
称为模块度,是Community Detection(社区检测)中用来衡量社区被划分质量的一种方法。

Finding and evaluating community structure in networks:2003年newman第一次提出Modularity,以下为原文阅读笔记:

A property that seems to be common to many networks is community structure, the division of network nodes into groups within which the network connections are dense, but between which they are sparser—see Fig. 1.

hierarchical clustering:根据相似度的权重和相关度的紧密程度可以把节点分为两级别,根据他们在网络中是添加边还是减少边可以把它们划分为凝聚集和分离集。在一个凝聚集,相似度用一个函数或者节点对在初始网络中增加的边来表示。程序可以随时中止,得到的结果就是一个个社区块。在一个空图绘制成整图的过程可以用图二所示的树来表示,水平切割代表不同时刻的停止点:






Divisive algorithms:不同于之前在最弱相似点之间移除边,而是找到最高几率的中间节点,betweennwss是连接两个社区的边界点,而不是社区内部的点。介绍两个概念:介数通常分为边介数和节点介数两种,节点介数定义为网络中所有最短路径中经过该节点的路径的数目占最短路径数目的比例;边介数定义为网络中所有最短路径中经过该边的路径数目占最短路径总数的比例。本文的想法是,存在一些边是两个社区所共有的,算所有节点的边介值可以知道两个社区共有的边的边介值为最大,找出边介值从而找到两个社区。存在

1shortest-path betweenness  时间O(mn),m指的是边数,n指的是节点数最快速的算法。

2random-walk betweenness:Sec.|||C

3.current-flow betweenness Sec|||B。




A. Shortest-path betweenness


广度优先搜索算法(Breadth-First-Search BFS),首先访问起始点v,然后由v出发访问v的各个未被访问过的邻接节点w1,w2..wn,然后再按照这个顺序依次访问w1所有未被访问过的邻接节点,以此类推直到所有的顶点都被访问过为止。以下附上深度优先搜索和广度优先搜索的c源码,这玩意儿弄了一晚上一上午,然后继续往下读论文。

#include "stdafx.h"
#include<string.h>#define MAX 100
#define isletter(a)    ((((a)>='a')&&((a)<='z'))||(((a)>='A')&&((a)<='Z')))typedef struct _graph
{char vex[MAX];int vexnum;int edgnum;int matrix[MAX][MAX];
}Graph,*PGraph;static int get_position(Graph G, char ch)
{int i;for (i = 0; i < G.vexnum; i++){if (G.vex[i] == ch){return i;}}return -1;
}static char read_char()
{char ch;do {ch = getchar();} while (!isletter(ch));return ch;
}Graph* make_graph()
{char c1, c2;int e, v, i, p1, p2;Graph *pg;printf("节点数:");scanf_s("%d", &v);printf("边数:");scanf_s("%d", &e);if (v < 1 || e<1 || e>(v*(v - 1))){return NULL;}if ((pg = (Graph*)malloc(sizeof(Graph))) == NULL){return NULL;}memset(pg, 0, sizeof(Graph));pg->vexnum = v;pg->edgnum = e;for (i = 0; i < pg->vexnum; i++){printf("输入顶点%d: ", i);pg->vex[i] = read_char();}for (i = 0; i < pg->edgnum; i++){printf("输入边%d: ", i);c1 = read_char();c2 = read_char();p1 = get_position(*pg,c1);p2 = get_position(*pg,c2);if (p1 == -1 || p2 == -1){return NULL;}pg->matrix[p1][p2] = 1;pg->matrix[p2][p1] = 1;}return pg;
static int first_ver(Graph G, int v)
{int i;if (v<0 || v>(G.vexnum - 1))return -1;for (i = 0; i < G.vexnum; i++){if (G.matrix[v][i] == 1){return i;}}return -1;
static int next_ver(Graph G, int v, int w)
{int i;if (v<0 || v>(G.vexnum - 1) || w<0 || w>(G.vexnum - 1))return -1;for (i = w + 1; i < G.vexnum; i++){if (G.matrix[v][i] == 1){return i;}}return -1;
static void DFS(Graph G, int i, int *visited)
{int w;visited[i] = 1;printf("%c", G.vex[i]);for (w=first_ver(G,i);w>=0;w=next_ver(G,i,w)){if (!visited[w]){DFS(G, w, visited);}}
static void DFSTrivel(Graph G)
{int i;int visited[MAX];for (i = 0; i < G.vexnum; i++){visited[i] = 0;}printf("DFS: ");for (i = 0; i < G.vexnum; i++){if (!visited[i]){DFS(G, i, visited);}}printf("\n");
void BFS(Graph G)
{int head = 0;int rear = 0;int queue[MAX];int i,j,k;int visited[MAX];for (i = 0; i < G.vexnum; i++){visited[i] = 0;}printf("BFS: ");for (i = 0; i < G.vexnum; i++){if (!visited[i]){visited[i] = 1;printf("%c", G.vex[i]);queue[rear++] = i;}while (head != rear){j = queue[head++];for (k = first_ver(G, j); k >= 0; k = next_ver(G, j, k)){if (!visited[k]){visited[k] = 1;printf("%c", G.vex[k]);queue[rear++] = k;}}}}
void print_dodo(Graph G)
{int i,j;printf("Martix Graph:\n");for (i = 0; i <G.vexnum; i++){for (j = 0; j < G.vexnum; j++){printf("%d", G.matrix[i][j]);}printf("\n");}}
void main()
{Graph *pg;pg = make_graph();print_dodo(*pg);DFSTrivel(*pg);BFS(*pg);system("pause");

when there is only a single shortest path from the source vertex to any other (we will consider other cases in a moment) the resulting set of paths forms a shortestpath tree—see Fig. 4a.



Repeating the process for all possible vertices s and summing the scores, we arrive at the full betweenness scores for shortest paths between all pairs. The breadth-first search and the process of working up through the tree both take worst-case time O(m) and there are n vertices total, so the entire calculation takes time O(mn) as claimed.



1. The initial vertex s is given distance ds = 0 and a weight ws = 1.

2. Every vertex i adjacent to s is given distance di = ds + 1 = 1, and weight wi = ws = 1.

3. For each vertex j adjacent to one of those vertices i we do one of three things:

(a) If j has not yet been assigned a distance, it is assigned distance dj = di + 1 and weight wj = wi .

(b) If j has already been assigned a distance and dj = di + 1, then the vertex’s weight is increased by wi , that is wj ← wj + wi .

(c) If j has already been assigned a distance and dj < di + 1, we do nothing.

4. Repeat from step 3 until no vertices remain that have assigned distances but whose neighbors do not have assigned distances.


2.每一个与s相邻的节点i  距离di=ds+1=1 wi=ws=1;

3.与i相邻的所有j节点需要做三件事情:(a)如果j没有距离则给dj=di+1 wj=wi;(b)如果j已经有了距离:dj=di+1,wj=wj+wi;




1. Find every “leaf” vertex t, i.e., a vertex such that no paths from s to other vertices go though t.

2. For each vertex i neighboring t assign a score to the edge from t to i of wi/wt.

3. Now, starting with the edges that are farthest from the source vertex s—lower down in a diagram such as Fig. 4b—work up towards s. To the edge from vertex i to vertex j, with j being farther from s than i, assign a score that is 1 plus the sum of the scores on the neighboring edges immediately below it (i.e., those with which it shares a common vertex), all multiplied by wi/wj .

4. Repeat from step 3 until vertex s is reached.



B. Resistor networks

to be continue


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