
  • 1> 定义
  • 2> 分类
  • 3> one / ones
    • 3.1> a blue one
    • 3.2> those black ones
    • 3.3> one / ones 只可代替可数名词
  • 4> one 可指一般人
  • 5> one/ the one/ it / that
    • 5.1> one
    • 5.2> it
    • 5.3> that
    • 5.4> the one

1> 定义


2> 分类

3> one / ones

3.1> a blue one

  • one : 代替不特定的单数名词;
  • ones : 代替不特定的复数名词;

Joile wears a red drss, but a blue one will suit her better .
Joile 穿着一条红色的裙子,但是蓝色的会更适合她。

  • suit : 花色适合;
    fit : 大小,尺存合适;
  • one : 不特定蓝色的那一件;

3.2> those black ones

I prefer these white jeans to those black ones.
比起那些黑色的, 我更加喜欢这些白色牛仔裤。

  • ones 代替neans;
  • prefer 【v.】更喜爱;
    prefer sth to sth;

3.3> one / ones 只可代替可数名词

I perfer white wine to red wine.
I like white wine better than red wine.
I like white wine better than red.

  • red wine 可省略;

4> one 可指一般人

One should do one‘s duty.
One should do their duty.
One person should do their duty.
People shoud do their duty.

  • One 不特定的个体;

One should accept others‘ advance.
One should listen to what other people say.

5> one/ the one/ it / that

5.1> one

I need a good camera. I have to buy one.

  • one : 没指定;
  • one = a / an + 单数名词

5.2> it

I bought a good camera. I’ll lend it to you.
I bought a good camera. I’ll lend the good camera to you.

  • it: 第二次提到;已特定;
  • it = the + 单数名词

5.3> that

The camera in the window is more expensive than in the store.

  • in the window 修饰 cmmera;
  • that = the + 单数名词 + 修饰语; // 单数名词重复;

5.4> the one

Is this camera yours?

No, It’s Curry’s, Mine is the one on the desk.
No, It’s Curry’s, Mine is that one on the desk.
不, 是Curry的。 我的是桌子上那台。

  • Mine is that on the dest. ( X )
    问句中camera 没有修饰语;答句中有修饰语;不能只能that代替;

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