A lot of us are lamenting the removal of the Start button and menu in Windows 8 Consumer Preview. However, a hidden context menu, or what is known as the Win+X menu, has been added.

我们中的许多人都对Windows 8 Consumer Preview中“开始”按钮和菜单的删除感到遗憾。 但是,已添加了隐藏的上下文菜单或所谓的Win + X菜单。

Update: This method no longer works. You can, however, add or tweak items in the Win+X menu using this guide instead.

更新 :此方法不再起作用。 但是,您可以改用本指南在Win + X菜单中添加或调整项目 。

The Win+X menu provides access to useful system tools including the Task Manager, Control Panel, Search, Programs and Features, System Settings, Run, Device Manager, among others. To access the Win+X menu, move your mouse to the extreme lower, left corner of your screen, where the Start button used to be, and right-click.

使用Win + X菜单可以访问有用的系统工具,包括任务管理器,控制面板,搜索,程序和功能,系统设置,运行,设备管理器等。 要访问Win + X菜单,请将鼠标移至屏幕的左下角,即开始按钮所在的位置,然后单击鼠标右键。

There are ways of renaming, removing, and moving entries on the Win+X menu, but we have not been able to add entries to the menu, until recently. Rafael Rivera has created a tool that is available on his Within Windows site, that allows you to create “approved shortcuts” that you can add to the folder containing shortcuts for the Win+X menu.

在Win + X菜单上有重命名,删除和移动条目的方法,但是直到最近我们才能够向菜单中添加条目。 拉斐尔·里维拉(Rafael Rivera)已创建了一个工具,该工具可在他的Windows站点中使用,该工具可让您创建“批准的快捷方式”,您可以将其添加到包含Win + X菜单快捷方式的文件夹中 。

We will show you how to use Rafael’s hashlnk tool to create approved shortcuts you can add to the Win+X menu. To begin, if you are on the Metro screen, click the Desktop tile.

我们将向您展示如何使用Rafael的hashlnk工具创建批准的快捷方式,您可以将其添加到Win + X菜单中。 首先,如果您在“地铁”屏幕上,请单击“桌面”磁贴。

For this example, we are going to add Notepad to the Win+X menu. You can add a shortcut for any program to the menu. To do so, you can either create a shortcut from scratch from the .exe file for the program, or you can copy an existing shortcut from the desktop.

对于此示例,我们将向Win + X菜单添加记事本。 您可以将任何程序的快捷方式添加到菜单。 为此,您可以从程序的.exe文件从头开始创建快捷方式,也可以从桌面复制现有的快捷方式。

NOTE: The hashlnk tool changes the .lnk shortcut file. Therefore, we recommend you do not run the tool on your desktop shortcuts or other shortcuts. Run the tool on copies of existing shortcuts. It would also be easier if the shortcuts you want to change are in the same folder as the hashlnk tool.

注意:hashlnk工具更改.lnk快捷方式文件。 因此,我们建议您不要在桌面快捷方式或其他快捷方式上运行该工具。 在现有快捷方式的副本上运行该工具。 如果要更改的快捷方式与hashlnk工具位于同一文件夹中,也会更容易。

Open Windows Explorer from the icon on the Taskbar.


Navigate to the Windows folder, or the directory containing the program you want to add to the menu, find the .exe file, right-click on it and select Create shortcut from the popup menu.


You may see the following dialog box if you don’t have permission to edit the current folder. It doesn’t matter where the shortcut is placed, so click Yes to place it on the desktop. Then, to make it easier to use the hashlnk tool, copy or more the shortcut from the desktop to the folder containing the hashlnk.exe file.

