函数,是AI版最核心的部分。 评估函数


def evaluate(chessBoard, turn, side):total = 0if side == 1:if turn == 1:for i in range(1, 11):x, y = chessToPos(chessBoard, i)j = i + 10a, b = findPos(chessBoard, j)dis = 15 - ((x-a) ** 2 + (y-b) ** 2) ** 0.5if i == 1:total += dis * 6else:total += dis * ielif turn == 0:for i in range(11, 21):x, y = chessToPos(chessBoard, i)j = i - 10a, b = findPos(chessBoard, j)dis = ((x-a) ** 2 + (y-b) ** 2) ** 0.5 - 15if i == 11:total += dis * 6else:total += dis * (i-10)if side == 0:if turn == 1:for i in range(1, 11):x, y = chessToPos(chessBoard, i)j = i + 10a, b = findPos(chessBoard, j)dis = ((x-a) ** 2 + (y-b) ** 2) ** 0.5 - 15if i == 1:total += dis * 11else:total += dis * ielif turn == 0:for i in range(11, 21):x, y = chessToPos(chessBoard, i)j = i - 10a, b = findPos(chessBoard, j)dis = 15 - ((x-a) ** 2 + (y-b) ** 2) ** 0.5if i == 11:total += dis * 11else:total += dis * (i-10)return total alpaha_beta剪枝

1.当一个 MIN 层节点的 α值 ≤ β值时 ,剪掉该节点的所有未搜索子节点
2.当一个 MAX 层节点的 α值 ≥ β值时 ,剪掉该节点的所有未搜索子节点
其中α值是该层节点当前最有利的评分,β值是父节点当前的α值,根节点因为是MAX层,所以 β值 初始化为正无穷大(+∞)。

def alpha_beta(chessBoard, depth, alpha, beta, turn, side):  # alpha-beta剪枝global best_moveif AIstop(chessBoard, turn):return -INSif depth == 0:return evaluate(chessBoard, turn, side)move_list = allMove(chessBoard, turn)move_list.sort(key = getListIndex)for i in range(len(move_list)):move_list[i][4] = get_score(turn, move_list[i][0], move_list[i][2])move_list.sort(key = getListIndex)score_list = []good_move = move_list[0]for move in move_list:go(chessBoard, move[1], move[2])if turn == 1:score = -alpha_beta(chessBoard, depth - 1, -beta, -alpha, 0, side)  # 因为是一层选最大一层选最小,所以利用取负号来实现else:score = -alpha_beta(chessBoard, depth - 1, -beta, -alpha, 1, side)score_list.append(score)goback(chessBoard, move[1], move[2])if score > alpha:alpha = scoreif depth == maxDepth:best_move = movegood_move = moveif alpha >= beta:good_move = movebreakadd_score(turn, good_move[0], good_move[2], depth)return alpha


INS = 0x7fffffff
history_board = [[0 for i in range(65)] for j in range(21)]def get_score(turn, index, goal):return history_board[index][goal]def add_score(turn, index, goal, depth):history_board[index][goal] += 2 << depth

4.3 运行流程图

4.3.1 单机版

4.3.2 网络版

4.3.3 AI版

5 使用说明

安装库:pip install pygame==2.0.1

6 优化与改进

  1. 网络版在匹配未成功时退出会导致通信错误,服务器会断开连接。
  2. 网络版无法重新开始游戏,因为等待队列没有删除上一个玩家。
  3. AI版递归深度太浅,水平不高。递归深度为4时会超时。
  4. AI版的评估函数不够合理,单纯依靠绝对距离计算得分有很大缺陷。
  5. AI版没有应用棋谱,在开局和收尾阶段依靠评估函数计算会有劣势。


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