In this blog we have discussed the logic how the correct UI view configuration is chosen by framework in the runtime.

You may have observed that for each field, there is the attribute “Label Origin”, which indicates where the label text comes from.

There are three types of text origin and their determination priority are sorted in the descending order:

  1. Text Repository
  2. Design layer
  3. ABAP Dictionary

See an example:
I just create a simple component with component set PROD_ALL loaded, and add two fields from Genil Model node Product: PRODUCT_ID and OBJECT_FAMILY_DESC.
For PRODUCT_ID, I don’t change its label so its Label Origin is “Data Dictionary”.

for the latter, I change the default one to “Description 1”, so the origin changes to “Text Repository”, since it has higher priority.

If I assign the context node to the Design layer object PRD_MATSRV as below,

and make some changes on the design object entity:

the origin for PRODUCT_ID changes to “Design layer”, since it has higher priority than “ABAP Dictionary”.

To debug the label determination logic yourself, you can set BP in method below. The logic is the same as UI configuration determination logic – customer stuff always precedes SAP stuff.

or use transaction code WCF_FA to get field origin overview of a given UI component:


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