
class Solution:def spiralOrder(self, matrix: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:if not matrix:return []if len(matrix)==1:return matrix[0]m,n = len(matrix),len(matrix[0])directions = [(0,1),(0,-1),(1,0),(-1,0)]      # right, left, down, uptop, bottom, left, right = 1, m-1, 0, n-1ans, count = [], 0i, j, cur_d = 0, 0, directions[0]while count < m*n:ans.append(matrix[i][j])count += 1if (j == right) and (cur_d == directions[0]):cur_d = directions[2]right -= 1elif i == bottom and cur_d == directions[2]:cur_d = directions[1]bottom -= 1elif j == left and cur_d == directions[1]:cur_d = directions[3]left += 1elif i == top and cur_d == directions[3]:cur_d = directions[0]top += 1m_i, m_j = cur_di, j = i+m_i, j+m_jreturn ans



class Solution:def spiralOrder(self, matrix: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:if not matrix or not matrix[0]:return list()rows, columns = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])order = list()left, right, top, bottom = 0, columns - 1, 0, rows - 1while left <= right and top <= bottom:for column in range(left, right + 1):order.append(matrix[top][column])for row in range(top + 1, bottom + 1):order.append(matrix[row][right])if left < right and top < bottom:for column in range(right - 1, left, -1):order.append(matrix[bottom][column])for row in range(bottom, top, -1):order.append(matrix[row][left])left, right, top, bottom = left + 1, right - 1, top + 1, bottom - 1return order



class Solution:def canJump(self, nums: List[int]) -> bool:n = len(nums)pl, pr = 0, 0ran = 0while 1: for i in range(pl,pr+1):if ran < i+nums[i]:ran = i+nums[i]if ran >= n-1:return Trueif ran <= pr:return Falsenpl, pr = pr+1, ran

如果使用暴力解法,我们需要查找所有可能,会出现很多重复,时间复杂度为O(n2)。另一种想法是我们设法找到每一步的查找范围,使得不同步查找范围间没有交集。具体方法如下:对于前一个查找范围[pl, pr],我们找到该范围能跳到的最远位置ran。如果ran>n-1,则可以跳到终点;如果ran<=pr,则说明不会有新的搜索范围产生,无法到达终点;除这两种情况外,更新搜索区间为[pr+1, ran],继续搜索。整体相当于遍历列表一遍,时间复杂度O(n)。


class Solution:def canJump(self, nums: List[int]) -> bool:n, rightmost = len(nums), 0for i in range(n):if i <= rightmost:rightmost = max(rightmost, i + nums[i])if rightmost >= n - 1:return Truereturn False



class Solution:def merge(self, intervals: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:n = len(intervals)if n <= 1:return intervalsintervals = sorted(intervals, key=lambda x: x[0])ans = []cur_inte = intervals[0]for i in range(1, n):new_inte = intervals[i]if new_inte[0] > cur_inte[1]:ans.append(cur_inte)cur_inte=new_intecontinueif new_inte[1] >= cur_inte[1]:cur_inte[1] = new_inte[1]ans.append(cur_inte)return ans



class Solution:def generateMatrix(self, n: int) -> List[List[int]]:matrix = [[0]*n for i in range(n)]tl = [0,0]br = [n-1, n-1]num = 1while num<=n*n:for i in range(tl[1], br[1]+1):matrix[tl[0]][i] = numnum += 1for i in range(tl[0]+1, br[0]+1):matrix[i][br[1]] = numnum += 1for i in range(br[1]-1, tl[1]-1, -1):matrix[br[0]][i] = numnum += 1for i in range(br[0]-1, tl[0], -1):matrix[i][tl[1]] = numnum += 1tl[0], tl[1] = tl[0]+1, tl[1]+1br[0], br[1] = br[0]-1, br[0]-1return matrix

