2019-01-02 11:59:34

来源 | 数据观(转载请注明来源)

编译 | 和璟祎

编辑 | 方茶云

20 More AI Predictions For 2019



Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere, driven by large investments, lots of startups, all established technology vendors, and enterprises big and small experimenting with what it can do for their bottom line.


“Some AI Applications will not live up to the hype, and that's OK. People have been planning to have self-driving cars for a while. Some still fear an AI take over might be just 20 years away but the truth is we're still a long way away from truly autonomous cars. And as for an AI takeover, that will only exist in SciFi movies for the foreseeable future. My prediction is that our expectations for AI and the reality of its capability will meet somewhere in the middle. The next 5 years will look a lot like they do now, but our day-to-day will become more and more efficient in subtle, yet significant, ways. AI bots will get better at answering questions and vetting customer service cases, smart assistants will be more equipped to complete tasks and self-driving car features will continue to improve, but they will not take over the road”—Richard Socher, Chief Scientist, Salesforce


——Salesforce首席科学家Richard Socher


“The adoption of artificially intelligent offerings will continue to scale into different verticals from manufacturing to education, retail and more in 2019. In the healthcare sector, for example, AI-enhanced applications have the capability to reduce emergency waiting room times and even free up doctors’ time through the use of AI in detecting and diagnosing tumors. As new advances and applications make their way into various verticals, expect to see accelerated adoption as technology costs come down and organizational and business outcomes improve. At Lenovo, we’re already using AI in our supply chain and parts planning process so that we can better develop best in class experience for customers also keen to transform their business with artificial intelligence”—Gianfranco Lanci, Corporate President and Chief Operating Officer, Lenovo


——联想公司总裁兼首席运营官Gianfranco Lanci

“Patients will find themselves talking via a variety of omni-channel UIs in addition to the pre-existing chat bots that are currently available on mobile apps and other health care IT platforms. Consumer frameworks for conversational experiences like Alexa and Google Home may add HIPAA privacy support that opens the gates for bots to keep the dialog going during the big gaps in time between patient visits. In care settings, nurse call buttons beside hospital beds, forms to collect health histories, and klunky scheduling apps will evolve into customer-focused robot medical assistants”—Dan Housman, chief technology officer for ConvergeHEALTH, Deloitte


“患者会发现,除了现有的移动端APP和其他互联网医疗平台的聊天机器人之外,他们还可以通过各种全通道用户界面进行医患交谈。像Alexa和Google Home这样的会话体验,用户框架或许可以添加HIPAA(《健康保险流通与责任法案》)隐私支持,这将为机器人打开一扇大门,以便在患者在前后访问的间隔时间内保持适时沟通。在护理机构,医院病床旁的护士呼叫按钮、病历表格以及残旧的排程应用程序,都将发展成为以客户为中心的机器人医疗助手。”

—— 德勤(Deloitte)总经理兼德勤医疗系统项目ConvergeHEALTH首席技术官Dan Housman


“2019 will see the pendulum shift to a focus on performing analytics at the edge. Organizations will save time and money by processing and analyzing data at the edge versus moving it back to a core, storing it and applying traditional analytics. Use cases include anomaly detection (fraud), pattern recognition (predicting failures/maintenance) and persistent streams. Autonomous vehicles, Oil and gas platforms, medical devices are all early examples of this trend that we will see expand in 2019. Cost drivers for this trend are bandwidth (semi-connected environments as well as expensive cellular) considerations and storage (reduce the amount of data sent to the cloud)”—Jack Norris, Senior Vice President, Data and Applications, MapR


——开源大数据技术公司MapR数据与应用程序高级副总裁Jack Norris


“Public demands for responsible AI will increase. 2018 was the year of awakening. 2019 will be the year of action. It won't be just data ethicists and human rights advocates demanding fairness, accountability, and transparency. Consumers are already changing how they use Facebook or deleting their accounts altogether and this trend is likely to spread to other social media and other services that leverage personal data. Greater numbers of pledges and declarations about the responsible creation and use of AI will be written and companies will be pressured to adopt them. The public will fight back over government use of biased AI in decisions impacting human rights. More employees will demand influence over what they create and refuse to contribute to harmful automation. Companies will have to lead with their conscious-- whether they are buying AI solutions or building them-- and seek assurances that the systems are fair in order to avoid being the next headline on AI gone awry”—Kathy Baxter, Architect of Ethical AI Practice, Salesforce


