


One more time


End of program


It will occur an error only there is 0 person to divide to ice-cream.


using namespace std;
void product(int num1,int num2,int num3);
int main()
{  cout<<"Give me 3 integers."  cin>>num1>>num2>>num3;  product(num1,num2,num3);  return 0;}
void product(int num1,int num2,int num3){    pro=num1*num2*num3;  cout<<"the product of"<<num1<<","<<num2<<","<<num3<<" is "<<pro;



20.function definition


22. Blackbox method




int x1 = 1;// output in this column
cout << x1 << endl;// 1<new line>
cout << x1 << endl;// 1<new line>
int x2 = 2;
cout << x2 << endl;// 2<new line>
cout << x2 << endl;// 2<new line>
int x3 = 3;
cout << x3 << endl;// 3<new line>
cout << x2 << endl;// 2<new line>
cout << x1 << endl;// 1<new line>


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