

NoPadding: 不填充

PKCS5Padding: 填充字符串由一个字节序列组成,每个字节填充该字节序列的长度,假定数据长度为9,则需要填充的长度为16 - 9 = 7,数据等于 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF, 填充后数据为FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 07 07 07 07 07 07 07

ISO10126Padding: 填充字符串由一个字节序列组成,此字节序列的最后一个字节填充字节序列的长度,其余字节填充随机数据。假定数据长度为9,则需要填充的长度为16 - 9 = 7,数据等于 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF, 填充后数据为FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 7D 2A 75 EF F8 EF 07


/*************************************************************************** AES declarations **************************************************************************/#define AES_MAXROUNDS           14
#define AES_BLOCKSIZE           16
#define AES_IV_SIZE             16typedef struct aes_key_st
{uint16_t rounds;uint16_t key_size;uint32_t ks[(AES_MAXROUNDS+1)*8];uint8_t iv[AES_IV_SIZE];
} AES_CTX;typedef enum
} AES_MODE;void AES_set_key(AES_CTX *ctx, const uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *iv, AES_MODE mode);
void AES_cbc_encrypt(AES_CTX *ctx, const uint8_t *msg, uint8_t *out, int length);
void AES_cbc_decrypt(AES_CTX *ks, const uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out, int length);


