
// First way of creating a Restangular object. Just saying the base URL

var baseAccounts = Restangular.all('accounts');

// This will query /accounts and return a promise.

baseAccounts.getList().then(function(accounts) {

$scope.allAccounts = accounts;


// Does a GET to /accounts

// Returns an empty array by default. Once a value is returned from the server

// that array is filled with those values. So you can use this in your template

$scope.accounts = Restangular.all('accounts').getList().$object;

var newAccount = {name: "Gonto's account"};

// POST /accounts


// GET to http://www.google.com/ You set the URL in this case

Restangular.allUrl('googlers', 'http://www.google.com/').getList();

// GET to http://www.google.com/1 You set the URL in this case

Restangular.oneUrl('googlers', 'http://www.google.com/1').get();

// You can do RequestLess "connections" if you need as well

// Just ONE GET to /accounts/123/buildings/456

Restangular.one('accounts', 123).one('buildings', 456).get()

// Just ONE GET to /accounts/123/buildings

Restangular.one('accounts', 123).getList('buildings')

// Here we use Promises then

// GET /accounts

baseAccounts.getList().then(function (accounts) {

// Here we can continue fetching the tree :).

var firstAccount = accounts[0];

// This will query /accounts/123/buildings considering 123 is the id of the firstAccount

$scope.buildings = firstAccount.getList("buildings");

// GET /accounts/123/places?query=param with request header: x-user:mgonto

$scope.loggedInPlaces = firstAccount.getList("places", {query: param}, {'x-user': 'mgonto'})

// This is a regular JS object, we can change anything we want :)

firstAccount.name = "Gonto"

// If we wanted to keep the original as it is, we can copy it to a new element

var editFirstAccount = Restangular.copy(firstAccount);

editFirstAccount.name = "New Name";

// PUT /accounts/123. The name of this account will be changed from now on



// PUT /accounts/123. Save will do POST or PUT accordingly


// DELETE /accounts/123 We don't have first account anymore :(


var myBuilding = {

name: "Gonto's Building",

place: "Argentina"


// POST /accounts/123/buildings with MyBuilding information

firstAccount.post("Buildings", myBuilding).then(function() {

console.log("Object saved OK");

}, function() {

console.log("There was an error saving");


// GET /accounts/123/users?query=params

firstAccount.getList("users", {query: params}).then(function(users) {

// Instead of posting nested element, a collection can post to itself

// POST /accounts/123/users

users.post({userName: 'unknown'});

// Custom methods are available now :).

// GET /accounts/123/users/messages?param=myParam

users.customGET("messages", {param: "myParam"})

var firstUser = users[0];

// GET /accounts/123/users/456. Just in case we want to update one user :)

$scope.userFromServer = firstUser.get();

// ALL http methods are available :)

// HEAD /accounts/123/users/456



}, function errorCallback() {

alert("Oops error from server :(");


// Second way of creating Restangular object. URL and ID :)

var account = Restangular.one("accounts", 123);

// GET /accounts/123?single=true

$scope.account = account.get({single: true});

// POST /accounts/123/messages?param=myParam with the body of name: "My Message"

account.customPOST({name: "My Message"}, "messages", {param: "myParam"}, {})



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