lynda ux

I have had the pleasure of training and mentoring several UX people at the beginning of their careers.


Whatever your background or experience, I’ve found repeatedly that there are some key milestones as your mindset changes from ‘designer of things I am told to make’ to UX thinker, consultant, strategist and valuable user-centred designer.

无论您的背景或经验如何,我都会反复发现,随着您的思维方式从“被告知要做的事情的设计师”变为UX思想家,顾问,战略家和以用户为中心的有价值的设计师 ,有一些重要的里程碑。

You cannot force these into someone; they come with time, patience and repeated experience.

您不能强迫他们进入某人。 他们需要时间,耐心和反复的经验。

So, in no particular order here are my top 7 lessons to be learned:


1.与您的意见无关 (1. It’s not about your opinion)

This one tends to happen early on. If you are making design decisions based on what you like then you are some kind of artist or design aesthetician; not a UX designer.

这往往会在早期发生。 如果您根据自己的喜好做出设计决策,那么您就是某种艺术家或设计美学家。 不是UX设计师。

Your design decisions need to be based on a combination of UX and accessibility best practice, user research, appropriate design patterns for the users’ mental model or the type of experience you are creating and an hypothesis you wish to test.


Your current design dynamic might be:


You -vs- the design — you are designing for yourself, so only your opinion matters.

- 设计 -您正在为自己设计,因此只有您的意见很重要。



You -vs- stakeholder — the two of you have a debate about what you like.

你们 - 利益相关者 -你们两个人就自己的喜好进行辩论。

Your future dynamic will be:


Everyone -vs- the right outcome for users — all designers, researchers and stakeholders should be on the same ‘side’ searching for the most appropriate outcome for the users. Your opinion is redundant. The application of your critical design and research skills takes its place.

每个人对用户来说都是正确的结果 -所有设计师,研究人员和利益相关者都应该站在同一个“一边”,为用户寻找最合适的结果。 您的意见是多余的。 您的关键设计和研究技能的应用已取代。

2.你最好自己解释一下 (2. You’d better explain yourself)

You learn to own the ‘why’ behind everything you do. This is the same for UX, UI or visual designers — you need to have a solid rationale behind every design decision, otherwise why should anyone trust, believe or buy into your solution?

您将学会拥有自己所做的一切的“为什么”。 对于UX,UI或视觉设计师而言,这都是相同的-您需要在每个设计决策背后都有扎实的依据,否则为什么任何人都应该信任,相信或购买您的解决方案?

For everything you create you should be able to explain why you have done it that way based on:


  • Specific, identified user needs确定的特定用户需求
  • Design psychology


  • Alignment to client/brand goals与客户/品牌目标保持一致
  • Effectiveness in achieving project goals and KPIs实现项目目标和KPI的有效性
  • Technical feasibility技术可行性

Again, ‘does the design meet success criteria for requirements?’ Not ‘is it pretty?’.

同样,“设计是否满足要求的成功标准?” 不是“漂亮吗?”。

3.取决于; 永不承担 (3. It depends; never assume)

Having an open mind, not leaping to (design) solutions, holding uncertainty in your head until the evidence directs your decision; these are absolutely key to a successful project.

要有开放的思想,不要跳到(设计)解决方案,直到不确定的证据指导您的决定时,您才能始终保持不确定性。 这些绝对是成功项目的关键。

For people coming from a career or role where any decision was good so long as it was fast, it often takes a while to get used to this. Discipline, patience and thinking things through is the only way to learn it.

对于人们从一个职业或角色,其中的任何决定是好的,只要它速度快的到来,往往需要习惯这一段时间。 纪律,耐心和透彻思考是学习它的唯一方法。

4.每个人都是您的用户 (4. Everyone is your user)

Of course product end-users are the most important. But also, over time you begin to learn how to apply empathy and design skills to other areas of your professional life because you’re never going to get “what is best for users” live unless you’ve also delivered “what is best” for the project as a whole.

当然,产品最终用户是最重要的。 而且,随着时间的流逝,您将开始学习如何将同理心和设计技巧应用于您的职业生涯的其他领域,因为除非您也交付了“什么是最好的”,否则您将永远无法获得“最适合用户的”生活。整个项目。

What is the user experience of you to your colleagues and stakeholders? What are the user needs and acceptance criteria for your deliverables? A little bit of empathy goes a long way in bringing people with you on the journey.

您对您的同事和利益相关者的用户体验是什么? 用户对交付品的需求和接受标准是什么? 一点点的同理心可以使人们与您一起旅行。

5.艰辛的事情很难 (5. Hard things are hard)

You need to study, and practice the craft in order to be of value — you cannot just smack the title “UX Designer” on your CV and be one.

您需要学习并实践,才能物有所值–您不能只是在简历上打上“ UX Designer”的头衔而成为一体。

Also, some projects you’ll get to work on will be wonderfully complex. You won’t get the answer right first time, the data will be initially overwhelming, users will do Weird Things in testing and you might have more stakeholders than you can shake a stick at. But applying effort to your UX career is always worth it; both in the skills, and (longer term) the income that you’ll achieve. But it requires time and effort; not short cuts, blagging it and over-priced “bootcamps”.

此外,您将要从事的某些项目非常复杂。 您不会在第一时间得到正确的答案,数据最初将是压倒性的,用户将在测试中进行奇怪的事情,并且您可能拥有更多的利益相关者,而不是一味地坚持下去 。 但是,为您的用户体验事业付出努力总是值得的。 无论是技能,还是(长期而言)您将获得的收入。 但这需要时间和精力。 而不是捷径,鞭打它和高估“训练营”的价格。

6.预测风险 (6. Predicting risk)

Once you have a few projects under your belt, and you’ve been taken through enough project case studies in detail, you’ll get a feel for the user-centred design process and the critical moments.


You learn that aligning stakeholders, accurate requirements, adequate documentation, getting the IA right and many, many more things are key to ensuring the wheels don’t come off your project half way through.

您将了解到如何协调利益相关者,准确的要求,足够的文档 , 正确执行IA以及许多其他事情,这些都是确保轮子不会从项目中途脱离的关键。

Accountability, dependencies and risk — when you start thinking about these rather than just how many wireframes you need to do or which shiny new prototyping tool you’re going to use — that’s when you’re thinking like a useful, usable UX strategist.


7.红色药丸时刻 (7. The red pill moment)

My favourite moment of training a newbie, and it happens with every one, occurs somewhere around the time that they’ve been taught the fundamentals of proper research and UCD methods (aka “doing things properly”) and received the drills of UX best practice, design psychology and accessibility standards and they start seeing the UX world around them.


“But… everything around us is manifestly dreadful!”


Yes, young Padawan. You now join the ranks of me, anyone who’s been in the industry for a while, and Alan Cooper’s twitter feed in despairing at everything. But the good news is, now you get to fix it. And you have the skills to do so.

是的,年轻的帕达万。 现在,您加入了我的行列,这个行列已经有一段时间了, Alan Cooper的twitter推动了我的绝望。 但好消息是,现在您可以修复它。 并且您具有执行此操作的技能。

I call this taking the red pill. You now see the world as it really is, and you are ruined forever. You’re welcome.

我称之为服用红色药丸。 您现在可以看到世界的真实面貌,并且您将永远被毁灭。 别客气。


lynda ux


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