按层顺时针输入数字,由top-left点和bottom-right点确定层的范围,输入顺序为(top, left)->(top, right), (top+1, right)->(bottom, right), (bottom, right-1)->(bottom, left), (bottom+1,left)->(top-1, left)。一层输入完成后,将top-left点和bottom-right点向内移动一层,即可继续进行内圈输入,当输入数字总数等于n*n时输出结果矩阵。


class Solution:def getPermutation(self, n: int, k: int) -> str:def divisor(n):d = 1while n>1:d = d*nn -= 1return dans, nums = '', list(range(1,n+1))k -= 1while nums:d = divisor(n-1)index = k//d ans = ans + str(nums[index])k = k - index*dn -= 1nums.remove(nums[index])return ans



class Solution:def rotateRight(self, head: ListNode, k: int) -> ListNode:if not head:return count = 1cur1 = headwhile cur1.next:count += 1cur1 = cur1.nextcur1.next = headnew_head_index = count-k%countif new_head_index==0:return headcur2 = headfor i in range(new_head_index-1):cur2 = cur2.nexthead = cur2.nextcur2.next = Nonereturn head



class Solution:def uniquePaths(self, m: int, n: int) -> int:up = [[0]*m for _ in range(n)]for i in range(n):for j in range(m):if i == 0 and j == 0:up[i][j] = 1elif j == 0:up[i][j] = up[i-1][j]elif i == 0:up[i][j] = up[i][j-1]else:up[i][j] = up[i-1][j]+up[i][j-1]return up[n-1][m-1]

经典动态规划算法。我们将状态定为up[i, j],它表示从起点出发到达第i行第j列位置的可能路径数量。由于只能向下或向右移动,我们可以构建起关系式为up[i, j] = up[i-1, j]+up[i, j-1],同时要考虑到左侧和上侧边界条件,左侧边界的位置只能由其上侧位置抵达,上侧边界的位置只能由其左侧位置抵达。我们构建一个mxn的矩阵用来存放和计算结果,观察关系式的特点可以发现要计算一个位置的可能情况,需要其上侧和左侧位置的取值,因此我们按照行优先的方式从头到尾遍历计算一次矩阵即可。时间复杂度O(MN)。


class Solution:def simplifyPath(self, path: str) -> str:path_stack, n = [], len(path)cur, i = '', 0while i<n:if path[i] == '/':i += 1else:while i<n and path[i] != '/' :cur += path[i]i += 1if cur == '..' and path_stack:path_stack.pop()elif cur != '..' and cur != '.':path_stack.append(cur)cur = ''return '/'+'/'.join(path_stack)

’ / ‘和’ . ‘没有特别含义,因此我们重点关注’ . . ‘和其他字符。我们构架一个栈来储存目录名,从头开始遍历原路径,若遍历到非‘ / ’字符,开始记录该字符串直至遍历到‘ / ’结束,如果该字符串为目录名则压入栈,如果是’ . . '且栈中存有元素,则弹出栈顶元素,其他情况均不做操作。将记录的字符串初始化,继续遍历。遍历完成后,将栈中元素用‘ / ’分隔后输出即可。


class Solution:def setZeroes(self, matrix: List[List[int]]) -> None:"""Do not return anything, modify matrix in-place instead."""m, n = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])first_row, first_column = False, Falsefor i in range(n):if matrix[0][i]==0:first_row = Truebreakfor i in range(m):if matrix[i][0]==0:first_column = Truebreakfor i in range(1,m):for j in range(1,n):if matrix[i][j] == 0:matrix[0][j] = 0matrix[i][0] = 0for i in range(1,m):if matrix[i][0] == 0:matrix[i] = [0]*nfor j in range(1,n):if matrix[0][j] == 0:for k in range(m):matrix[k][j] = 0if first_row:matrix[0] = [0]*nif first_column:for k in range(m):matrix[k][0] = 0



class Solution:def searchMatrix(self, matrix: List[List[int]], target: int) -> bool:if not matrix or not matrix[0]:return Falseif matrix[0][0] > target or matrix[-1][-1]< target:return Falserow_index = 0first_col = [x[0] for x in matrix]c_l, c_r = 0, len(first_col)-1while c_r-c_l>1:c_mid = (c_l+c_r)//2if first_col[c_mid] < target:c_l = c_midelif first_col[c_mid] > target:c_r = c_midelse:return Trueif matrix[c_l][-1] >= target:row_index = c_lelse:row_index = c_rrow = matrix[row_index]r_l, r_r = 0, len(row)-1while r_l<=r_r:r_mid = (r_l+r_r+1)//2if row[r_mid] < target:r_l = r_mid+1elif row[r_mid] > target:r_r = r_mid-1else:return Truereturn False



