

只有一个common.js 文件


var Resource = Class.create();

$.extend(Resource.prototype, {

initialize: function () { },

Images: [

{ path: 'img/bg1.png', x: 0, y: 0, w: 800, h: 480, data: null, type: 61, visible: true },

{ path: 'img/BeiMian.jpg', x: 320, y: 5, w: 100, h: 121, data: null, type: 62, visible: true },

{ path: 'img/btn.jpg', x: 300, y: 281, w: 140, h: 50, data: null, type: 63, visible: true, text: '开始', textX: 366, textY: 310 },

{ x: 0, y: 0, type: 66, isText: true, visible: false },

{ path: 'img/1.jpg', data: null, type: 16, visible: false },

{ path: 'img/2.jpg', data: null, type: 17, visible: false },

{ path: 'img/3.jpg', data: null, type: 3, visible: false, se: 1 },

{ path: 'img/4.jpg', data: null, type: 4, visible: false, se: 1 },

{ path: 'img/5.jpg', data: null, type: 5, visible: false, se: 1 },

{ path: 'img/6.jpg', data: null, type: 6, visible: false, se: 1 },

{ path: 'img/7.jpg', data: null, type: 7, visible: false, se: 1 },

{ path: 'img/8.jpg', data: null, type: 8, visible: false, se: 1 },

{ path: 'img/9.jpg', data: null, type: 9, visible: false, se: 1 },

{ path: 'img/10.jpg', data: null, type: 10, visible: false, se: 1 },

{ path: 'img/11.jpg', data: null, type: 11, visible: false, se: 1 },

{ path: 'img/12.jpg', data: null, type: 12, visible: false, se: 1 },

{ path: 'img/13.jpg', data: null, type: 13, visible: false, se: 1 },

{ path: 'img/14.jpg', data: null, type: 14, visible: false, se: 1 },

{ path: 'img/15.jpg', data: null, type: 15, visible: false, se: 1 },

{ path: 'img/16.jpg', data: null, type: 3, visible: false, se: 4 },

{ path: 'img/17.jpg', data: null, type: 4, visible: false, se: 4 },

{ path: 'img/18.jpg', data: null, type: 5, visible: false, se: 4 },

{ path: 'img/19.jpg', data: null, type: 6, visible: false, se: 4 },

{ path: 'img/20.jpg', data: null, type: 7, visible: false, se: 4 },

{ path: 'img/21.jpg', data: null, type: 8, visible: false, se: 4 },

{ path: 'img/22.jpg', data: null, type: 9, visible: false, se: 4 },

{ path: 'img/23.jpg', data: null, type: 10, visible: false, se: 4 },

{ path: 'img/24.jpg', data: null, type: 11, visible: false, se: 4 },

{ path: 'img/25.jpg', data: null, type: 12, visible: false, se: 4 },

{ path: 'img/26.jpg', data: null, type: 13, visible: false, se: 4 },

{ path: 'img/27.jpg', data: null, type: 14, visible: false, se: 4 },

{ path: 'img/28.jpg', data: null, type: 15, visible: false, se: 4 },

{ path: 'img/29.jpg', data: null, type: 3, visible: false, se: 3 },

{ path: 'img/30.jpg', data: null, type: 4, visible: false, se: 3 },

{ path: 'img/31.jpg', data: null, type: 5, visible: false, se: 3 },

{ path: 'img/32.jpg', data: null, type: 6, visible: false, se: 3 },

{ path: 'img/33.jpg', data: null, type: 7, visible: false, se: 3 },

{ path: 'img/34.jpg', data: null, type: 8, visible: false, se: 3 },

{ path: 'img/35.jpg', data: null, type: 9, visible: false, se: 3 },

{ path: 'img/36.jpg', data: null, type: 10, visible: false, se: 3 },

{ path: 'img/37.jpg', data: null, type: 11, visible: false, se: 3 },

{ path: 'img/38.jpg', data: null, type: 12, visible: false, se: 3 },

{ path: 'img/39.jpg', data: null, type: 13, visible: false, se: 3 },

{ path: 'img/40.jpg', data: null, type: 14, visible: false, se: 3 },

