

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;class Car
protected:string _str;
public:Car(){_str = "Unknown Car";}virtual string getDescription(){return _str;}virtual double getCost() = 0;virtual ~Car(){cout<<"~Car \n";}
};class OptionsDecorator:public Car
public:virtual string getDescription() = 0;virtual ~OptionsDecorator(){cout<<"~OptionsDecorator"<<endl;}
};class CarModel1:public Car
public:CarModel1(){_str = "CarModel1";}virtual double getCost(){return 31000.23;}~CarModel1(){cout<<"CarModel1\n";}
};class Navigation:public OptionsDecorator
{Car *_b;
public:Navigation(Car *b){_b = b;}string getDescription(){return _b->getDescription() + ",Navigation";}double getCost(){return _b->getCost() + 300;}~Navigation(){cout<<"~Navigation"<<endl;delete _b;}
};class PremiumSoundSystem: public OptionsDecorator
{Car *_b;public:PremiumSoundSystem(Car *b){_b = b;}string getDescription(){return _b->getDescription() + ", PremiumSoundSystem";}double getCost(){return 0.30 + _b->getCost();}~PremiumSoundSystem(){cout << "~PremiumSoundSystem()\n";delete _b;}
};class ManualTransmission: public OptionsDecorator
{Car *_b;public:ManualTransmission(Car *b){_b = b;}string getDescription(){return _b->getDescription()+ ", ManualTransmission";}double getCost(){return 0.30 + _b->getCost();}~ManualTransmission(){cout << "~ManualTransmission()\n";delete _b;}
};int main()
{//Create our Car that we want to buyCar *b = new CarModel1();cout << "Base model of " << b->getDescription() << " costs $" << b->getCost() << "\n";//Who wants base model let's add some more featuresb = new Navigation(b);cout << b->getDescription() << " will cost you $" << b->getCost() << "\n";b = new PremiumSoundSystem(b);b = new ManualTransmission(b);cout << b->getDescription() << " will cost you $" << b->getCost() << "\n";// WARNING! Here we leak the CarModel1, Navigation and PremiumSoundSystem objects!// Either we delete them explicitly or rewrite the Decorators to take// ownership and delete their Cars when destroyed.delete b;return 0;

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