static const uint8_t aes_sbox[256] =
};/** AES is-box*/
static const uint8_t aes_isbox[256] =
};static const unsigned char Rcon[30]=
};#define rot1(x) (((x) << 24) | ((x) >> 8))
#define rot2(x) (((x) << 16) | ((x) >> 16))
#define rot3(x) (((x) <<  8) | ((x) >> 24))/* * This cute trick does 4 'mul by two' at once.  Stolen from* Dr B. R. Gladman <brg@gladman.uk.net> but I'm sure the u-(u>>7) is* a standard graphics trick* The key to this is that we need to xor with 0x1b if the top bit is set.* a 1xxx xxxx   0xxx 0xxx First we mask the 7bit,* b 1000 0000   0000 0000 then we shift right by 7 putting the 7bit in 0bit,* c 0000 0001   0000 0000 we then subtract (c) from (b)* d 0111 1111   0000 0000 and now we and with our mask* e 0001 1011   0000 0000*/
#define mt  0x80808080
#define ml  0x7f7f7f7f
#define mh  0xfefefefe
#define mm  0x1b1b1b1b
#define mul2(x,t)   ((t)=((x)&mt), \((((x)+(x))&mh)^(((t)-((t)>>7))&mm)))#define inv_mix_col(x,f2,f4,f8,f9) (\(f2)=mul2(x,f2), \(f4)=mul2(f2,f4), \(f8)=mul2(f4,f8), \(f9)=(x)^(f8), \(f8)=((f2)^(f4)^(f8)), \(f2)^=(f9), \(f4)^=(f9), \(f8)^=rot3(f2), \(f8)^=rot2(f4), \(f8)^rot1(f9))/** AES S-box*/
static const uint8_t aes_sbox[256] =
};/** AES is-box*/
static const uint8_t aes_isbox[256] =
};static const unsigned char Rcon[30]=
};/* ----- static functions ----- */
static void AES_encrypt(const AES_CTX *ctx, uint32_t *data);
static void AES_decrypt(const AES_CTX *ctx, uint32_t *data);/* Perform doubling in Galois Field GF(2^8) using the irreducible polynomialx^8+x^4+x^3+x+1 */
static unsigned char AES_xtime(uint32_t x)
{return x = (x&0x80) ? (x<<1)^0x1b : x<<1;
}/*** Set up AES with the key/iv and cipher size.*/
void AES_set_key(AES_CTX *ctx, const uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *iv, AES_MODE mode)
{int i, ii;uint32_t *W, tmp, tmp2;const unsigned char *ip;int words;switch (mode){case AES_MODE_128:i = 10;words = 4;break;case AES_MODE_256:i = 14;words = 8;break;default:        /* fail silently */return;}ctx->rounds = i;ctx->key_size = words;W = ctx->ks;for (i = 0; i < words; i+=2){W[i+0]=   ((uint32_t)key[ 0]<<24)|((uint32_t)key[ 1]<<16)|((uint32_t)key[ 2]<< 8)|((uint32_t)key[ 3]    );W[i+1]= ((uint32_t)key[ 4]<<24)|((uint32_t)key[ 5]<<16)|((uint32_t)key[ 6]<< 8)|((uint32_t)key[ 7]    );key += 8;}ip = Rcon;ii = 4 * (ctx->rounds+1);for (i = words; i<ii; i++){tmp = W[i-1];if ((i % words) == 0){tmp2 =(uint32_t)aes_sbox[(tmp    )&0xff]<< 8;tmp2|=(uint32_t)aes_sbox[(tmp>> 8)&0xff]<<16;tmp2|=(uint32_t)aes_sbox[(tmp>>16)&0xff]<<24;tmp2|=(uint32_t)aes_sbox[(tmp>>24)     ];tmp=tmp2^(((unsigned int)*ip)<<24);ip++;}if ((words == 8) && ((i % words) == 4)){tmp2 =(uint32_t)aes_sbox[(tmp    )&0xff]    ;tmp2|=(uint32_t)aes_sbox[(tmp>> 8)&0xff]<< 8;tmp2|=(uint32_t)aes_sbox[(tmp>>16)&0xff]<<16;tmp2|=(uint32_t)aes_sbox[(tmp>>24)     ]<<24;tmp=tmp2;}W[i]=W[i-words]^tmp;}/* copy the iv across */memcpy(ctx->iv, iv, 16);
}/*** Change a key for decryption.*/
void AES_convert_key(AES_CTX *ctx)
{int i;uint32_t *k,w,t1,t2,t3,t4;k = ctx->ks;k += 4;for (i= ctx->rounds*4; i > 4; i--){w= *k;w = inv_mix_col(w,t1,t2,t3,t4);*k++ =w;}
}/*** Encrypt a byte sequence (with a block size 16) using the AES cipher.*/
void AES_cbc_encrypt(AES_CTX *ctx, const uint8_t *msg, uint8_t *out, int length)
{int i;uint32_t tin[4], tout[4], iv[4];memcpy(iv, ctx->iv, AES_IV_SIZE);for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)tout[i] = ntohl(iv[i]);for (length -= AES_BLOCKSIZE; length >= 0; length -= AES_BLOCKSIZE){uint32_t msg_32[4];uint32_t out_32[4];memcpy(msg_32, msg, AES_BLOCKSIZE);msg += AES_BLOCKSIZE;for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)tin[i] = ntohl(msg_32[i])^tout[i];AES_encrypt(ctx, tin);for (i = 0; i < 4; i++){tout[i] = tin[i]; out_32[i] = htonl(tout[i]);}memcpy(out, out_32, AES_BLOCKSIZE);out += AES_BLOCKSIZE;}for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)iv[i] = htonl(tout[i]);memcpy(ctx->iv, iv, AES_IV_SIZE);