{ path: 'img/41.jpg', data: null, type: 15, visible: false, se: 3 },

{ path: 'img/42.jpg', data: null, type: 3, visible: false, se: 2 },

{ path: 'img/43.jpg', data: null, type: 4, visible: false, se: 2 },

{ path: 'img/44.jpg', data: null, type: 5, visible: false, se: 2 },

{ path: 'img/45.jpg', data: null, type: 6, visible: false, se: 2 },

{ path: 'img/46.jpg', data: null, type: 7, visible: false, se: 2 },

{ path: 'img/47.jpg', data: null, type: 8, visible: false, se: 2 },

{ path: 'img/48.jpg', data: null, type: 9, visible: false, se: 2 },

{ path: 'img/49.jpg', data: null, type: 10, visible: false, se: 2 },

{ path: 'img/50.jpg', data: null, type: 11, visible: false, se: 2 },

{ path: 'img/51.jpg', data: null, type: 12, visible: false, se: 2 },

{ path: 'img/52.jpg', data: null, type: 13, visible: false, se: 2 },

{ path: 'img/53.jpg', data: null, type: 14, visible: false, se: 2 },

{ path: 'img/54.jpg', data: null, type: 15, visible: false, se: 2 }





var Labels = Class.create();

$.extend(Labels.prototype, {

initialize: function (cxt) {

this.cxt = cxt;


setText: function (text, postion) {

this.cxt.font = 'bold 20px serif';

this.cxt.fillStyle = '#000000';

this.cxt.textAlign = 'center';

this.cxt.fillText(text, postion.x, postion.y);



这个类的方法setText主要是根据设置的字体,字体大小,字体颜色,在Canvas上画文本的,this.cxt这个是canvas上下文(每个教程的叫法不一样),首先this.cxt.font = 'bold 20px serif';这个是设置字体大小,样式等,this.cxt.fillStyle = '#000000';这个

是设置字体颜色,this.cxt.textAlign = 'center';这个是设置字体对齐方式,this.cxt.fillText(text, postion.x, postion.y);这个是开始在canvas上画文本,postion.x, postion.y分别是x坐标和y坐标。


var DdZGame = Class.create();

DdZGame.Statics = { DealedNums: 0, isLeftFirstDeal: true };

$.extend(DdZGame.prototype, {

initialize: function () {

DdZGame.Statics.IsGetLander = false;

DdZGame.Statics.DealTime = 66;

this.leftPokers = [];

this.rightPokers = [];

this.myPokers = [];

this.LastPokers = [];//最后3张牌

this.leftPlays = [];

this.rightPlays = [];

this.myPlays = [];

this.myBtnPostion = { y: 245, x: 162 };

this.isStart = false;

this.Res = new Resource();

this.allPokers = new Array();

this.Lander = 0;//地主,1右边,2My,3左边

this.isGetLander = {};

this.GmCanvas = document.getElementById('gmCanvas');

this.cxt = this.GmCanvas.getContext('2d');

this.Lbl = new Labels(this.cxt);




initEvt: function () {

this.GmCanvas.onclick = $.proxy(function (e) {

var box = this.GmCanvas.getBoundingClientRect();

DdZGame.Statics.MousePostion = { x: e.pageX - box.left, y: e.pageY - box.top };


}, this);


onControlClick: function () {

var isClick = false;

for (var i = 0; i < this.Controls.length; i++) {

var c = this.Controls[i];

var postion = DdZGame.Statics.MousePostion;

if (c.onClick) {

if (postion.x >= c.x && postion.x <= c.x + c.w && postion.y >= c.y && postion.y <= c.y + c.h) {


isClick = true;





if (!isClick) {

for (var i = 0; i < this.myPokers.length; i++) {

var c = this.myPokers[i];

var postion = DdZGame.Statics.MousePostion;

if (c.onClick) {

if (postion.x >= c.x && postion.x <= c.x + c.w && postion.y >= c.y && postion.y <= c.y + c.h) {


isClick = true;







loadImages: function (callback) {

var loadedNums = 0;

var totalNums = this.Res.Images.length - 1;

this.Controls = [];

