









Sometimes you can not afford to get a custom shopping cart coded, the perfect solution to this situation is to get the best of the Open Source Shopping Carts.

We have used, reviewed and tries our hands on plenty of open source shopping carts and put together a list of the best carts. Following are the best ones:

Magneto is a professional opensource ecommerce solution offering flexibility and control. Magento is amazing and advanced. Unbelievably It is for free. It features clean urls which are great for SEO. The entire set up is completely Scalable, Professional and has a great community support. This Shopping cart also allows smooth Integration with 3rd party apps.

Opencart is an opensource PHP based shopping cart. OpenCart is easy to use and is SEO optimized comes with a very nice interface. A great feature of OpenCart is that customers can put in their reviews of the products.

Agoracart is a very popular online shopping cart, written in Perl/MySQL. It includes advanced css manager through which you can alter look of your cart online. AgoraCart also features unlimited product options, up to 4 different tax zones at the same time, tons of shipping and payment gateways/options. The setup options range from a simple template based store to the integration of a complex visual design and support for program modification.

Cubecart is also a very popular shopping cart. CubeCart V3 is free for download. CubeCart support almost all kind of payment gateways and shipping gateways. Their support forums are lively and many people contribute plugins to the cart. To use CubeCart V4 you must pay but it has many features that V3 doesn’t have.

PrestaShop is a robust, professional shopping cart that you can use for free. It includes a full featured back end to manage your inventory, orders, shipping, and customers in real time. Your customer’s payments are sent directly to your commercial bank account using the latest security technology. You can even add your own modules to the shopping cart.

ZenCart is a free, user friendly, open source shopping cart. Zen Cart has been created for the layman users like various merchants and shoppers instead of the developers. Zen Cart also supports multiple payment and shipping options, quantity discounts and coupons. Installation process is simple and easy to do

Oscommerce is an online shopping cart that offers a wide range of features that allows online stores to be setup fairly quickly. osCommerce is backed by a great and active community. It also supports multiple currencies, allows customers to print invoices from the order screen, and has an easy database backup system. This is immensely popular and probably first shopping cart that everyone tries their hands on

StoreSprite is a powerful, free PHP/MySQL shopping cart system that is easy to install. It is customizable. . StoreSprite has many advanced features including automatic tax calculation, automatic delivery cost calculations, customer ratings and reviews and featured products

Popularity: 6%


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