Because he wasn’t much use alive," Jack reminded him, "And it still doesn’t tell us what or cheap air max 90 where the Da Vinci Mold is.""Ferguson might know that," Jim said, "And there might be another clue around here about somewhere.""Look at the ceiling," Jack said as Bricon’s men turned off the power to try to get the gate off their boss’s foot, "It’s a map…""Now that took dedication," Jim said, "But what of?""My office, you idiot!" the corpse grunted to them and died again, "Now finish this chapter!""Testy for a corpse, isn’t he?" Jack said, "The X marks the spot. Let’s go to the office.""I think we should do the next chapter in song," Jim said, grinning, "We’re going a bit too slow and they really need to move this along a bit, in both words and music."cheap nike air max 90 "Fine, fine," Jack said, "Who sings this time?""We both do," Jim smiled, "Let’s go."Chapter XV – I’d Do Anything For A Plot"Ok," Jack said, "What song are we doing now?""Let’s go with a strain of I’d Do Anything for Love," Jim said, "Go ahead and hit it maestro!"They walked under the rising gate and made their way to the office that they had absolutely no reason to be able to find other than the fact that no one bothered to tell them they couldn’t find it. The introduction to the music started and both Jim and Jack started grooving down to it. Jack decided that Jim had had enough screen time, so he would do the beginning of the song."And I would do anything for a plot…" Jack sang, as only a gay Jewish black dude could do, "cheap air max 90 uk I’ll go into this office and back…""I would do anything for a plot…" Jim continued, "I’ll never make it make sense and that’s a fact…""But I’ll never forget the lurch we’ve left you in right now," they sang together, "Oh no, no way…""And we’d do anything for a plot…" Jack sang, "But I won’t make sense, I won’t make sense…""Anything for a plot," Jim sang backup, "Oh I would do anything for a plot…""I would do anything for a plot!" Jack sang his heart out, "But I won’t make sense, Oh I won’t make sense!"They both mimed the drum line as it picked up and decided that they were going to sing together for the next part. To prepare for it, they walked into the curator’s office to begin their search."Some days we search the ceiling," they sang, "Some days we search on the floor…""Some days we search through it all," they continued, "And these are the days that never end…""Some nights you find your bearings," they sang badly, "Some nights you find it on the wall…""Some nights it is stupid like nothing I’ve ever read before," They kept going, "Or hopefully ever will again…"Jim dropped down on to the air max 90 uk floor and made some idiotic dance moves before Jack kicked him.

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