如果您没有编辑当前文件夹的权限,则可能会看到以下对话框。 快捷方式的放置位置无关紧要,因此请单击“是”将其放置在桌面上。 然后,为了更轻松地使用hashlnk工具,请将快捷方式从桌面复制或复制到包含hashlnk.exe文件的文件夹中。

The hashlnk tool needs to be run from the command line. In Windows Explorer, press Shift and right-click on the folder containing the hashlnk.exe file. Select the Open command window here option to open a command window in which the command prompt will be set to the current folder.

hashlnk工具需要从命令行运行。 在Windows资源管理器中,按Shift,然后右键单击包含hashlnk.exe文件的文件夹。 选择“在此处打开命令窗口”选项以打开命令窗口,在该窗口中,命令提示符将设置为当前文件夹。

NOTE: To add the Open command window here option permanently to the context menu (so you don’t have to press Shift to access it), see our article Make “Command Prompt Here” Always Display for Folders in Windows Vista – How-To Geek.

注意:要将“在此处打开命令窗口”选项永久添加到上下文菜单中(因此您无需按Shift键即可访问它),请参阅我们的文章“在此处显示命令提示符”在Windows Vista中始终显示文件夹-操作方法极客 。

Type the following command at the prompt (replacing “Notepad.lnk” with the name of the the shortcut file you chose to use). Even if you don’t see the .lnk extension on your shortcut file, be sure to add it to the command.

在提示符下键入以下命令(将“ Notepad.lnk”替换为您选择使用的快捷方式文件的名称)。 即使您在快捷方式文件上看不到.lnk扩展名,也请确保将其添加到命令中。

hashlnk Notepad.lnk

hashlnk Notepad.lnk

NOTE: The “l” in “lnk” is an “L”, but lowercase.

注意:“ lnk”中的“ l”是“ L”,但小写。

There should be a message stating that the hash has been generated and applied. If you have other shortcuts you want to prepare for the menu, enter the command again with the name of another shortcut file. Type exit and press Enter when you are finished.

应该有一条消息,说明已生成并应用了哈希。 如果您要准备菜单的其他快捷方式,请再次输入命令并输入另一个快捷方式文件的名称。 输入exit并在完成时按Enter。

Copy the shortcut file(s).


Go to the following directory in Windows Explorer.



%LocalAppData%Microsoft \ Windows \ WinX

The Win+X menu is split into three groups, by default, with separators between the groups. We are going to put our new shortcut in its own group, into which we can add other shortcuts. To do this, click New folder on the Home tab in Explorer.

默认情况下,Win + X菜单分为三组,每组之间有分隔符。 我们将把新的快捷方式放在自己的组中,可以在其中添加其他快捷方式。 为此,请在资源管理器的“主页”选项卡上单击“新建”文件夹。

Rename the new folder to Group4, as shown in the image below.


Paste your shortcut file(s) into the new folder.


The changes do not take place right away. You must restart Windows Explorer to see any shortcuts you added to the Win+X menu. To do this, start Task Manager, either from the Win+X menu or from the Taskbar.

更改不会立即发生。 您必须重新启动Windows资源管理器才能查看添加到Win + X菜单中的所有快捷方式。 为此,请从Win + X菜单或任务栏启动任务管理器。

To see the Windows Explorer process, click More details at the bottom of the Task Manager window.


If you currently have at least one Windows Explorer window open, the Windows Explorer process displays in the Apps section. If not, the Windows Explorer process displays in the Windows processes section. Select the Windows Explorer process and click Restart.

如果当前至少打开一个Windows资源管理器窗口,则“应用程序”部分将显示Windows资源管理器进程。 如果没有,则Windows资源管理器进程将显示在Windows进程部分中。 选择Windows资源管理器进程,然后单击重新启动。

Select Exit from the File menu to close the Task Manager.


Your custom shortcuts display on the Win+X menu.

您的自定义快捷方式显示在Win + X菜单上。

You can also rearrange the order of the groups. If you want your shortcuts at the bottom of the menu, as shown in the first image at the beginning of this article, put your shortcuts in Group1 and rename the other groups to follow.

您还可以重新排列组的顺序。 如果您希望快捷方式位于菜单的底部(如本文开头的第一幅图所示),请将您的快捷方式置于Group1中,然后重命名要跟随的其他组。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/113187/how-to-add-items-to-the-new-winx-menu-in-windows-8/

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