
A factory reset of your iPhone erases all of your content and settings, reverting it to a like-new state. However, there are a few extra steps you should take if you plan to get rid of your iPhone.

iPhone的恢复出厂设置将删除所有内容和设置,并将其恢复为新状态。 但是,如果您打算摆脱iPhone,则应该采取一些额外的步骤。

恢复出厂设置会做什么? (What Does a Factory Reset Do?)

As the name implies, a factory reset wipes everything from your phone and takes it back to the way it was when you first got it—you know, like it’s straight from the factory. It erases all your photos, apps, accounts, videos—nothing will be left. A factory reset takes several minutes to complete. Once it’s done, you’ll be prompted to set up your iPhone like it’s new.

顾名思义,恢复出厂设置会擦除手机上的所有内容,并将其恢复到您刚购买时的状态-您知道,就像它是直接从工厂来的一样。 它会删除您所有的照片,应用程序,帐户,视频-一无所有。 恢复出厂设置需要几分钟的时间才能完成。 完成后,系统会提示您像设置新iPhone一样设置iPhone。

What a factory reset does not do is completely reinstall your iPhone’s software from scratch. If you’re troubleshooting your device and a factory reset doesn’t solve the problem, you can try reinstalling your iPhone’s operating system.

恢复出厂设置不会执行的操作是从头开始完全重新安装iPhone的软件。 如果您要对设备进行故障排除并且恢复出厂设置不能解决问题,则可以尝试重新安装iPhone的操作系统。

If you plan to sell your phone or change platforms, though, there are a couple of other things you should do in addition to a factory reset.


禁用查找我的iPhone (Disable Find My iPhone)

If you’re resetting your device because you want to sell it or give it away, it’s essential to turn off “Find My iPhone.” As of iOS 7, “Find My iPhone” also serves as an activation lock. This means if “Find My iPhone” is on, only you can set up the phone again. Fortunately, turning it off is easy.

如果您是想出售或赠送设备而要重置设备,则必须关闭“查找我的iPhone”。 从iOS 7开始,“查找我的iPhone”还用作激活锁。 这意味着如果打开“查找我的iPhone”,则只有可以重新设置手机。 幸运的是,将其关闭很容易。

Open the Settings app and tap your name at the top.


Tap iCloud > Find My iPhone.


Turn off the toggle, enter your Apple ID password when prompted, and then tap “Turn Off.”

关闭拨动开关,在出现提示时输入您的Apple ID密码,然后点击“关闭”。

There’s an extra step if you’re switching platforms (from iOS to Android)—you’ll need to deregister iMessage, too.


如果要切换平台,请注销iMessage (If You’re Switching Platforms, Deregister iMessage)

When an iPhone user sends a message to another iPhone user, Apple defaults to iMessage. If you’re switching to Android and you don’t deregister your phone number from iMessage, the sending iPhone will still think you have an iPhone. Your messages will end up in the “iMessage Abyss” instead of being converted to SMS/MMS and sent to the Android phone.

当iPhone用户向另一个iPhone用户发送消息时,Apple默认为iMessage。 如果您要切换到Android,并且没有从iMessage中注销电话号码,则发送iPhone的人仍会认为您拥有iPhone。 您的消息将以“ iMessage深渊”结尾,而不是转换为SMS / MMS并发送到Android手机。

To deregister iMessage, open the Settings app, scroll down, and then tap “Messages.”


Tap the toggle next to “iMessage” to turn it off.

点击“ iMessage”旁边的切换开关将其关闭。

Your phone number is now deregistered from iMessage, and you can continue to the factory reset. If you missed this step before getting rid of your iPhone, no worries. You can head over to Apple’s self-help support site and submit your phone number to be deregistered. You’ll be sent a free text message with a confirmation code. Enter the code, and you’ll be good to go.

现在,您的电话号码已从iMessage中注销,您可以继续恢复出厂设置。 如果您在摆脱iPhone之前错过了此步骤,则无需担心。 您可以转到Apple的自助支持网站并提交您的电话号码以进行注销。 您会收到一条带有确认码的免费短信。 输入代码,一切都会顺利进行。

With those things out of the way, you’re ready to reset your phone.


执行完全出厂重置 (Perform a Full Factory Reset)

When you’re ready to reset the device, open the Settings app and then tap “General.”


Scroll to the bottom, and tap Reset > Erase All Content and Settings.


If you have a passcode, you’ll be prompted to type it. Do so, and then tap “Erase iPhone.”

如果您有密码,系统会提示您输入密码。 这样做,然后点击“擦除iPhone”。

Tap “Erase iPhone” a second time.


That’s it! Your phone will process for several minutes. Once it comes back up, it’ll prompt you to set up your iPhone like new.

而已! 您的电话将处理几分钟。 重新启动后,它会提示您像新设置iPhone。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/426517/what-to-do-before-selling-your-iphone-or-changing-platforms/



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