}/*** Decrypt a byte sequence (with a block size 16) using the AES cipher.*/
void AES_cbc_decrypt(AES_CTX *ctx, const uint8_t *msg, uint8_t *out, int length)
{int i;uint32_t tin[4], xor[4], tout[4], data[4], iv[4];memcpy(iv, ctx->iv, AES_IV_SIZE);for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)xor[i] = ntohl(iv[i]);for (length -= 16; length >= 0; length -= 16){uint32_t msg_32[4];uint32_t out_32[4];memcpy(msg_32, msg, AES_BLOCKSIZE);msg += AES_BLOCKSIZE;for (i = 0; i < 4; i++){tin[i] = ntohl(msg_32[i]);data[i] = tin[i];}AES_decrypt(ctx, data);for (i = 0; i < 4; i++){tout[i] = data[i]^xor[i];xor[i] = tin[i];out_32[i] = htonl(tout[i]);}memcpy(out, out_32, AES_BLOCKSIZE);out += AES_BLOCKSIZE;}for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)iv[i] = htonl(xor[i]);memcpy(ctx->iv, iv, AES_IV_SIZE);
}/*** Encrypt a single block (16 bytes) of data*/
static void AES_encrypt(const AES_CTX *ctx, uint32_t *data)
{/* To make this code smaller, generate the sbox entries on the fly.* This will have a really heavy effect upon performance.*/uint32_t tmp[4];uint32_t tmp1, old_a0, a0, a1, a2, a3, row;int curr_rnd;int rounds = ctx->rounds; const uint32_t *k = ctx->ks;/* Pre-round key addition */for (row = 0; row < 4; row++)data[row] ^= *(k++);/* Encrypt one block. */for (curr_rnd = 0; curr_rnd < rounds; curr_rnd++){/* Perform ByteSub and ShiftRow operations together */for (row = 0; row < 4; row++){a0 = (uint32_t)aes_sbox[(data[row%4]>>24)&0xFF];a1 = (uint32_t)aes_sbox[(data[(row+1)%4]>>16)&0xFF];a2 = (uint32_t)aes_sbox[(data[(row+2)%4]>>8)&0xFF]; a3 = (uint32_t)aes_sbox[(data[(row+3)%4])&0xFF];/* Perform MixColumn iff not last round */if (curr_rnd < (rounds - 1)){tmp1 = a0 ^ a1 ^ a2 ^ a3;old_a0 = a0;a0 ^= tmp1 ^ AES_xtime(a0 ^ a1);a1 ^= tmp1 ^ AES_xtime(a1 ^ a2);a2 ^= tmp1 ^ AES_xtime(a2 ^ a3);a3 ^= tmp1 ^ AES_xtime(a3 ^ old_a0);}tmp[row] = ((a0 << 24) | (a1 << 16) | (a2 << 8) | a3);}/* KeyAddition - note that it is vital that this loop is separate fromthe MixColumn operation, which must be atomic...*/ for (row = 0; row < 4; row++)data[row] = tmp[row] ^ *(k++);}
}/*** Decrypt a single block (16 bytes) of data*/
static void AES_decrypt(const AES_CTX *ctx, uint32_t *data)
{ uint32_t tmp[4];uint32_t xt0,xt1,xt2,xt3,xt4,xt5,xt6;uint32_t a0, a1, a2, a3, row;int curr_rnd;int rounds = ctx->rounds;const uint32_t *k = ctx->ks + ((rounds+1)*4);/* pre-round key addition */for (row=4; row > 0;row--)data[row-1] ^= *(--k);/* Decrypt one block */for (curr_rnd = 0; curr_rnd < rounds; curr_rnd++){/* Perform ByteSub and ShiftRow operations together */for (row = 4; row > 0; row--){a0 = aes_isbox[(data[(row+3)%4]>>24)&0xFF];a1 = aes_isbox[(data[(row+2)%4]>>16)&0xFF];a2 = aes_isbox[(data[(row+1)%4]>>8)&0xFF];a3 = aes_isbox[(data[row%4])&0xFF];/* Perform MixColumn iff not last round */if (curr_rnd<(rounds-1)){/* The MDS cofefficients (0x09, 0x0B, 0x0D, 0x0E)are quite large compared to encryption; this operation slows decryption down noticeably. */xt0 = AES_xtime(a0^a1);xt1 = AES_xtime(a1^a2);xt2 = AES_xtime(a2^a3);xt3 = AES_xtime(a3^a0);xt4 = AES_xtime(xt0^xt1);xt5 = AES_xtime(xt1^xt2);xt6 = AES_xtime(xt4^xt5);xt0 ^= a1^a2^a3^xt4^xt6;xt1 ^= a0^a2^a3^xt5^xt6;xt2 ^= a0^a1^a3^xt4^xt6;xt3 ^= a0^a1^a2^xt5^xt6;tmp[row-1] = ((xt0<<24)|(xt1<<16)|(xt2<<8)|xt3);}elsetmp[row-1] = ((a0<<24)|(a1<<16)|(a2<<8)|a3);}for (row = 4; row > 0; row--)data[row-1] = tmp[row-1] ^ *(--k);}


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