1. Thanks for stopping by.

2. I don't like to judge a book by it's cover.

3. Rush hour traffic is awful.

4.When others don't believe in me, I let their doubts be my extra fuel to drive me towards reaching my goals.

5.Sometimes when you're doing well,people you care about the most may not be as enthusiastic as you are.

6. Thank you for your business.

7. For this week only, you can get a special offer on our product.

8. We give you a 100% guarantee that the product will be safe.

9. If you are not passionate about it,we are not going to be.

10. I won first place, and got the gold medal.

11. personal trainer 私人教练

12. sweat = excrete perspiration through the pores in the skin

13. I hope this crystal ball can predict the future.

14. Every tooth is straigth and white.

15. This African man is one of the respected elders of his tribe.


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