tcpdump -i wlan0 -s 0 -w 1.cap &

tcpdump -i rmnet0 -s 0 -w test.cap &

第一个是wifi的  第二格是 移动网络的


1. Download and


on your windows computer.

​2. Download and


on your windows computer.

​3. Use putty to

login to your linux server.

​4Once logged in use the following command to

start the SIP capture:

​tcpdump -i eth1 -t -n -s 0 port 5060 -vvv

-w /home/capture_file_name.cap

​-i = interface you want to capture on,

eth0, eth1, eth2, etc, you will want to do this on your public

interface most likely.

-t =


​-n = Do not convert ip addresses to names,

prevents dns lookups.

​-s = How many bytes of data to grab from

each packet, zero means use the required length to catch whole


​port = What port to listen to, 5060 is the

default port for SIP.

​-vvv = Even more verbose output, this will

give you as many details as possible.

​-w = Write to a raw file to be parsed


​5. Now that we are capturing packets let it

run for a while at least 5 to 10 minutes to collect some data then

to stop the capture use CTRL Key + C.

​6. Once you stopped the capture login to

the server using WinSCP and go to the home directory. You will find

the capture file in there just copy that file to your windows

computer so you will be able to open it with Wireshark.


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