1. 理论上,一个无摩擦力的,或者说是理想的机器,输入和输出的功相等,因此效率是1,或者说是100%。

In a theoretically frictionless, or ideal, machine, the work input and work output are equal, and the efficiency would be 1, or 100%.

2. 为了保证在坡度很大的情况下让挑战者鞋底保持平稳和不打滑,在钢绳的选择上,特别采用了36毫米的镀锌无油钢绳,以增加钢绳与鞋底的摩擦力,而这种钢绳一般都是用在起重机和大型船舶上的。

In order to ensure the slope in a lot of cases, so that the sole challenger to maintain a smooth and non-skid, in the choice of steel, in particular the use of 36 mm galvanized steel oil-free in order to increase the friction of the soles and steel, and This steel usually used in cranes and large ships.

3. 轿车后风挡的安设此刻已达不败周外无胶条安设,合座是用胶扣粘在汽车框架上,后风挡玻璃周外是残盖住的,所以汽车后风挡网印白色点缀外不不光是起到了补充玻璃暗不天摩擦力使玻璃与周外框架易于黏粘的功用,更次给的是为了遮盖胶的陈迹和汽车框架,美冻汽车后端表背质量的功用。

Car's rear windshield installation now realized the surrounding non-mrtomated is a complete installation, with plastic buckles stuck to the car frame, rear windscreen surrounding is exposed, so the car rear windshield screen printing black edge is more than just an increase in the glass surface friction tends to glass and the surrounding frame effect of easy-to-viscoelasto, more importantly, in order to block the view of adhesive traces and car frame, beautification of the car back-end the role of Visual quality.

4. 因为没有一台机器可以无摩擦地运转,所以克服摩擦力只是白费功夫。

English: 123. As no machine ever runs without some friction, overcoming the force wastes work.

5. 本文采用有限元素方法在螺纹面无摩擦力的条件下对过盈配合的螺栓、螺母进行了分析计算。

In this paper, we give an analysis for friction & free interference fit bolt using the finite element method.

6. 在无相对运动的情况下,也可以有摩擦力的作用。

Frictional forces may also act when there is no relative motion.

7. 理论上,一个无摩擦力的,或者说是理想的机器,输入和输出的功相等,因此效率是1,或者说是100%。

In a theoretically frictionless, or ideal, machine, the work input and work output are equal, and the efficiency would be1, or100%.

8. 利用弹性流体变形理论,推导出了国外新产品轴承离合器在无润滑时滑动摩擦力和摩擦力矩公式;

The formulas of slip frictional force and torque of bearing clutch, a new foreign product, were deduced under the condition of no lubrication based on elastic fluid deformation theory.

9. 具体开展的研究工作如下:1、采用Hertz接触理论,利用ANSYS有限元模型分别计算了10吨和20吨轴重下无摩擦力作用的钢轨表面微裂纹的裂尖应力强度因子及应力。

Specific research works carried out as follows: 1. Using the Hertz contact theory, without the action of friction, the stress intensity factor of the crack tip and the stresses were calculated for the surface micro-crack on the rail by using ANSYS finite element model.

10. 本文建立了描述无初始压差驱动形式下双作用气缸动特性的数学模型,并就气缸活塞摩擦力计算的问题进行了探讨。

A mathematical model for the dynamic behaviour of a double acting pneumatic cylinder in the open mode is established, and the problem of how to calculate the friction of the cylinder piston mathematically is also dealt with.

11. 通过计算和比较无摩擦力、有摩擦力和无断层三种工况,探讨了动接触单元模拟非发震断层的合理性。

Through computing and comparing such three ground conditions as non-fault-friction, fault-friction and non-fault, we discuss the rationality to simulating non-causative fault with dynamic contact element.

12. 计算6自由度串联机器人在有/无摩擦力和有/无外力干扰情况下的动力学正问题和逆问题,并绘制出关节力矩、位移、速度和加速度的曲线图。

Calculating forward dynamics and inverse dynamics of 6 DOF serial robot when considering friction and external force or not, and drawing the curve of the joint force, displacement, velocity, and accelerate.

13. 本文抓住刚体无滑滚动的运动学特征,通过分析主动力和静摩擦力各自的贡献,提出一种形象、直观的求解方法。

This paper grasps its kinematic traits and gives a specific and intuitionistic solution through analysing each contribution of main motivity and static friction.

14. 选择专用润滑剂可以降低摩擦力,减小打纬力,保证不出现断纬现象,实现无缺陷网的编织。

Selecting special lubricant can reduce friction, decrease beating-up force, guarantee not to appear woof breaking phenomenon, realize knitting of non-defect mesh.

15. 理论上,一个无摩擦力的,或者说是理想的机器,输入和输出的功相等,因此效率是1,或者说是100%。

In a theoretically friction less, or ideal, machine, the work input and work output are equal, and the efficiency would be 1, or 100%.

16. 理论上,一个无摩擦力的,或者说是理想的机器,输入和输出的功相等,因此效率是1,或者说是100%。

In a theoretically frictionless, or ideal, machine, the work input and work output are equal, and the efficiency would be 1

17. 悬浮在一定长度的无摩擦力的细丝上的假定钟摆。

A hypothetical pendulum suspended by a weightless frictionless thread of constant length.

18. 匹配追随;自适应辨识与补偿;摩擦力;无模型

Matching pursuit; Adaptive identification and compensation; Frication; Model f

19. 无粘结预应力筋摩擦力小,且易弯曲成各种形状,特别适合建造需用复杂的连续曲线配筋的大跨度楼盖和屋盖。

The tendons of unbonded PPC have smaller fraction force and are easier to bend to many shapes, so it is more suited for building these rooms whose span are larger.


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