$.each(this.Res.Images, $.proxy(function (i, o) {

if (!o.path) {

return true;


o.data = new Image();

o.data.src = o.path;

o.data.onload = $.proxy(function () {

if (o.type <= 17) {






if (loadedNums >= totalNums) {



}, this);

}, this));


drawImage: function (callback, isUnVisibleLast) {//isVisibleLast 是否让底牌不可见

$.each(this.Controls, $.proxy(function (i, o) {

if (!o.visible)

return true;

if (o.type == 62) {

var x = 0;

for (var i = 0; i < 54 - DdZGame.Statics.DealedNums ; i++) {

if (i == 0) x = o.x;

this.cxt.drawImage(o.data, o.x, o.y, o.w, o.h);



o.x = x;


else if (!o.isText) {

this.cxt.drawImage(o.data, o.x, o.y, o.w, o.h);


if (o.type == 63) {

this.Lbl.setText(o.text, { x: o.textX, y: o.textY });

if (!o.onClick)

o.onClick = $.proxy(function () {

o.onClick = null;

o.visible = false;



}, this);


if (o.type == 66) {

this.Lbl.setText(o.text, { x: o.x, y: o.y });


}, this));


var copyLeftPokers = this.leftPokers.slice();

var copyRightPokers = this.rightPokers.slice();

var copyMyPokers = this.myPokers.slice();

var copyLastPokers = this.LastPokers.slice();

var isDealEndLeft = false;

var isDealEndRight = false;

var isDealEndMy = false;

var isDealEndLast = false;

var beiMain = $.grep(this.Res.Images, $.proxy(function (o, i) { return o.type == 62; }, this))[0];

var DrawPokers = function (arry, direction, isBeiMian, identiy, axis) {

if (arry && arry.length > 0) {

var o = arry[0];

var x = 0, y = 0;

if (!DdZGame.Statics[direction]) {

DdZGame.Statics[direction] = this[direction];


if (!o.x) {

x = DdZGame.Statics[direction].x;

y = DdZGame.Statics[direction].y;

o.x = this[direction].x;

o.y = this[direction].y;


else {

x = o.x;

y = o.y;


if (!o.visible) {

return true;


o.w = 18;

o.h = 129;

if (arry.length == 1) {

o.w = 105;

o.h = 150;


var img = o.data;

if (isBeiMian) {

img = beiMain.data;


else if (direction == 'myPannel') {

o.onClick = $.proxy(function () {

if (!this.isStart)


if (!o.isPlay) {

o.isPlay = true;

o.y -= 30;


else {

o.isPlay = false;

o.y += 30;


DdZGame.Statics.DealTime = 0;


}, this);


this.cxt.drawImage(img, x, y);

DdZGame.Statics[direction][axis] += identiy;

arry.splice(0, 1);

if (DdZGame.Statics.DealTime > 0)

DdZGame.Statics[direction + 'handle'] = setTimeout($.proxy(function () {

DrawPokers.call(this, arry, direction, isBeiMian, identiy, axis);

}, this), DdZGame.Statics.DealTime);


DrawPokers.call(this, arry, direction, isBeiMian, identiy, axis);


else if (DdZGame.Statics[direction + 'handle'] || DdZGame.Statics.DealTime == 0) {

clearTimeout(DdZGame.Statics[direction + 'handle']);

if (direction == 'leftPannel' && copyLeftPokers.length == 0) {

isDealEndLeft = true;


if (direction == 'rightPannel' && copyRightPokers.length == 0) {

isDealEndRight = true;


if (direction == 'myPannel' && copyMyPokers.length == 0) {

isDealEndMy = true;


if (direction == 'lastPannel' && copyLastPokers.length == 0) {

isDealEndLast = true;


if (isDealEndLeft && isDealEndRight && isDealEndMy && isDealEndLast) {



if (callback)





