背景: 最近在研究BundleFusion,跑通官方数据集后,就想着制作自己的数据集来运行bundlefusion.KinectV2相机可直接获取的图像的分辨率分为三个HD 1920x1080, QHD: 960X540,SD: 512x424.我选择是中间的分辨率qhd.




当然你需要提前配置好libfreenect2和iai-kinect2,然后运行roslaunch kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge.launch

然后使用 rostopic list 查看当前系统上发布出来的话题.



## in another script we have find the association of color and depth and now
## in this script we will pick the correspondents of color and depth images
## according their timestamps then rename them according the standards of
##  bundlefusion dataset and then store them in separate folders.## step one: read the assoc.txt into this project.import sys
import os
import shutildef read_file_list(filename):"""Reads a trajectory from a text file.File format:The file format is "stamp d1 d2 d3 ...", where stamp denotes the time stamp (to be matched)and "d1 d2 d3.." is arbitary data (e.g., a 3D position and 3D orientation) associated to this timestamp.Input:filename -- File nameOutput:dict -- dictionary of (stamp,data) tuples"""file = open(filename)data = file.read()lines = data.replace(",", " ").replace("\t", " ").split("\n")#strip() function can be used to remove space located in the head or the tail places of a string# v.strip('0')remove 0# list = [[v.strip() for v in line.split(" ") if v.strip() != ""] for line in lines if#         len(line) > 0 and line[0] != "#"]# list = [(float(l[0]), l[1:]) for l in list if len(l) > 1]list= []listResult = []for line in lines:tmpList = []if len(line) > 0 and line[0] != "#":for v in line.split(" "):if v.strip() != "":tmpList.append(v.strip())list.append(tmpList)for l in list:if len(l) > 1:listResult.append((float(l[0]), l[1:]))return dict(listResult)def associate(first_list, second_list, offset, max_difference):"""Associate two dictionaries of (stamp,data). As the time stamps never match exactly, we aimto find the closest match for every input tuple.Input:first_list -- first dictionary of (stamp,data) tuplessecond_list -- second dictionary of (stamp,data) tuplesoffset -- time offset between both dictionaries (e.g., to model the delay between the sensors)max_difference -- search radius for candidate generationOutput:matches -- list of matched tuples ((stamp1,data1),(stamp2,data2))"""## obatin all keysfirst_keys = list(first_list)second_keys = list(second_list)potential_matches = [(abs(a - (b + offset)), a, b)for a in first_keysfor b in second_keysif abs(a - (b + offset)) < max_difference]potential_matches.sort()matches = []for diff, a, b in potential_matches:if a in first_keys and b in second_keys:first_keys.remove(a)second_keys.remove(b)matches.append((a, b))matches.sort()return matchesdef read_data_from_file(file_path):associ_file = open(file_path)data = associ_file.read()lines = data.replace(',', ' ').replace('\t', ' ').split('\n')print(f"read {len(lines)} from {file_path}.")# come here we have obtain every line of this associ.txt and in each line we can index arbitrary part of it# we mainly work on the first and the third part and then to find the correspondent color and depth image,# and the rename them and store them.list = [[v.strip() for v in line.split(" ") if v.strip() != " "] for line in lines if len(line) > 0 and line[0] != "#"]return listdef load_images_rename_store(file_data, image_folder, output_folder):print(f"The length of file is {len(file_data)}.")print(f"the path of image_folder is {image_folder}.")print(f"the path of output_folder is {output_folder}.")rgb_path = image_folder + "/rgb/"depth_path = image_folder + "/depth/"print("**********************")rgbs = os.listdir(rgb_path)# print(len(rgbs))# for rgb in sorted(rgbs):#     print(rgb)print("**********************")depths = os.listdir(depth_path)# print(len(depths))# for depth in sorted(depths):#     print(depth)couples = []print("............................")for data in file_data:couple_list = []##I must search the frame name in the folder by the exactly name from the filergb_name = data[1].split("/")[1]depth_name = data[3].split("/")[1]couple_list.append(rgb_name)couple_list.append(depth_name)couples.append(couple_list)print(f"length of couples is {len(couples)}.")# for couple in sorted(couples):#     print(couple)frame_id = 0for couple in sorted(couples):if couple[0] in sorted(rgbs) and couple[1] in sorted(depths):print(f"\nframe_id is {frame_id}.\n")print(rgb_path + "/" + couple[0])print(output_folder + "/rgb/" + "frame-" + str(frame_id).zfill(6) + ".color.png")print("\n")print(depth_path + "/" + couple[1])print(output_folder + "/depth/" + "frame-" + str(frame_id).zfill(6) + ".depth.png")shutil.copyfile(rgb_path + "/" + couple[0], output_folder + "/rgb/" + "frame-" + str(frame_id).zfill(6) + ".color.png")shutil.copyfile(depth_path + "/" + couple[1], output_folder + "/depth/" + "frame-" + str(frame_id).zfill(6) + ".depth.png")frame_id = frame_id + 1## argvs: file_path, images_path, output_path
if __name__ == '__main__':if len(sys.argv) == 8:path_rgb_file = sys.argv[1]path_depth_file = sys.argv[2]associate_file_name = sys.argv[3]offset = sys.argv[4]max_diff = sys.argv[5]image_path = sys.argv[6]output_path = sys.argv[7]first_list = read_file_list(path_rgb_file)second_list = read_file_list(path_depth_file)matches = associate(first_list, second_list, float(offset), float(max_diff))filename = image_path + associate_file_name# when you use with open you don't need to use close.with open(filename, 'w') as fp:for a, b in matches:fp.write("%f %s %f %s" % (a, " ".join(first_list[a]), b - float(offset), " ".join(second_list[b])) + '\n')# fp = open(filename, 'w')# for a, b in matches:#     fp.write(#         "%f %s %f %s" % (a, " ".join(first_list[a]), b - float(offset), " ".join(second_list[b])) + '\n')#     print("%f %s %f %s" % (a, " ".join(first_list[a]), b - float(offset), " ".join(second_list[b])))# fp.close()file_path = image_path + associate_file_namelist = read_data_from_file(file_path)load_images_rename_store(list, image_path, output_path)else:print("usage: path_rgb.txt path_depth.txt offset(0 default) max_diff(0.02 default), images_path, output_path")


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