apple tv 开发

Apple is integrating Siri into everything and why not? It is a favorite of ours and works well whether it is on the Apple Watch or the iPhone or iPad. If you’re using an Apple TV however, you might want to disable it.

苹果正在将Siri集成到所有内容中,为什么不呢? 它是我们的最爱,无论是在Apple Watch还是iPhone或iPad上,它都可以很好地工作。 但是,如果您使用的是Apple TV,则可能要禁用它。

Of all Apple’s devices with Siri integration, the Apple TV might be the one where you can do without it and still enjoy the device near to its fullest potential.

在所有具有Siri集成的Apple设备中,Apple TV可能是您可以不用它而仍然可以尽享其最大潜力的设备。

Turning Siri off on the Apple TV is a very simple process. Additionally, you may want to leave Siri enabled but turn off its ability to use your location. We’ll show you how to disable that as well.

在Apple TV上关闭Siri是一个非常简单的过程。 此外,您可能希望启用Siri,但关闭其使用位置的功能。 我们还将向您展示如何禁用该功能。

在Apple TV上关闭Siri (Turning Off Siri on Apple TV)

To turn off Siri on your Apple TV, first open the Settings from the home screen.

要关闭Apple TV上的Siri,请首先从主屏幕打开“设置”。

Once you have the Settings open, click the “General” options.


Now simply scroll down and click on “Siri” and it will turn it off.

现在,只需向下滚动并单击“ Siri”,它将关闭它。

Turning Siri off is simple and can be accomplished in three clicks.

Like we said, it’s really simple and if you want to turn Siri back on, simply repeat the process.


在Apple TV上关闭Siri的定位服务 (Turning Off Siri’s Location Services on Apple TV)

Siri can also use your location to show you location based results however, if you don’t want Apple TV, let alone Siri to access your location, then you can turn that off as well.

Siri还可以使用您的位置来显示基于位置的结果,但是,如果您不希望使用Apple TV,更不用说Siri来访问您的位置了,那么您也可以将其关闭。

To do this, again open the General settings and then click open “Privacy”.


The first option let’s you turn Location Services on or off, which means that the Apple TV as well as Siri can tailor your user experience to your location.

第一个选项使您可以打开或关闭定位服务,这意味着Apple TV和Siri可以根据您的位置调整用户体验。

If you want to turn off Location Services for Siri only, then swipe down to the Siri option and click it.


You’ll have the choice to access your location while using Siri or never.


Quite honestly, this seems like an “On” or “Off” option but you get the idea.

Finally, if you want to read up on Siri and your privacy, then the final option in the General settings will let you peruse the facts.


Some extracurricular reading never hurts.

We understand why some people may not have any need to use Siri on their Apple TV, but we think it’s a pretty cool addition and actually enhances the user experience.

我们了解为什么有些人可能不需要在其Apple TV上使用Siri,但我们认为这是一个非常酷的功能,实际上可以增强用户体验。

Furthermore, turning off Location Services will appeal to more privacy conscious users, while turning it on will give you localized results.


If you found this article useful, or if you have any comments or questions you would like to contribute, please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.



apple tv 开发

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