DrawPokers.call(this, copyLeftPokers, 'leftPannel', true, 26, 'y');

DrawPokers.call(this, copyRightPokers, 'rightPannel', true, 26, 'y');

DrawPokers.call(this, copyMyPokers, 'myPannel', false, 19, 'x');

DrawPokers.call(this, copyLastPokers, 'lastPannel', isUnVisibleLast, 126, 'x');


init: function () {



Dealing: function () {//发牌

this.leftPannel = { x: 5, y: 18 };

this.rightPannel = { x: 691, y: 18 };

this.myPannel = { x: 198, y: 330 };

this.lastPannel = { x: 243, y: 5 };

if (DdZGame.Statics.DealedNums >= 51) { //发牌完毕

$.each(this.allPokers, $.proxy(function (i, o) {

o.visible = true;


}, this));

this.myPokers.sort(function (a, b) {

if (a.type != b.type)

return b.type - a.type;

return b.se - a.se;


$.grep(this.Res.Images, $.proxy(function (o, i) { return o.type == 62; }, this))[0].visible = false;

this.drawImage($.proxy(function () { this.GetLander(); }, this), true);


else {


var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.allPokers.length - 1) + 0);

var c = this.allPokers.splice(index, 1);

c[0].visible = true;




index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.allPokers.length - 1) + 0);

c = this.allPokers.splice(index, 1);

c[0].visible = true;



index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.allPokers.length - 1) + 0);

c = this.allPokers.splice(index, 1);

c[0].visible = true;






GetLander: function (firstGet, minScore, curScore) {


//if (curScore && !this.isGetLander[1] && !this.isGetLander[2] && !this.isGetLander[3]) {

// //**Game Over !

// alert('无人抢地主');

// return;


var postion = { 1: { y: 100, x: 640 }, 3: { y: 100, x: 126 }, 2: { x: 216, y: 297 } };

if (!curScore) {

if (!minScore)

minScore = 1;

if (!firstGet)

firstGet = Math.floor(Math.random() * (3 - 1 + 1) + 1);

if (firstGet == 1 || firstGet == 3) { //电脑抢地主

if (this.isGetLander[firstGet] == -1 || this.isGetLander[firstGet]) {

$.each(this.Controls, $.proxy(function (i, o) {

if (o.Lander) {

o.visible = false;


}, this));

var max = 0;

if (this.isGetLander[1] > this.isGetLander[2]) {

max = this.isGetLander[1];

this.Lander = 1;


else {

max = this.isGetLander[2];

this.Lander = 2;


if (max < this.isGetLander[3]) {

max = this.isGetLander[3];

this.Lander = 3;


if (max == 0) {

alert('Game Over !');



var txt = max + '分';

var t = {};

var tObj = $.grep(this.Res.Images, function (o, i) { return o.type == 66; })[0];

$.extend(t, tObj);//复制对象

if (this.CurScore == 4) {

txt = '不抢';


t.text = txt;

t.x = postion[this.Lander].x;

t.y = postion[this.Lander].y;

t.visible = true;


//this.drawImage($.proxy(function () {

// this.FanDiPai(this.Lander);

//}, this));





this.CurScore = Math.floor(Math.random() * (4 - minScore + 1) + minScore);

this.isGetLander[firstGet] = this.CurScore == 4 ? -1 : this.CurScore;

var txt = this.CurScore + '分';

var t = {};

var tObj = $.grep(this.Res.Images, function (o, i) { return o.type == 66; })[0];

$.extend(t, tObj);//复制对象

if (this.CurScore == 4) {

txt = '不抢';


t.text = txt;

t.x = postion[firstGet].x;

t.y = postion[firstGet].y;

t.visible = true;


if (this.CurScore == 3) {

this.Lander = firstGet;

//DdZGame.Statics.IsGetLander = true;

//DdZGame.Statics.DealTime = 0;

var dz = {};

