
对于无标签的数据而言,常用的无监督行为Distance based approaches [26], density based approaches [3] and isolation based methods [23] are typical representatives along this way

文章以malicious URL detection为例 PU (Positive and Unlabeled) learn- ing [17, 19] 但是PUlearning的正样本通常是同一类的异常,而另一个则是单一的异常

semi-supervised clustering

ADOA follows a two-stage manner In the rst stage, we address that the observed anomalies should not be simply regarded into one concept center, and by assuming that the anomalies belong to k di erent concept centers, the anomalies are rstly clustered into k clusters. After that, both potential anomalies and reliable nor- mal samples are selected from the unlabeled samples according to the isolation degree and the similarity to the nearest anomaly clus- ter center. In stage two, a weight is set to each sample according to the con dence of its attached label, and a weighted multi-class classi cation model is built to distinguish di erent anomalies from the normal samples, using original anomalies and the selected sam- ples. Experiments on di erent datasets and a real application task demonstrate the e ectiveness of our approach.




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