class Solution:def sortColors(self, nums: List[int]) -> None:"""Do not return anything, modify nums in-place instead."""n = len(nums)p0, p2 = 0, n-1while p0<n and nums[p0]==0: p0 += 1while p2>=0 and nums[p2]==2: p2 -= 1p = p0while p <= p2:if nums[p] == 0:nums[p], nums[p0] = nums[p0], nums[p]p0 += 1p += 1elif nums[p] == 1:p += 1elif nums[p] == 2:nums[p], nums[p2] = nums[p2], nums[p]p2 -= 1



class Solution:def combine(self, n: int, k: int) -> List[List[int]]:def backtrack(first=1, curr=[]):if len(curr) == k:ans.append(curr[:])returnfor i in range(first, n+1):curr.append(i)backtrack(i+1, curr)curr.pop()ans = []backtrack()return ans



class Solution:def removeDuplicates(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:if not nums:return 0p, pt, n = 0, 0, len(nums)last, count = nums[0], 0while p < n:if nums[p] == last:count += 1else:count = 1if count <= 2:nums[pt] = nums[p]pt += 1last = nums[p]p += 1return pt



class Solution:def exist(self, board: List[List[str]], word: str) -> bool:def search_around(i0, j0, t, used):if t<n-1 and board[i0][j0] == word[t]:t += 1possible = []used[i0][j0] = Truefor i, j in zip([-1,0,1,0],[0,1,0,-1]):i1, j1 = i0+i, j0+jif (0<=i1<x) and (0<=j1<y) and not used[i1][j1] and search_around(i1,j1,t,used):return Trueused[i0][j0] = Falsereturn False elif t >= n-1 and board[i0][j0] == word[n-1]:return Trueelse:return Falsex, y = len(board), len(board[0])n = len(word)used=[[False]*y for _ in range(x)]for i in range(x):for j in range(y):if search_around(i, j, 0, used):return Truereturn False



class Solution:def search(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> bool:n = len(nums)left, right = 0, n-1while left<=right:mid = (left+right)//2if nums[mid] == target:return Trueif nums[left] > nums[mid]:if nums[mid] < target <= nums[right]:left = mid+1else:right = mid-1elif nums[left]<nums[mid]:if nums[left] <= target < nums[mid]:right = mid-1else:left = mid+1else:left += 1continuereturn False



class Solution:def numDecodings(self, s: str) -> int:def valid_coding(code):return code[0]!='0' and 0<int(code)<=26n = len(s)nd = [1]*(n+1)nd[1] = 1 if s[0]!='0' else 0for i in range(2, n+1):if s[i-1] == '0':if not valid_coding(s[i-2:i]):return 0else:nd[i] = nd[i-2]else:if valid_coding(s[i-2:i]):nd[i] = nd[i-2] + nd[i-1]else:nd[i] = nd[i-1]return nd[n]

动态规划算法。首先定义一个函数valid_coding,用来判断代入的字符是否是合格的编码。用nd[i]来表示前i个共有的编码方式,一般的状态转移方式为:当遍历到的元素与前一元素可以结对时,nd[i] = nd[i-1] + nd [i-2];当不能结对时,nd[i] = nd[i-1]。因此我们需要得到i=1和i=2两个特解,我们设置np[0]=1,这样nd[2]可以根据转换方式由nd[1]求得,nd[1]当编码第一个元素非零时为1否则为0。比较特殊的是,当编码元素为0时,如果0无法与前一个元素结对,则该编码无效,直接返回0;若可以结对那么np[i]=np[i-2]。依次计算出所有np取值后,np数组最后一个元素即为结果。时间复杂度O(n)。


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