DL之DilatedConvolutions:Dilated Convolutions(膨胀卷积/扩张卷积)算法的简介(论文介绍)、架构详解、案例应用等配图集合之详细攻略


Dilated Convolutions算法的简介(论文介绍)

Dilated Convolutions算法的架构详解




Dilated Convolutions算法的案例应用

Dilated Convolutions算法的简介(论文介绍)

      State-of-the-art models for semantic segmentation are based on adaptations of  convolutional networks that had originally been designed for image classification.  However, dense prediction problems such as semantic segmentation are  structurally different from image classification. In this work, we develop a new  convolutional network module that is specifically designed for dense prediction.  The presented module uses dilated convolutions to systematically aggregate multiscale  contextual information without losing resolution. The architecture is based  on the fact that dilated convolutions support exponential expansion of the receptive  field without loss of resolution or coverage. We show that the presented context  module increases the accuracy of state-of-the-art semantic segmentation systems.  In addition, we examine the adaptation of image classification networks to dense  prediction and show that simplifying the adapted network can increase accuracy.
      We have examined convolutional network architectures for dense prediction. Since the model must  produce high-resolution output, we believe that high-resolution operation throughout the network is both feasible and desirable. Our work shows that the dilated convolution operator is particularly  suited to dense prediction due to its ability to expand the receptive field without losing resolution  or coverage. We have utilized dilated convolutions to design a new network structure that reliably  increases accuracy when plugged into existing semantic segmentation systems. As part of this work,  we have also shown that the accuracy of existing convolutional networks for semantic segmentation  can be increased by removing vestigial components that had been developed for image classification.
      We believe that the presented work is a step towards dedicated architectures for dense prediction that  are not constrained by image classification precursors. As new sources of data become available,  future architectures may be trained densely end-to-end, removing the need for pre-training on image  classification datasets. This may enable architectural simplification and unification. Specifically,  end-to-end dense training may enable a fully dense architecture akin to the presented context network  to operate at full resolution throughout, accepting the raw image as input and producing dense  label assignments at full resolution as output.  
      State-of-the-art systems for semantic segmentation leave significant room for future advances. Failure  cases of our most accurate configuration are shown in Figure 4. We will release our code and  trained models to support progress in this area.

Fisher Yu, VladlenKoltun.
Multi-Scale Context Aggregation by Dilated Convolutions. ICLR, 2016

Dilated Convolutions算法的架构详解



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Dilated Convolutions算法的案例应用


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