
学习书籍:《Psych 101》-- Paul Kleinman

Psych 101


It’s all about the consequences

Burrhus Frederic Skinner was born on March 20th, 1904,in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania.

The son of a lawyer and housewife, Skinner had a warm and stable childhood, and was left with plenty of time for creativity and invention一 two traits that would serve him well throughout his career.

Having graduated from Hamilton College in 1926,Skinner originally set his sights on becoming a writer.

It was while working as a bookstore clerk in New York City that Skinner discovered the works of john B.Watson and Ivan Pavlov, which so fascinated him that he put his plans of becoming a novelist to the side and decided to pursue a career in psychology.

When Skinner was twenty-four years old, he enrolled in the psychology department of Harvard University and began his studies under William Crozier, the chair of the new physiology department.

Though not himself a psychologist, Crozier was interested in studying the behavior of animals “as a whole,” an approach that was different than the approaches that psychologists and physiologists took at the time.

Instead of trying to figure out all of the processes that were occurring inside the animal, Crozier and subsequently Skinner一 was more interested in the animal’s overall behavior.

Crozier’s ideology matched perfectly with the work that Skinner wished to pursue;
he was interested in learning how behavior was related to experimental conditions.

Skinner’s most significant and influential work, the notion of operant conditioning and the invention of the operant conditioning chamber, came out of his days at Harvard.

The work Skinner conducted while at Harvard University is still some of the most important research with regards to behaviorism - work which he taught firsthand to generations of students at his alma mater until he passed away at the age of eighty-six, in 1990.

  • 中文解释
原文 翻译
generations of students 一代又一代的学生
alma mater 母校
pass away 去世(相比于die更委婉)

Daily Sentence

We cherish our friends not for their ability to amuse us, but for our ability to amuse them.

——Evelyn Waugh

  • 中文解释




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