







go get


git clone CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -i -o shhgit


docker run -v $(pwd)/config.yaml:/config.yaml:ro eth0izzle/shhgit



默认配置下,Shhgit能够以前者,也就是公共模式运行,并且需要访问公共GitHub API。此时,我们将需要一个令牌和访问权限,无论使用哪一种令牌,API的速率限制为每个账户每小时5000次请求。提供的账户唯一令牌越多,处理事件的速度就越快。大家可以按照这篇【文档】来生成一个灵台,并且不需要任何权限。接下来,将其写入config.yaml文件中的github_access_tokens域。

跟其他工具不同的是,我们不需要给Shhgit传递目标,我们只需要运行“$ shhgit”就可以获取所有匹配120种自带规则的GitHub commit并寻找敏感数据/文件了。



--clone-repository-timeout        Maximum time it should take to clone a repository in seconds (default 10)--config-path        Searches for config.yaml from given directory. If not set, tries to find if from shhgit binary's and current directory--csv-path        Specify a path if you want to write found secrets to a CSV. Leave blank to disable--debug        Print debugging information--entropy-threshold        Finds high entropy strings in files. Higher threshold = more secret secrets, lower threshold = more false positives. Set to 0 to disable entropy checks (default 5.0)--local        Specify local directory (absolute path) which to scan. Scans only given directory recursively. No need to have Github tokens with local run.--maximum-file-size        Maximum file size to process in KB (default 512)--maximum-repository-size        Maximum repository size to download and process in KB) (default 5120)--minimum-stars        Only clone repositories with this many stars or higher. Set to 0 to ignore star count (default 0)--path-checks        Set to false to disable file name/path signature checking, i.e. just match regex patterns (default true)--process-gists        Watch and process Gists in real time. Set to false to disable (default true)--search-query        Specify a search string to ignore signatures and filter on files containing this string (regex compatible)--silent        Suppress all output except for errors--temp-directory        Directory to store repositories/matches (default "%temp%\shhgit")--threads        Number of concurrent threads to use (default number of logical CPUs)配置


github_access_tokens: # provide at least one token  - 'token one'  - 'token two'webhook: '' # URL to a POST webhook.webhook_payload: '' # Payload to POST to the webhook URLblacklisted_extensions: [] # list of extensions to ignoreblacklisted_paths: [] # list of paths to ignoreblacklisted_entropy_extensions: [] # additional extensions to ignore for entropy checkssignatures: # list of signatures to check  - part: '' # either filename, extension, path or contents    match: '' # simple text comparison (if no regex element)    regex: '' # regex pattern (if no match element)    name: '' # name of the signature



Chef private key, Potential Linux shadow file, Potential Linux passwd file, Docker configuration file, NPM configuration file, Environment configuration file, Contains a private key, AWS Access Key ID Value, AWS Access Key ID, AWS Account ID, AWS Secret Access Key, AWS Session Token, Artifactory, CodeClimate, Facebook access token, Google (GCM) Service account, Stripe API key, Google OAuth Key, Google Cloud API KeyGoogle OAuth Access Token, Picatic API key, Square Access Token, Square OAuth Secret, PayPal/Braintree Access Token, Amazon MWS Auth Token, Twilo API Key, MailGun API Key, MailChimp API Key, SSH Password, Outlook team, Sauce Token, Slack Token, Slack Webhook, SonarQube Docs API Key, HockeyApp, Username and password in URI, NuGet API Key, Potential cryptographic private key, Log file, Potential cryptographic key bundle, Potential cryptographic key bundlePotential cryptographic key bundle, Potential cryptographic key bundle, Pidgin OTR private key, OpenVPN client configuration file, Azure service configuration schema file, Remote Desktop connection file, Microsoft SQL database file, Microsoft SQL server compact database file, SQLite database file, SQLite3 database file, Microsoft BitLocker recovery key fileMicrosoft BitLocker Trusted Platform Module password file, Windows BitLocker full volume encrypted data file, Java keystore file, Password Safe database file, Ruby On Rails secret token configuration file, Carrierwave configuration file, Potential Ruby On Rails database configuration file, OmniAuth configuration file, Django configuration file1Password password manager database file, Apple Keychain database file, Network traffic capture file, GnuCash database file, Jenkins publish over SSH plugin file, Potential Jenkins credentials file, KDE Wallet Manager database file, Potential MediaWiki configuration file, Tunnelblick VPN configuration file, Sequel Pro MySQL database manager bookmark file, Little Snitch firewall configuration file, Day One journal file, Potential jrnl journal file, Chef Knife configuration file, cPanel backup ProFTPd credentials fileRobomongo MongoDB manager configuration file, FileZilla FTP configuration file, FileZilla FTP recent servers file, Ventrilo server configuration file, Terraform variable config file, Shell configuration file, Shell configuration file, Shell configuration file, Private SSH key, Private SSH key, Private SSH key, Private SSH key, SSH configuration file, Potential cryptographic private key, Shell command history fileMySQL client command history file, PostgreSQL client command history file, PostgreSQL password file, Ruby IRB console history file, Pidgin chat client account configuration file, Hexchat/XChat IRC client server list configuration file, Irssi IRC client configuration file, Recon-ng web reconnaissance framework API key database, DBeaver SQL database manager configuration file, Mutt e-mail client configuration file, S3cmd configuration file, AWS CLI credentials file, SFTP connection configuration file, T command-line Twitter client configuration file, Shell configuration fileShell profile configuration file, Shell command alias configuration file, PHP configuration file, GNOME Keyring database file, KeePass password manager database file, SQL dump file, Apache htpasswd file, Configuration file for auto-login process, Rubygems credentials file, Tugboat DigitalOcean management tool configuration, DigitalOcean doctl command-line client configuration file, git-credential-store helper credentials file, GitHub Hub command-line client configuration file, Git configuration file








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