


今天收购Linode的交易是Akamai继去年9月以6亿美元收购以色列初创公司Guardicore Ltd.之后近几个月来的第二宗大收购,Guardicore出售用于确保企业网络安全的微分段平台。


Akamai To Acquire Linode to Provide Businesses with a Developer-friendly and Massively-distributed Platform to Build, Run and Secure Applications
Akamai 收购 Linode 为企业提供一个开发者友好的大规模分布式平台来构建、运行和保护应用程序

Akamai Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: AKAM), the world's most trusted solution to power and protect digital experiences, today announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Linode, one of the easiest-to-use and most trusted infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) platform providers.


Modern digital experiences, including virtual environments like the metaverse, are created through the convergence of media, entertainment, technology, ecommerce, financial services, and online games. Akamai has been a key partner to the world’s leaders in these industries for decades by powering and protecting applications in today’s multi-cloud, multi-platform world. Together with Linode, which has made it simple, affordable and accessible for developers to consume cloud computing, Akamai will become the world’s most distributed compute platform, from cloud to edge.


“The opportunity to combine Linode’s developer-friendly cloud computing capabilities with Akamai’s market-leading edge platform and security services is transformational for Akamai,” said Dr. Tom Leighton, chief executive officer and co-founder, Akamai Technologies. “Akamai has been a pioneer in the edge computing business for over 20 years, and today we are excited to begin a new chapter in our evolution by creating a unique cloud platform to build, run and secure applications from the cloud to the edge. This is a big win for developers who will now be able to build applications on a platform that delivers unprecedented scale, reach, performance, reliability and security.”

Akamai 首席执行官兼联合创始人Tom Leighton博士表示:“将Linode对开发人员友好的云计算功能与Akamai的安全服务相结合的机会对Akamai来说是一种变革。20多年来,Akamai一直是边缘计算业务的先锋,今天,我们很高兴通过创建一个独特的云平台来构建、运行和保护从云到边缘的应用程序,开启我们发展的新篇章。对于开发人员来说,这是一个令人兴奋的消息,他们现在将能够在一个可以提供前所未有的规模,覆盖范围,性能,可靠性和安全性的平台上构建下一代应用程序。”

Christopher Aker, founder and chief executive officer, Linode, added, “We started Linode 19 years ago to make the power of the cloud easier and more accessible. Along the way, we built a cloud computing platform trusted by developers and businesses around the world. Today, those customers face new challenges as cloud services become all-encompassing, including compute, storage, security and delivery from core to edge. Solving those challenges requires tremendous integration and scale which Akamai and Linode plan to bring together under one roof. This marks an exciting new chapter for Linode and a major step forward for our current and future customers.”

Linode创始人兼首席执行官 Christopher Aker 补充说: “我们在19年前创建了 Linode,目的是让云计算的力量更容易获得。一路走来,我们构建了一个受到全世界开发者和企业信任的云计算平台。今天,随着云服务变得包罗万象,包括计算、存储、安全和从核心到边缘的交付,这些客户面临着新的挑战。解决这些挑战需要巨大的集成和规模,Akamai 和 Linode 计划将它们集中在一个屋檐下。这标志着 Linode 开启了令人兴奋的新篇章,也是我们向未来迈出的重要一步。”

Under terms of the agreement, Akamai has agreed to acquire all of the outstanding equity of Linode Limited Liability Company for approximately $900 million, after customary purchase price adjustments. As a result of structuring the transaction as an asset purchase, Akamai expects to achieve cash income tax savings over the next 15 years that have an estimated net present value of approximately $120 million. The transaction is expected to close in the first quarter of 2022 and is subject to customary closing conditions.


For fiscal year 2022, the acquisition of Linode is anticipated to add approximately $100 million in revenue and be slightly accretive to non-GAAP EPS by approximately $0.05 to $0.06. Akamai will provide additional details on Linode, along with Q4 and year end 2021 financial results and full year guidance on its earnings call today, February 15, 2022, at 4:30 p.m. ET.

对于2022财政年度,预计收购 Linode 将增加约1亿美元的收入,并使非一般公认会计原则的每股收益增加约0.05美元至0.06美元。Akamai 将于今天,2022年2月15日,美国东部时间下午4:30,提供有关 Linode 的更多细节,以及第四季度和2021年年底的财务业绩和全年收益预测。


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