这次分享的是CAAD-2018比赛中Northwest Security团队的技术报告,该团队在此次比赛中取得了了targeted Attack 方向第三名,non-targeted Attack方向第四名的成绩。
题目:Leverage Open-Source Information To Make An Effective Adversarial Attack Against Deep Learning Model

  • 研究对抗样本的意义:

    • Since then, tremendous efforts have been made to explore this vulnerability and to improve the robustness of neural network.
    • On the other hand, competition has been proved to be one effective way to boost the learning on security-related topics.

该团队使用同样的method和 concept 取得了2018 CAAD targeted Attack 方向第三名,non-targeted Attack方向第四名的成绩。

non-targeted and targeted attack攻击方法都是基于多模型的BIM方法。并且在Las Vegas的线下赛中第二名的成绩。

  • 4种攻击方法对抗3种防御方法的测试情况:



But the white-box attack is only effective against the corresponding defense model, which means poor transferability. Fortunately, researchers have demonstrated that good transferability can be achieved by multi-model ensembling1.

经过对可获取的公共对抗方法的评估后,该团队采用了toshi_k团队(NIPs 2017 5th) 的方法,在toshi_k的基础上优化了model selection and hyperparameter tuning的代码。

the key idea来自于Sanxia提出的在对抗攻击中的fused方法。

Non-targeted attack攻击将objective function 定义成到original label的距离,优化目标就是增加该距离。

targeted attack函数将objective function定义成到target label的距离,优化目标就是减少距离

Adversarially trained defense models usually have unsmooth gradients, which means there are many local minima acting like gradient traps. Toshi_k method applied a 2D Gaussian smoothing over gradient in each iteration, which can effectively remove the local minima.On the other hand, sangxia method added a random perturbation to the calculated adversarial image, which increases the chance of calculation “jumping” out of the local gradient traps.

该团队的伪代码 - pseudocode

x_adv = original_imageFor each iteration:loss = calculate the loss through loss functiongradient = calculate the gradient of loss w.r.t. x_adv# 2d Gaussian smoothinggradient = 2D_Gaussian_smoothing(gradient)# calculate adversarial image x_advx_adv = x_adv - alpha * sign(gradient)# random perturbationx_adv = x_adv + random_number

Toshi_k 为了提高transferability,集成了以下三种模型(求平均值):

  • inception_v3
  • adv_inception_v3
  • ens_adv_inception_resnet_v2

最优的步长是在1000张给定的图片和包括NWSec开发的最先进的防御软件在内的公共可用防御软件上确定的。the optimal step size could be different based on the pictures and the defender selection

hyperparameter selection,该团队的攻击方法能够对all the public available adversarial defenders都取得一个高分数。也引入了2017廖方舟团队的most powerful defender


  1. Tramèr, Florian, et al. “Ensemble adversarial training: Attacks and defenses.” arXiv preprint. arXiv:1705.07204 (2017) ↩︎

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