参考论文:“Attention gated networks : Learning to leverage salient regions in medical images

关键字:Attention Gate(AG) – automatically learns to focus on target structures


1. Introduction

  • AGs automatically learn to focus on target structures without additional supervision.
  • At test time, these gates generate soft region proposals implicitly on-the-fly and highlight salient features useful for a specific task.
  • Image-grid based gating.

1.1 Related work

Attention gates:
  • The idea of attention mechanisms is to generate a context vector which assigns weight on the input sequence (注意力机制的基本思路是创建一个上下文向量,向量的每一个分量对应于输入向量相应元素的权重)
  • proposing grid-baed gating that allows attention gates to be more specificc to local regions
  • We propose one of the use cases of soft-attention in a feed-forward CNN model applied to a medical imaging task that is end-to-end trainable
  • For classification, better performance with AGs over the baseline approach.
  • For segmentation, an extension to the standard U-net model is proposed that provides increased sensitivity without the need of complicated heuristics, while not sacrificing specificity.
  • We demonstrate that the proposed attention mechanism provides fine-scale attention maps that can be visualised, with minimal computational overhead, which helps with interpretability of predictions.

2. Methodology

2.1 Convolutional neural network

AGs progressively suppress feature responses in irrelevant background regions without the requirement to crop a ROI between networks

2.2 Attention gate module

Let  x l = { x i l } i = 1 n be the activation map of a chosen layer  l ∈ { 1 , … , L } , where each  x i l represents the pixel-wise feature vector of length  F l For each  x i l , AG computes coefficients  α l = { α i l } i = 1 n , where  α i l ∈ [ 0 , 1 ] , in order to preserve only the activations relevant to the specific task The output of AG is  x ^ l = { α i l x } i = 1 n , where each feature vector is scaled by the corresponding attention coefficient \text{Let }x^l = \{x_i^l \}^n_{i=1}\text{be the activation map of a chosen layer }l \in \{1,\dots,L \}, \text{where each }x_i^l \text{ represents the pixel-wise feature vector of length } F_l \\ \text{For each } x_i^l \text{, AG computes coefficients }\alpha^l =\{\alpha_i^l \}_{i=1}^n, \text{where }\alpha_i^l\in[0,1]\text{, in order to preserve only the activations relevant to the specific task} \\ \text{The output of AG is }\hat{\bold x}^l=\{\alpha_i^l\bold{x}\}_{i=1}^n\text{, where each feature vector is scaled by the corresponding attention coefficient} Let xl={xil​}i=1n​be the activation map of a chosen layer l∈{1,…,L},where each xil​ represents the pixel-wise feature vector of length Fl​For each xil​, AG computes coefficients αl={αil​}i=1n​,where αil​∈[0,1], in order to preserve only the activations relevant to the specific taskThe output of AG is x^l={αil​x}i=1n​, where each feature vector is scaled by the corresponding attention coefficient

two commonly used attention types { Multiplicative: faster to compute and more memory-efficient Additive Attention: perform better for large dimensional input features \text{two commonly used attention types}\begin{cases} \text{Multiplicative: faster to compute and more memory-efficient} \\ \text{Additive Attention: perform better for large dimensional input features} \end{cases} two commonly used attention types{Multiplicative: faster to compute and more memory-efficientAdditive Attention: perform better for large dimensional input features​

作者将flattern前的feature map作为coarse scale feature map(gating signal g) ,然后进行attention 机制

第一个圆圈里的+是Additive Attention, 第二个圆圈里的x是矩阵对应元素点乘

Additive Attention:

关于Additive Attention:

The linear transformations are computed using channel-wise 1x1x1 convolutions

channel-wise convolution: 不需要outchannel == inchannel!

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