
WordPress Theme

Kakileema Lite WordPress eCommerce Theme

Kakileema Lite (Free) WordPress eCommerce Theme is the lite version WordPress eCommerce theme from Tokokoo. Kakileema will perfectly suit your clothes/fashion/apparel shop business because it is a special for apparel themes. Kakileema Lite WordPress eCommerce Themes offers you to display your apparel products in best way without spending any money from your pocket. It has many great features including: Featured Products, Products Search, product slideshow, WP e-commerce 3.8 integration, Widgetized sidebar and footer, Recent Product, Valid CSS/XHTML, cross-browser compatible, SEO optimized. More features are already served to help you and your site become a gorgeous one.

Free Template #50

This free osCommerce template offers you wide variety of options for selling your products. It allows browsing your products by categories and brands. Also a customer can choose necessary color, size and quantity of items. Product photos provide a customer with the basic look of a product. Easy navigation makes the shopping process very simple and pleasant. Without any doubt this is one of the best templates for online shops.

App Cloud Free

AppCloud is available to download.

Polaroihttp://djdesignerlab.com A Free Magento Theme For Your E-Commerce Website

Polaroid Magento Theme, a professional design skin for the shops powered by the popular open-source ecommerce web application Magento.

Free WordPress e-Commerce Theme: Dangdoot

DangDoot WordPress e-commerce theme that it is suitable mostly for major/indie music recording companies, bands, musicians, music products affiliates, music event organizers or simply online music stores. It comes with many features to simplify your life. Even if you have no experience with WordPress, no problem. The custom theme panel is so easy to use that you can even open your online store in few minutes after downloading the theme.

Diesel Clothing

Excellent for an ecommerce or blog to associate with online store, showcase post’s with FEATURED posts and easy to use image upload, featured categories. Fashion, Jeans or designer blog, header graphic can easily be tweaked.

Nice Clean WordPress E-Commerce Theme For Free – Crafty Cart

Crafty Cart is probably one of the nicest free e-commerce WordPress theme we’ve seen so far. It has a simple and clean layout. If you are thinking of using WordPress as a platform for your e-commerce site, this theme could be what you are looking for.

wpStore – Free WordPress E-commerce Theme

wpStore is one of the best e-commerce wordpress themes. It also lets the administrator of the store control a Latest Products area, Homepage Products and customize a Top Products widget.

ShopCart – Beauty Store

Beauty Store is two columns free e-commerce WordPress Theme with simple and clean look. Shopping cart is suitable for selling your products, services, etc.

Xenastore – Free eCommerce WordPress Themes

Xenastore is an ecommerce WordPress theme. This theme depends on an ecommerce plugin called Cart66 to function as an e-commerce portal. This is a free plugin with an option to upgrade to a paid pro version. The theme is feature rich with custom post types, taxonomies, metaboxes, Theme options etc.

Magento Templates

Modern Theme

A corporate theme for your eCommerce store.

Telescope Theme

New theme for your Magento shop.

Girly Store Theme

Girly Store Template, free pink theme for many girly type stores. Includes Theme, PSD logo, and Font.

mEbay – Free Magento theme

mEbay is a basic magento theme with clean look and user friendly performance.

Free Magento Theme: HelloWired

The theme features a clean white background with a simple navigation that will allow you to customize the colors very easily. The homepage of the theme features many interactive elements. To the left of the newsletter sign-up box you’ll find a jQuery-based product slider. When navigating on a category page, the theme features polished “Add To Cart” buttons; it also integrates a lightbox for preview images of your products and e-commerce icons ready to be used. As usual, the theme is absolutely free to use in all your projects.

Blue Skin

Blue skin to Magento default theme.

osCommerce Templates


This theme is a ready-made solution for the web version of your electronics store. Being perfectly stylized, user friendly and professionally done, this Free osCommerce Template features everything you need to get started in selling goods online.

Shopping Online Summer

It is a free oscommerce theme.

Jwelry Store Template

It is a free oscommerce theme.

Free OsCommerce ms. 2.2 Template

Free osCommerce ms. 2.2 Templates offered here enable you to save your time.

Free osCommerce 2.2 rc2a Template

TemplateMonster offers the customers brilliant osCommerce 2.2 RC2a design solutions for a new online store creation. These templates incorporate a lot of highly customizable and advanced options to ensure a smooth, feature-rich, and elegant presentation of your products.

Free osCommerce 2.3.1 Template

TemplateMonster is proud to introduce you a new version of osCommerce online store – osCommerce 2.3.1 templates. If you would like to develop your business and increase the sales – osCommerce 2.3.1 template is the best way to create your own online store without problems.


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