——Salesforce伦理AI实践架构师Kathy Baxter。


“Advanced analytics and artificial intelligence will continue becoming more highly focused and purpose-built for specific needs, and these capabilities will increasingly be embedded in management tools. This much-anticipated capability will simplify IT operations, improve infrastructure and application robustness, and lower overall costs. Along with this trend, AI and analytics will become embedded in high availability and disaster recovery solutions, as well as cloud service provider offerings to improve service levels. With the ability to quickly, automatically and accurately understand issues and diagnose problems across complex configurations, the reliability, and thus the availability, of critical services delivered from the cloud will vastly improve”—Jerry Melnick, President and CEO, SIOS Technology


——SIOS Technology总裁兼首席执行官Jerry Melnick


“As chatbots and AI continue to evolve, the depth and breadth of functions they can perform will increase. What does this mean for the workforce, positively and negatively? On one hand, machine learning will help people sift through massive amounts of data and do their jobs more effectively. On the other, customer service and support roles will be phased out as people grow more comfortable with bot interactions. This will begin to occur on a wider scale in 2019, as more enterprises adopt AI and chatbots to either boost productivity among their existing workforce, or phase out positions that can be taken with the assistance of these technologies”—David Cohn, Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer, Pigeon


—— Pigeon联合创始人兼首席战略官David Cohn


“A dirty little secret about industrial-strength AI is that many of these systems are trained and evaluated on datasets created and labeled by thousands (or more) human raters. As we tackle more complex AI problems, the need for massive amounts of high-quality human judgments will increase, but there will be breakthroughs in leveraging machine learning techniques to make collecting those judgments more time- and cost-efficient. At the same time, methods which use minimal or even no labeled data (aka unsupervised techniques) will reduce our reliance on large swaths of labeled data, enabling deep learning models to be more robust on new and different types of problems”—Joel Tetreault, Head of Research, Grammarly


——Grammarly研究主管Joel Tetreault


“Knowledge Graphs are the new black! The technologies needed – NLP, Graph DB, Content Analytics – are now aligned to enable knowledge graphs to easily codify domain knowledge. From usable chatbot, guided processes to automated advisors, we’ll see increased use in many industries and domains, including healthcare, financial services, and supply chain”—Jean-Luc Chatelain, Managing Director & Chief Technology Officer, Accenture Applied Intelligence


——Accenture Applied Intelligence总经理兼首席技术官Jean-Luc Chatelain


“AI has moved into the mainstream with innovations in self-driving cars, smart speakers, and facial recognition. Less visible, yet equally impactful, are AI applications around logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, and cybersecurity. And what makes cybersecurity unique is that it’s an essential component of all the other technologies. Whether we choose to live in an ‘intelligent’ or an ‘artificially intelligent’ world, one thing is certain: If AI and deep learning isn’t enhancing your cybersecurity strategy, you’re far more likely to get hacked. AI makes it considerably more difficult for cybercriminals to earn their disreputable income. With an AI-powered defense, attackers are left to seek out softer targets (those who don’t think they need AI) or they’re forced to develop even more sophisticated and costly methods of attack – and so the cyber arms race continues”—Joe Levy, CTO, Sophos


——Sophos首席技术官Joe Levy


“AI is entering the Age of Commodity. You do not need to know how the technology of a microwave works in order to use it, it is simply a tool. With the huge influx of no-code, point-and-click tools we are entering into the same phase with AI where it will become a widely used utility by everyone, regardless of technical background. As a result, most of the AI applications in the coming years will be built by people with little or no AI training”—Vitaly Gordon, VP Data Science, Salesforce


