
【 rebar-include-ext-libs-error 】

Your config file worked for me so I'd suggest doing the following:

  • make sure you have git installed
  • put the most recent build of rebar in your project directory
  • use a Makefile like the one I described here
  • delete your existing deps directory
  • run make

If you want to use rebar directly instead of using make you can do:

$ ./rebar get-deps
$ ./rebar compile

【 erlang-and-toolchains 】

Editor: you can use whatever you want. I used emacs for my first year of erlang, but I'm currently using gedit.
Version Control: I like git. It seems that most of the erlang community agrees (most projects are hosted on github).
Workflow: I'd recommend getting familiar with rebar.

Here is an example of a rebar-flavored Makefile:

REBAR := ./rebar.PHONY: all deps doc test clean releaseall: deps$(REBAR) compiledeps:$(REBAR) get-depsdoc:$(REBAR) doc skip_deps=truetest:$(REBAR) eunit skip_deps=trueclean:$(REBAR) cleanrelease: all testdialyzer --src src/*.erl deps/*/src/*.erl

Here are some basic pointers:

  • Put your unit tests in the same modules as the code they are testing. See the rebar wiki for details.
  • Add {cover_enabled, true} to your rebar.config file. Every time you run make test you get a coverage report in HTML!
  • Add your project's dependencies to your rebar.config and you can fetch and build them when you run make deps.
  • Make sure to comment your code with edoc. If you do, rebar can build all of your docs when your run make doc.


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