

#define uint unsigned int;



typedef char bool;


1字节     uint8_t
2字节     uint16_t
4字节     uint32_t
8字节     uint64_t


typedef unsigned char   uint8_t;     //无符号8位数

typedef signed   char   int8_t;      //有符号8位数

typedef unsigned int    uint16_t;    //无符号16位数

typedef signed   int    int16_t;     //有符号16位数

typedef unsigned long   uint32_t;    //无符号32位数

typedef signed   long   int32_t;     //有符号32位数

typedef float           float32;     //单精度浮点数

typedef double          float64;     //双精度浮点数






uint8_t / uint16_t / uint32_t /uint64_t 是什么数据类型

这些数据类型是 C99 中定义的,具体定义在:/usr/include/stdint.h    ISO C99: 7.18 Integer types <stdint.h>

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  1. /* There is some amount of overlap with <sys/types.h> as known by inet code */
  2. #ifndef __int8_t_defined
  3. # define __int8_t_defined
  4. typedef signed char             int8_t;
  5. typedef short int               int16_t;
  6. typedef int                     int32_t;
  7. # if __WORDSIZE == 64
  8. typedef long int                int64_t;
  9. # else
  10. __extension__
  11. typedef long long int           int64_t;
  12. # endif
  13. #endif
  14. /* Unsigned.  */
  15. typedef unsigned char           uint8_t;
  16. typedef unsigned short int      uint16_t;
  17. #ifndef __uint32_t_defined
  18. typedef unsigned int            uint32_t;
  19. # define __uint32_t_defined
  20. #endif
  21. #if __WORDSIZE == 64
  22. typedef unsigned long int       uint64_t;
  23. #else
  24. __extension__
  25. typedef unsigned long long int  uint64_t;
  26. #endif
/* There is some amount of overlap with <sys/types.h> as known by inet code */
#ifndef __int8_t_defined
# define __int8_t_defined
typedef signed char             int8_t;
typedef short int               int16_t;
typedef int                     int32_t;
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
typedef long int                int64_t;
# else
typedef long long int           int64_t;
# endif
#endif/* Unsigned.  */
typedef unsigned char           uint8_t;
typedef unsigned short int      uint16_t;
#ifndef __uint32_t_defined
typedef unsigned int            uint32_t;
# define __uint32_t_defined
#if __WORDSIZE == 64
typedef unsigned long int       uint64_t;
typedef unsigned long long int  uint64_t;


unit64_t     %llu

unit32_t     %u

unit16_t    %hu


必须小心 uint8_t 类型变量的输出,例如如下代码,会输出什么呢?

uint8_t fieldID = 67;
cerr<< "field=" << fieldID <<endl;

结果发现是:field=C 而 不是我们所想的 field=67

这是由于 typedef unsigned char uint8_t;

uint8_t 实际是一个 char, cerr << 会输出 ASCII 码是 67 的字符,而不是 67 这个数字.

因此,输出 uint8_t 类型的变量实际输出的是其对应的字符, 而不是真实数字.

若要输出 67,则可以这样:

cerr<< "field=" << (uint16_t) fieldID <<endl;


同样: uint8_t 类型变量转化为字符串以及字符串转化为 uint8_t 类型变量都要注意, uint8_t类型变量转化为字符串时得到的会是ASCII码对应的字符, 字符串转化为 uint8_t 变量时, 会将字符串的第一个字符赋值给变量.


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  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include <stdint.h>
  3. #include <sstream>
  4. using namespace std;
  5. int main()
  6. {
  7. uint8_t fieldID = 67;
  8. // uint8_t --> string
  9. string s;
  10. ostringstream strOStream;
  11. strOStream << fieldID;
  12. s = strOStream.str();
  13. cerr << s << endl;
  14. // string --> uint8_t
  15. s = "65";
  16. stringstream strStream;
  17. strStream << s;
  18. strStream >> fieldID;
  19. strStream.clear();
  20. cerr << fieldID << endl;
  21. }
#include <iostream>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;int main()
{uint8_t fieldID = 67;// uint8_t --> stringstring s;ostringstream strOStream;strOStream << fieldID;s = strOStream.str();cerr << s << endl;// string --> uint8_ts = "65"; stringstream strStream;strStream << s;strStream >> fieldID;strStream.clear();cerr << fieldID << endl;





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  1. /*  Exact-width integer types */
  2. typedef signed char int8_t;
  3. typedef unsigned char   uint8_t;
  4. typedef short  int16_t;
  5. typedef unsigned short  uint16_t;
  6. typedef int  int32_t;
  7. typedef unsigned   uint32_t;
  8. __MINGW_EXTENSION typedef long long  int64_t;
  9. __MINGW_EXTENSION typedef unsigned long long   uint64_t;
  10. /*  Minimum-width integer types */
  11. typedef signed char int_least8_t;
  12. typedef unsigned char   uint_least8_t;
  13. typedef short  int_least16_t;
  14. typedef unsigned short  uint_least16_t;
  15. typedef int  int_least32_t;
  16. typedef unsigned   uint_least32_t;
  17. __MINGW_EXTENSION typedef long long  int_least64_t;
  18. __MINGW_EXTENSION typedef unsigned long long   uint_least64_t;
  19. /*  Fastest minimum-width integer types
  20. *  Not actually guaranteed to be fastest for all purposes
  21. *  Here we use the exact-width types for 8 and 16-bit ints.
  22. */
  23. typedef signed char int_fast8_t;
  24. typedef unsigned char uint_fast8_t;
  25. typedef short  int_fast16_t;
  26. typedef unsigned short  uint_fast16_t;
  27. typedef int  int_fast32_t;
  28. typedef unsigned  int  uint_fast32_t;
  29. __MINGW_EXTENSION typedef long long  int_fast64_t;
  30. __MINGW_EXTENSION typedef unsigned long long   uint_fast64_t;
  31. /*  Greatest-width integer types */
  32. __MINGW_EXTENSION typedef long long  intmax_t;
  33. __MINGW_EXTENSION typedef unsigned long long   uintmax_t;
/*  Exact-width integer types */
typedef signed char int8_t;
typedef unsigned char   uint8_t;
typedef short  int16_t;
typedef unsigned short  uint16_t;
typedef int  int32_t;
typedef unsigned   uint32_t;
__MINGW_EXTENSION typedef long long  int64_t;
__MINGW_EXTENSION typedef unsigned long long   uint64_t;/*  Minimum-width integer types */
typedef signed char int_least8_t;
typedef unsigned char   uint_least8_t;
typedef short  int_least16_t;
typedef unsigned short  uint_least16_t;
typedef int  int_least32_t;
typedef unsigned   uint_least32_t;
__MINGW_EXTENSION typedef long long  int_least64_t;
__MINGW_EXTENSION typedef unsigned long long   uint_least64_t;/*  Fastest minimum-width integer types*  Not actually guaranteed to be fastest for all purposes*  Here we use the exact-width types for 8 and 16-bit ints.*/
typedef signed char int_fast8_t;
typedef unsigned char uint_fast8_t;
typedef short  int_fast16_t;
typedef unsigned short  uint_fast16_t;
typedef int  int_fast32_t;
typedef unsigned  int  uint_fast32_t;
__MINGW_EXTENSION typedef long long  int_fast64_t;
__MINGW_EXTENSION typedef unsigned long long   uint_fast64_t;/*  Greatest-width integer types */
__MINGW_EXTENSION typedef long long  intmax_t;
__MINGW_EXTENSION typedef unsigned long long   uintmax_t;


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