——Salesforce数据科学副总裁Vitaly Gordon


“Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has been one of the hottest areas of tech in the last two years – because of its simple, easy-to-understand value prop – process automation, efficiency; freeing resources up to focus on higher value activities, etc. But It has fundamental limits – it’s only effective with rote, repetitive processes and it cannot impact workflows involving unstructured content which makes up over 80% of data in most enterprises. At the same time, AI and machine learning are seen as too esoteric; requiring too much data science expertise, too much hand-holding, too much uncertainty and risk about ROI. Companies will look to bridge the gap in 2019 – between the horsepower of RPA and the intellect of AI/machine learning through what many experts are calling ‘intelligent process automation”—Tom Wilde, CEO and Founder, Indico


—— Indico首席执行官和创始人Tom Wilde


“Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are overhyped for many real-life applications, including the contact center industry. For example, instead of trying to identify specific patterns in images or data (an AI/ML sweet spot), it will be much more useful to increase the volume of satisfying self-service support sessions through intelligently applied automation to resolve common questions and provide guided user flows through defined business processes. By leveraging human intelligence primarily for those support scenarios that can’t be effectively automated, call center operations will be further optimized”—Anand Janefalkar, Founder and CEO, UJET


—— UJET创始人和首席执行官Anand Janefalkar


“In 2019, there will be a shift from AI toolkits to AI solving specific enterprise challenges, such as IT and human resources employee experiences. To date, the model has been that enterprises can apply hard-to-come-by skills to leverage AI toolkits to build a custom application. This is shifting to using AI to solve common enterprise problems”—Pat Calhoun, Founder and CEO, Espressive


——Espressive创始人和首席执行官Pat Calhoun


“In 2019, AI’s early adopters in the enterprise will look to gain more value from their AI investments as they expect more abundant and richer, built-in AI solutions within cloud applications in terms of functionality, user experience, and accessibility (multi-device, chatbots, digital assistants, etc.). We’ll see companies investing in third party data sources and smart data (dynamic signals and flexible classifications that are regularly refreshed) to optimize outputs. Trust, transparency, and explainable AI will become bigger issues as organizations wrestle with machine learning bias. Customers will realize that machine learning requires human supervision and features like supervisory controls, coupled with data insights, to help early adopters tweak machine learning outputs and generate more value from AI investments”—Melissa Boxer, VP of Adaptive Intelligent Applications, Oracle


—— Oracle自适应智能应用副总裁Melissa Boxer


“Marketers have long talked about taking the ideal next best action when it comes to marketing programs based on where people are in the buying cycle. However, this has been impossible to achieve without massive amounts of data being synthesized by AI in real time. The emergence of AI to take over manual tasks involving huge data sets means that automated next best action triggered by specific activity in the buying cycle will become a reality in 2019”—Peter Isaacson, CMO, Demandbase


——Demandbase首席营销官Peter Isaacson


“In 2019, incorporating AI will be an essential part of the marketing strategy. Trained models around predictive analytics, sentiment analysis, programmatic advertising, to name a few, will revolutionize how marketers automate more aspects of the marketing pipeline and develop highly targeted Account Based Marketing (ABM) strategies. This will require investment in new technologies but will also lower custom acquisition costs by making marketing dollars more effective”—Daniel Raskin, CMO, Kinetica


——Kinetica首席营销官Daniel Raskin


“Artificial intelligence and machine learning will become a requirement for new solutions for simplified operations: The IT skills gap will require progressive enterprises to implement new, innovative solutions that automate complex operations. Machine learning and artificial intelligence will become key requirements for new IT solutions to help businesses close the skills gap through smarter operations and modern IT solutions. Enterprise software firms will force their strategic vendors to integrate AI and ML into their existing offerings to provide a more efficient operating model and a higher level of success for meeting their desired outcomes”—Don Foster, Senior Director, Commvault


——Commvault资深总监Don Foster


“Nearly every IT department will adopt AI to automate enterprise monitoring, reduce manual work of IT staff, and enable a vision of applications that can repair themselves”—Dave Anderson, Digital Performance Expert, Dynatrace


—— Dynatrace数字显示专家Dave Anderson


“The robotics industry will see many startups trying to find a niche and trying to capture as much market share possible. However, in order to succeed, robotics startups must consider regulatory regulations from the start of designs so that they meet applicable safety regulations or else they will fail when they go to market”. Ryan Braman, Test Engineering Manager, TUV Rheinland


——TUV Rheinland测试工程经理Ryan Braman


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