$.extend(dz, tObj);//复制对象

dz.text = '地主';

dz.x = t.x + 30;

dz.y = t.y;

dz.visible = true;


//this.drawImage($.proxy(function () { this.Play(this.Lander, '电脑地主'); }, this));//电脑抢到地主优先出牌




else {

if (this.CurScore == 4) {

var test = 'abcdefg';


var nextGet = firstGet == 1 ? 2 : 1;

minScore = this.CurScore == 4 ? minScore : this.CurScore + 1;

this.CurScore = this.CurScore == 4 ? 0 : this.CurScore;

DdZGame.Statics.DealTime = 0;

this.drawImage($.proxy(function () { this.GetLander(nextGet, minScore); }, this), true);//电脑抢到地主优先出牌





if (curScore) {



$.each(this.Controls, $.proxy(function (i, o) {

if (o.Lander) {

o.visible = false;


}, this));

this.CurScore = curScore;

var txt = this.CurScore + '分';

var t = {};

var tObj = $.grep(this.Res.Images, function (o, i) { return o.type == 66; })[0];

$.extend(t, tObj);//复制对象

if (this.CurScore == 4) {

txt = '不抢';


t.text = txt;

t.x = postion[2].x;

t.y = postion[2].y;

t.visible = true;


this.isGetLander[2] = curScore == 4 ? -1 : curScore;

if (this.CurScore == 3 || (this.isGetLander[1] && this.isGetLander[3] && this.CurScore != 4)) {

this.Lander = 2;

//DdZGame.Statics.IsGetLander = true;

//DdZGame.Statics.DealTime = 0;

var dz = {};

$.extend(dz, tObj);//复制对象

dz.text = '地主';

dz.x = t.x + 50;

dz.y = t.y;

dz.visible = true;


//this.drawImage($.proxy(function () { this.Play(this.Lander, '我是地主'); }, this), false);//电脑抢到地主优先出牌




else {

minScore = this.CurScore == 4 ? minScore : this.CurScore + 1;

this.CurScore = this.CurScore == 4 ? 0 : this.CurScore;

if (!this.isGetLander[3]) {

DdZGame.Statics.DealTime = 0;

this.drawImage($.proxy(function () { this.GetLander(3, minScore) }, this), true);



else { //已经转了一圈,则比较抢地主的分数大小

var max = 0;

if (this.isGetLander[1] > this.isGetLander[2]) {

max = this.isGetLander[1];

this.Lander = 1;


else {

max = this.isGetLander[2];

this.Lander = 2;


if (max < this.isGetLander[3]) {

max = this.isGetLander[3];

this.Lander = 3;


if (max == 0) {

alert('Game Over !');



var txt = '地主';

var t = {};

var tObj = $.grep(this.Res.Images, function (o, i) { return o.type == 66; })[0];

$.extend(t, tObj);//复制对象

t.text = txt;

t.x = postion[this.Lander].x;

t.y = postion[this.Lander].y;

if (this.Lander != 2) {

t.x += 30;


else {

t.x += 50;


t.visible = true;


//DdZGame.Statics.DealTime = 0;

//this.drawImage($.proxy(function () { this.Play(this.Lander, '抢地主啊'); }, this), false);






else if (this.isGetLander[2] == -1 || this.isGetLander[2]) {

$.each(this.Controls, $.proxy(function (i, o) {

if (o.Lander) {

o.visible = false;


}, this));

var max = 0;

if (this.isGetLander[1] > this.isGetLander[2]) {

max = this.isGetLander[1];

this.Lander = 1;


else {

max = this.isGetLander[2];

this.Lander = 2;


if (max < this.isGetLander[3]) {

max = this.isGetLander[3];

this.Lander = 3;


if (max == 0) {

alert('Game Over !');



var txt = max + '分';

var t = {};

var tObj = $.grep(this.Res.Images, function (o, i) { return o.type == 66; })[0];

$.extend(t, tObj);//复制对象

if (this.CurScore == 4) {

txt = '不抢';


t.text = txt;

t.x = postion[this.Lander].x;

t.y = postion[this.Lander].y;

t.visible = true;


