cloudera的cdh是一个方便的工具,其中的hue号称是hadoop UI,提供了强大的图形操作界面,是一个非常好用的工具。下面介绍如何配置jdbc来进行数据的采集。

Installing the JDBC Drivers

Sqoop 2 does not ship with third party JDBC drivers. You must download them separately and save them to the /var/lib/sqoop2

/ directory. The following sections show how to install the most common JDBC Drivers.

Installing the MySQL JDBC Driver

Download the MySQL JDBC driver from You will need to sign up for an account if you don't already have one, and log in, before you can download it. Then copy it to the /var/lib/sqoop2

directory. For example:

$ sudo cp mysql-connector-java-version


-bin.jar /var/lib/sqoop2/

Note: At the time of publication, version

was 5.1.25

, but the version may have changed by the time you read this.

Installing the Oracle JDBC Driver

You can download the JDBC Driver from the Oracle website, for example You must accept the license agreement before you can download the driver. Download the ojdbc6.jar

file and copy it to /var/lib/sqoop2/


$ sudo cp ojdbc6.jar /var/lib/sqoop2/

Installing the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver

Installing the PostgreSQL JDBC Driver

Download the PostgreSQL JDBC driver from and copy it to the /var/lib/sqoop2/

directory. For example:

$ curl -L '' -o postgresql-9.2-1002.jdbc4.jar$ sudo cp postgresql-9.2-1002.jdbc4.jar /var/lib/sqoop2/

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