
We have covered TrueCrypt for on the fly encryption on other Operating Systems in the past. Now it is time to look at installing and using TrueCrypt on Apple Macintosh OS X (specifically 10.6.4).

过去,我们已经在其他操作系统上即时加密了TrueCrypt。 现在该看一下在Apple Macintosh OS X(特别是10.6.4)上安装和使用TrueCrypt了。

In previous articles we have looked at getting started with TrueCrypt in Windows and we have also looked at a work around for installing TrueCrypt in Ubuntu EdgyEft.

在先前的文章中,我们介绍了Windows中TrueCrypt的入门,也探讨了在Ubuntu EdgyEft中安装TrueCrypt的变通方法。

TrueCrypt on Mac OS X

在Mac OS X上为TrueCrypt

TrueCrypt is a free utility that will allow you to encrypt your data, be it on a USB drive or your computer’s main drive, on the fly. This allows you to keep data hidden; be it grades, patient files, that new patent you are working on, or embarrassing vacation photos you just can’t bring yourself to delete.

TrueCrypt是一个免费实用程序,可让您即时加密数据,无论是USB驱动器还是计算机的主驱动器。 这使您可以隐藏数据; 无论是成绩,患者档案,您正在研究的新专利,还是令人尴尬的度假照片,您都无法删除。

Once you have downloaded the .dmg to install TrueCrypt mount it do begin the installation.


You will be asked to accept the license agreement before mounting the installer.


Yep, you guessed it, open the installer package to begin installation.


The installer would like to give you an introduction just incase you did not know what you were installing (some days we all need to be reminded)


The next step is to choose the installation location. By default it will install into your Applications folder. For now we will not choose any custom options. Clicking Install will begin the installation.

下一步是选择安装位置。 默认情况下,它将安装到“应用程序”文件夹中。 目前,我们将不选择任何自定义选项。 单击安装将开始安装。

Since you will be modifying some system files, OS X will want authentication to make sure you are ok with these changes.

由于您将修改某些系统文件,因此OS X将需要身份验证以确保您可以接受这些更改。

Now we let the install complete.


If you have this installing in the background, or got up to do something else during the installation, OSX will let you know the install is done with the green check and the completion chime. Once you click Close, the install window will close and you will need to browse to where you have installed TrueCrypt.

如果您在后台进行此安装,或者要在安装过程中执行其他操作,则OSX会通过绿色检查和完成提示音告知您安装已完成。 单击关闭后,安装窗口将关闭,您将需要浏览到TrueCrypt的安装位置。

Since we have not yet created a volume we will need to begin there. Click on Create Volume.

由于尚未创建卷,因此需要从那里开始。 单击创建卷。

This time lets create an encrypted file container. This creates a virtual file that will contain all of your data. This can be useful if you would like to pass the container off to other people whom you have entrusted the password or for storing the file in multiple locations (network storage, the cloud, usb keys…) while keeping it encrypted.

这次让我们创建一个加密的文件容器。 这将创建一个虚拟文件,其中将包含您的所有数据。 如果您想将容器传递给您委托密码的其他人或将文件存储在多个位置(网络存储,云,usb密钥等)同时保持加密状态,则此功能很有用。

If you do not need to worry about state security or industrial espionage, the Standard TrueCrypt Volume should be enough for keeping personal data personal.


Here is where you will choose the location of the container. If you choose a file that is already in existence, TrueCrypt will erase and overwrite the file. Choose a new file name and the location you would like to place the container.

在这里您将选择容器的位置。 如果您选择的文件已经存在,TrueCrypt将删除并覆盖该文件。 选择一个新的文件名和您想要放置容器的位置。

There are several different encryption and hash algorithms, by default most users should be covered using AES and RIPEMD-160.


This is the place we get to choose the volume size of the virtual disk we are creating. TrueCrypt will let you know how much space you have available. The drop down will let you choose if you number will be in KB, MB or GB. For now, let’s go with a 1 GB volume.

在这里,我们可以选择要创建的虚拟磁盘的卷大小。 TrueCrypt将让您知道您有多少可用空间。 下拉菜单将让您选择数字是KB,MB还是GB。 现在,让我们使用1 GB的卷。

Now is the time to choose the password. While TrueCrypt will warn you to use a 20+ character strong (not using a dictionary word, using 3 out of symbols, numbers, cap and lowercase letters) password, if you cannot remember the password, it will mean loss of your encrypted data. choose something you can remember, but that will still keep you data safe form prying eyes.

现在是时候选择密码了。 虽然TrueCrypt会警告您使用20个字符以上的字符(不使用字典词,使用符号,数字,大写字母和小写字母中的3个)密码,但是如果您忘记了密码,则将意味着丢失加密数据。 选择您可以记住的内容,但这仍然可以确保您的数据安全。

Volume file system will be important if you want to use the file across multiple platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac). If you are looking to use multiple platforms choose the FAT filesystem. If you want the container to only be read in Mac OSX, choose Mac OS Extended.

如果要跨多个平台(Windows,Linux,Mac)使用文件,则卷文件系统将非常重要。 如果要使用多个平台,请选择FAT文件系统。 如果要仅在Mac OSX中读取容器,请选择“ Mac OS扩展”。

Confirm you decision of multiple (cross) platform support or just OSX.


Here we will help TrueCrypt in choosing the header and master key for the encryption of you volume. You see how when you move you mouse the random pool changes? Once you feel that you have a good set of numbers to choose form click format and the process will begin to encrypt you virtual disk.

在这里,我们将帮助TrueCrypt选择用于加密您的卷的标头和主密钥。 您看到移动鼠标时随机池如何变化? 一旦您感觉到可以选择表格单击格式的一组好的数字,该过程将开始对您的虚拟磁盘进行加密。

If you are needing to make multiple volumes, you can choose to make another now, otherwise click exit to close the wizard.


Now we will need to mount our new volume so that we can add files to it. Click on Select File and browse to the location you just created the container.

现在,我们需要挂载新卷,以便可以向其中添加文件。 单击选择文件,然后浏览到您刚刚创建容器的位置。

Tell TrueCrypt to mount the volume by clicking Mount.


Enter your password.


In the Finder browse to the empty volume and fill it with the files that you wish to encrypt.


Once you are happy with what you have in the volume, go back to the TrueCrypt menu and click Dismount to eject the volume and encrypt you data.


To access you now safe data, you will repeat the mounting steps and browse to you full volume, you can remove and add more data this way as well.


Download TrueCrypt for Mac (from Gibson Research)

从Mac下载TrueCrypt(从Gibson Research)

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/20150/getting-started-with-truecrypt-on-mac-os-x/


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