//DdZGame.Statics.DealTime = 0;

//this.drawImage($.proxy(function () { this.Play(this.Lander, '抢地主啊'); }, this), false);




//if (DdZGame.Statics.IsGetLander) {

// return;


//DdZGame.Statics.IsGetLander = true;//是否在抢地主


var btnObj = $.grep(this.Res.Images, $.proxy(function (o, i) {

return o.type == 63;

}, this))[0];

if (!this.CurScore) {

this.CurScore = 0;


var txtX = 0;

for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {

if (i > this.CurScore) {

var btn = {};

$.extend(btn, btnObj);

btn.text = i + '分';

btn.x = this.myBtnPostion.x;

btn.y = this.myBtnPostion.y;

btn.visible = true;

btn.type = 63;

btn.textX = this.myBtnPostion.x + 30;

btn.textY = 286;

btn.h = 50;

btn.w = 81;

btn.Lander = true;

btn.onClick = (function (i, obj) { return function () { obj.GetLander(3, i + 1, i); }; })(i, this)

DdZGame.Statics.DealTime = 0;


this.myBtnPostion.x += btn.w + 10;



if (DdZGame.Statics.DealTime == 0) {

var btn = {};

$.extend(btn, btnObj);

btn.text = '不抢';

btn.x = this.myBtnPostion.x;

btn.y = this.myBtnPostion.y;

btn.visible = true;

btn.type = 63;

btn.textX = this.myBtnPostion.x + 30;

btn.textY = 286;

btn.h = 50;

btn.w = 81;

btn.Lander = true;

btn.onClick = $.proxy(function () { this.GetLander(3, minScore, 4); }, this);


this.drawImage(null, true);



FanDiPai: function (lander) {//翻底牌

DdZGame.Statics.DealTime = 0;

var p = '';

if (lander == 1) {

p = 'rightPokers';


else if (lander == 2) {

p = 'myPokers';


else if (lander == 3) {

p = 'leftPokers';



$.each(this.LastPokers, $.proxy(function (i, o) {

var c = {};

$.extend(c, o);

c.x = null;

c.y = null;


test = c.path;

}, this));

if (lander == 2) {

this.myPokers.sort(function (a, b) {

a.x = null;

a.y = null;

b.x = null;

b.y = null;

if (a.type != b.type)

return b.type - a.type;

return b.se - a.se;


this.myPannel = { x: 198, y: 330 };

DdZGame.Statics['myPannel'] = null;


this.drawImage($.proxy(function () { this.isStart = true; this.Play(lander, '是地主啊'); }, this), false);


Play: function (lander, msg) {//出牌




View Code


initEvt这个里是初始化canvas事件,canvas点击事件不像svg那样,因为canvas是一帧一帧画上去的,html dom里是看不到里面的每个元素,javascript自然也无法获取到canvas里的某个元素,那canvas元素点击事件是怎么处理的了?





Dealing :这个是发牌,每方的牌都是随机的,if(DdZGame.Statics.DealedNums >= 51)发了51张牌之后,就剩3张底牌,然后再把这51张牌和3张底牌画在canvas上

GetLander :这个是抢地主,谁先抢地主是随机的,如果是先随机到电脑抢地主,那抢地主的分数也是随机的。


  1. 【华为OD机试真题】1023 - 按身高和体重排队(JAVA C++ Python JS) | 机试题+算法思路+考点+代码解析

    文章目录 一.题目

  2. 数字拼图java小程序_JS写的数字拼图小游戏代码[学习参考]

    昨天没事做,就用JS写了个数字拼图的小游戏,自娱自乐. 可惜关于逆序数的问题还没解决,现在有时是拼不成的,大家见谅了. 拼图 td.numTd{ width : 20px ; height : 20p ...

  3. Atitit.提升软件Web应用程序 app性能的方法原理 h5 js java c# php python android .net

    Atitit.提升软件Web应用程序 app性能的方法原理 h5 js java c# php python android .net 1. 提升单例有能力的1 2. 减少工作数量2 2.1. 减少距 ...

