伦敦 quant


London Southbank University, 18th May 2011 – Unity users, newcomers and developers gather at the second London Unity User Group (LUUG), and see presentations from developer and tutor Russ Morris and Carlos Ulloa, legendary developer of Papervision 3D and now Unity developer of HelloFlower as part of his HelloEnjoy design agency.

The evening began with Russ Morris showing off Unity to the many newcomers to the meetup. His fantastic talk was titled ‘Your first 45 minutes in Unity’ and took the audience through a new project, all the way to creating an interactive environment with a player character, and physics-based gameplay.

Russ’s talk was followed by a fascinating and oft amusing talk by Carlos Ulloa. Many of you will already know Carlos either from his work as HelloEnjoy, or perhaps with his creation Papervision 3D for Flash, but the meetup talk was focused specifically upon his passion project HelloFlower. Without further ado, check out the talk in full in the video below, then go get HelloFlower for free here –

Part One

Part Two


The meetup as usual was followed by a few drinks at the local pub The Ship, where lots of cool people met other cool people, so why not come along next time and meet them! See the meetup group here for further details of the next event, scheduled for Thursday 23rd June –http://www.meetup.com/London-Unity-Usergroup/

伦敦南岸大学,2011年5月18日– Unity用户,新手和开发人员聚集在第二个伦敦Unity用户组(LUUG),并观看了Papervision 3D的传奇开发人员,现在是HelloFlower的Unity开发人员的开发人员和导师Russ Morris和Carlos Ulloa的演讲。作为他的HelloEnjoy设计公司的一部分。

晚上开始时,罗斯·莫里斯(Russ Morris)向参加聚会的许多新来者展示了Unity。 他的精彩演讲的标题是“您在Unity的头45分钟”,并带领观众完成了一个新项目,一直在创建一个具有玩家角色和基于物理的游戏玩法的交互式环境。

在Russ的演讲之后,Carlos Ulloa进行了一次有趣而又有趣的演讲。 你们中的许多人已经从Carlos作为HelloEnjoy的工作中或者与他的作品Papervision 3D for Flash一起认识了卡洛斯,但是这次聚会的谈话专门针对他的激情项目HelloFlower。 事不宜迟,请在下面的视频中完整查看演讲,然后在此处免费获取HelloFlower –




像往常一样聚会,然后在当地的The Ship酒吧喝了些酒,那里很多酷人遇见了其他酷人,所以为什么不下次再见面呢! 预定于6月23日 ( 星期四)举行的下一次活动的详细信息,请参阅此处的聚会小组– http://www.meetup.com/London-Unity-Usergroup/

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2011/06/02/london-unity-user-group-luug-meet-v2-0/

伦敦 quant

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