冲减金额部分 -- 支付的核心功能



@GetMapping("/deductAccountBalance")@ApiOperation(value = "80103冲减金额", response = MemberAccountBillDO.class)public AjaxJson deductAccountBalance(@Valid DeductAccountBalanceDTO deductAccountBalanceDTO) {log.info("deductAccountBalance...deductAccountBalanceDTO = " + JSON.toJSONString(deductAccountBalanceDTO));memberAccountManager.deductAccountBalance(deductAccountBalanceDTO);return new AjaxJson(null, true, "操作成功", 0);}


/*** 平台冲减--扣除账户余额** @return MemberAccountDO* @date 2021/2/25*/void deductAccountBalance(DeductAccountBalanceDTO deductAccountBalanceDTO);


@Override@Transactional(value = "tradeTransactionManager", propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, rollbackFor = Exception.class)public void deductAccountBalance(DeductAccountBalanceDTO deductAccountBalanceDTO) {log.info("deductAccountBalance...");int memberId = null == deductAccountBalanceDTO.getMemberId() ? 0 : deductAccountBalanceDTO.getMemberId();if (memberId < 1) {throw new ServiceException("500", "会员ID信息不合法");}/** 获取页面传值加工处理 */BigDecimal amount = deductAccountBalanceDTO.getAmount();// 账户类型:1-余额,2-积分,3-金币,4-保证金,5-股份;int accountTypeCode = deductAccountBalanceDTO.getAccountTypeCode();String accountTypeName = AccountTypeEnum.getValue(accountTypeCode + "");// 流水方向:0-默认;1-业务收入;2-业务支出;3-系统收入;4-系统支出;5-平台服务费; int billTypeCode = 0;String billTypeName = "";// 账单类型int busiTypeCode = 0;String busiTypeName = "";String busiDescribe = deductAccountBalanceDTO.getBusiDescribe();    // 页面备注/** 充值或扣减判断,业务类型和流水类型赋值处理 */if (5050 == deductAccountBalanceDTO.getBusiTypeCode()) {// 流水类型:0-默认;1-业务收入;2-业务支出;billTypeCode = AccountBillTypeEnum.ACCOUNT_BILL_BUSI_IN.getCode();billTypeName = AccountBillTypeEnum.ACCOUNT_BILL_BUSI_IN.getMsg();// 账单类型busiTypeCode = AccountBusiTypeEnum.PLATFORM_SERVE_SYS_RECHARGE.getCode();busiTypeName = AccountBusiTypeEnum.PLATFORM_SERVE_SYS_RECHARGE.getMsg();} else if (5060 == deductAccountBalanceDTO.getBusiTypeCode()) {// 流水类型:0-默认;1-业务收入;2-业务支出;billTypeCode = AccountBillTypeEnum.ACCOUNT_BILL_BUSI_OUT.getCode();billTypeName = AccountBillTypeEnum.ACCOUNT_BILL_BUSI_OUT.getMsg();// 账单类型busiTypeCode = AccountBusiTypeEnum.PLATFORM_SERVE_SYS_DEDUCT.getCode();busiTypeName = AccountBusiTypeEnum.PLATFORM_SERVE_SYS_DEDUCT.getMsg();} else {// 抛出异常throw new ServiceException("500", "冲减类型不合法");}log.info("memberId = " + memberId + "amount = " + amount + "accountTypeCode = " + accountTypeCode+ "accountTypeName = " + accountTypeName + "billTypeCode = " + billTypeCode + "busiTypeCode = " + busiTypeCode);/** 数据库操作 */accountRechargeOrDeduct(memberId, amount, accountTypeCode, accountTypeName, billTypeCode, billTypeName,busiTypeCode, busiTypeName, busiDescribe);}/*** @param @param memberId* @param @param amount* @param @param accountTypeCode* @param @param accountTypeName* @param @param billTypeCode* @param @param billTypeName* @param @param busiTypeCode* @param @param busiTypeName* @param @param busiDescribe    参数* @return void    返回类型* @throws* @Title: accountRechargeOrDeduct* @Description: 2021年3月1日 上午11:18:57 账户充值或扣减*/public void accountRechargeOrDeduct(int memberId, BigDecimal amount, int accountTypeCode, String accountTypeName,int billTypeCode, String billTypeName, int busiTypeCode, String busiTypeName, String busiDescribe) {log.info("accountRecharge...");// SQL 和 参数String sql = "";List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>();if (1 == billTypeCode) {// 充值sql = "update es_member_account set blance_total = blance_total + " + amount + ", "+ "blance_useable = blance_useable + " + amount + " "+ "where member_id = " + memberId + " and account_type_code = " + accountTypeCode + " ";}if (2 == billTypeCode) {/** 如果是扣减,先判断扣减金额是否超出现有的可用金额,友好提示 */MemberAccountVO memberAccountVO = getByAccountTypeCode(memberId, accountTypeCode);log.info("amount = " + amount + "blanceUseable = " + memberAccountVO.getBlanceUseable());if (amount.compareTo(memberAccountVO.getBlanceUseable()) <= 0) {// 扣减sql = "update es_member_account set blance_total = blance_total - " + amount + ", "+ "blance_useable = blance_useable - " + amount + " "+ "where member_id = " + memberId + " and account_type_code = " + accountTypeCode+ " and blance_useable - " + amount + " >= 0 ";} else {throw new ServiceException("500", "扣减金额应小于当前可用金额");}}log.info("sql = " + sql);// 更新主表daoSupport.execute(sql, params.toArray());sql = "insert into es_member_account_bill ("+ "member_id, member_name, account_type_code, account_type_name, "+ "bill_type_code, bill_type_name, busi_type_code, busi_type_name, "+ "amount, balance, fee, "+ "exchange_amount, busi_sn, busi_describe, busi_date, bill_date ) "+ "select "+ "member_id, member_name, " + accountTypeCode + ", '" + accountTypeName + "', "+ "" + billTypeCode + ", '" + billTypeName + "', " + busiTypeCode + ", '" + busiTypeName + "', "+ "" + amount + ", (blance_useable + balance_unsettle + order_freeze + withdraw_freeze), 0, "+ "0, id, '" + busiDescribe + "', now(), now() "+ "from es_member_account "+ "where member_id = " + memberId + " and account_type_code = " + accountTypeCode + " for update ";log.info("sql = " + sql);// 插入流水表daoSupport.execute(sql, params.toArray());}public static void main(String[] args) {log.info("main...");int accountTypeCode = 2;String accountTypeName = AccountTypeEnum.getValue(accountTypeCode + "");log.info("accountTypeCode = " + accountTypeCode + ", accountTypeName = " + accountTypeName);}


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