Ving & P.P

  • 1> 分词分类
    • 例 1> Ving
    • 例 2> be ving
    • 例 3> P.P
    • 例 4> be P.P
  • 2> 分词 - 作形容词
    • 例 1> P.P + n
    • 例 2> n + P.P短语
    • 例 3> Ving + n
    • 例 4> n + Ving短语
  • 3> 分词例句
    • 例 1> talking with
    • 例 2> made
  • 4> S+V+C 句型(C为分词)
    • 例 1> raining
    • 例 2> closed
  • 5> come(来)go(去)sit(坐)stand(站)lie(躺)
    • 例 1>

1> 分词分类

例 1> Ving

The girl painting a picture over there is my sister.

  • The girl is my sister.
  • painting a picture over there: 在那边画画的
  • painting 现在分词,作形容词;

例 2> be ving

The girl is painting a picture over there.

  • 现在进行时;

例 3> P.P

The picture painted by my sister won the contest.

  • The picture won the contest.

  • 及物动词,必有宾语,若无宾语,必用被动;

例 4> be P.P

The picture was painted by my sister.

2> 分词 - 作形容词

例 1> P.P + n

I swept a lot of fallen leaves on the ground.

  • sweep-> swept -> swept
  • leaf -> leaves;
  • fall ->fell-> fallen.

例 2> n + P.P短语

I swept a lot of leaves fallen on the ground.

  • fallen on the ground : 分词短语;

例 3> Ving + n

Don’t wake up the sleeping baby.

  • 否定祈使句;

例 4> n + Ving短语

Don’t wake up the baby sleeping in the cradle;

3> 分词例句

例 1> talking with

The girl is talking with Tatum.

  • talk 不及物动词;配介词;
    talk with/ to sb;
    talk about

The girl talking with Tatum is Amy.

  • be动词, A=b

例 2> made

This car was made in china.

  • 一般过去时的被动;

This is a car made in china.

  • make -> made -> made;
  • 主系表句型;

4> S+V+C 句型(C为分词)

例 1> raining

It kept raining all day yesterday.

  • keep 系动词;
  • It is rainnig.

例 2> closed

His eyes remain closed.

  • closed p.p作形容词
  • closed 及物动词;

5> come(来)go(去)sit(坐)stand(站)lie(躺)

例 1>

My mom went shopping at the surpermarket.

a huge rock comes rolling from the mountain.

  • come rolling 滚过来;

  • go,come,sit,stand,lie + 【Ving】/【P.P】

The teacher sat surrounded by his students.

  • sur-round : v 环绕;

My mom went shopping at the surpermarket.

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