  4. android加载h5速度慢的解决方案,WebView优化提高H5加载速度方案

    WebView优化提高H5加载速度方案 WebView加载H5经历的过程图示 上图体现的是用户打开一个H5页面,经历的过程与代码内部所作的事情的对应关系.javascript 用户:无感知(WebVi ...

  5. 用原生安卓 做一个“套壳”APP、混合开发、安卓H5加壳开发

     源码下载 用安卓WebView做一个"套壳"APP.安卓混合开发.安卓hybridApp.安卓H5加壳开发-Java文档类资源-CSDN下载 Hybrid App(混合应用):即 ...

  6. java基础-Map集合、Collections集合、斗地主案例

    1.Map集合 1.1Map集合概述和特点 Map集合概述 interface Map<K,V> K:键的类型:V:值的类型 Map集合的特点 (1)键值对映射关系 (2)一个键对应一个值 ...

  7. app点餐点菜订餐订菜系统(前台h5,后台Java,SSH,mysql)

    app点餐点菜系统(前台h5,后台Java,SSH,mysql) [项目包含内容] [文档包含内容] [项目功能介绍] 这个系统是一个网上订餐系统,给商家提供一个新的营销平台,商户可以选择性地入驻这个 ...

  8. h5 加载更多下拉按钮_更好的按钮设计的5个技巧

    h5 加载更多下拉按钮 重点 (Top highlight) 第6部分 (Part 6) After we went through all the very basics of UI design ...

  9. h5调用指纹识别_HTML5 + JS 网站追踪技术:帆布指纹识别 Canvas FingerPrinting Universally Unique Identifier,简称UUID...

    一般情况下,网站或者广告联盟都会非常想要一种技术方式可以在网络上精确定位到每一个个体,这样可以通过收集这些个体的数据,通过分析后更加精准的去推送广告(精准化营销)或其他有针对性的一些活动.Cookie ...


  1. mysql.msi卸载_MySql安装与卸载的详细教程
  2. [C#]最简单的Base64加密解密
  3. spring事务管理-Transaction模板(了解)
  4. MFC之实现鼠标自动左击,频率可调,支持热键
  5. java程序设计实验报告册_20145215《Java程序设计》实验一实验报告
  6. 程序员成长最快的环境
  7. 回文问题‪‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‮‬‭‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‮‬‪‬‫‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‮‬‫‬‭‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‮‬‭‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‮‬‪‬‭‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‮‬‫‬‪‬
  8. python 图像识别男女_python实现图像识别功能
  9. Arcgis实现路线等线方向箭头表示
  10. python中如何将矩阵合并并多一个维度
  11. Mysql之DDL(数据定义语言)
  12. Linux网络编程(Socket)(一)
  13. 根据四个点坐标排列出左上右上右下左下位置关系
  14. java deflate_[Java]关于Deflate、GZip格式网页的解压
  15. Java——求解一元n次方程(V1.0)
  16. 《锋利的jQuery》学习总结
  17. VS Code语言切换
  18. OUC我的ACM之路(三)
  19. CyclicBarrier实现赛马游戏
  20. JimuReport - 积木报表(一款免费Web报表工具)


  1. python英文文本情感分析_sentimentpy模块进行中文文本情感分类
  2. 计算机视觉中的多视图几何<Part0—基础知识:射影几何、变换和估计>(3)
  3. 硬件知识--单片机高精度电流测量电路
  4. Java类和对象之对象引用之模拟手机功能
  5. Kuberneters企业级容器云平台落地实践之二
  6. 涉密计算机打印机共享案例分析,案例教程|兼收并蓄,有线打印机无线共享实战...
  7. java毕业生设计中小型饭馆餐饮管理系统计算机源码+系统+mysql+调试部署+lw
  8. 男朋友向女朋友打的辞职报告
  9. 外企8年,我学到的人性化,不止是宽容
  10. Keil C51 V6.12