

这个工具是用ruby语言写的,ruby是小鬼子弄出来的,个人真心觉得比较难用。这个语言的包需要安装rvm(ruby version manager)来管理。所以首先要部署rvm的环境,虽然说不是很复杂,但是真心觉得不想用这个,以后有时间了会给大家介绍这个的。


Github 下载: RedisLive

Centos 安装 python-pip

2) 直接下载: wget https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/p/pip/pip-1.5.6.tar.gz

3) 解压安装: tar zxvf pip-1.5.6.tar.gz ;   python setup.py install

Centos 安装setuptools

2) 直接下载: wget https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/s/setuptools/setuptools-5.4.1.tar.gz#md5=3540a44b90017cbb851840934156848e

3) 解压安装:tar zxvf setuptools-5.4.1.tar.gz ;  python setup.py install




wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/python-pip-0.8-1.el6.noarch.rpm

rpm -ivh python-pip-0.8-1.el6.noarch.rpm

pip install tornado

pip install redis// 需安装,跟redis-server不同

pip install python-dateutil

pip install argparse


git clone https://github.com/kumarnitin/RedisLive.git

Initialized empty Git repository in /root/RedisLive/.git/

remote: Counting objects: 715, done.

remote: Compressing objects: 100% (377/377), done.

remote: Total 715 (delta 338), reused 699 (delta 323)

Receiving objects: 100% (715/715), 2.59 MiB | 353 KiB/s, done.

Resolving deltas: 100% (338/338), done.


Install Dependencies

tornado pip install tornado

redis.py pip install redis

python-dateutil pip install python-dateutil

You'll also need argparse if you're running Python < 2.7:

argparse pip install argparse

Get RedisLive

Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/kumarnitin/RedisLive.git , ordownload the latest release


edit redis-live.conf :

update the value of the key RedisServers to the redis instances you want to monitor. You can monitor multiple instances by appending more values to the RedisServers list.

update the value of the key RedisStatsServer to the redis instance you will use to store RedisLive data (this redis instance is different from the redis instances you are monitoring).

passwords can be added as an optional parameter for any redis instance

if you don't have a spare redis instance to use to store Redis Live data, then you can configure to use sqlite by changing "DataStoreType" : "sqlite"

Start RedisLive

start the monitoring script ./redis-monitor.py --duration=120 duration is in seconds (see caveat)

start the webserver ./redis-live.py

Caveat on monitoring redis

Currently the only hook into monitoring a redis instance is Redis MONITOR command, which streams back every command processed and reduces the throughput of the redis instance. It is recommended to run redis-monitor with --duration suitable for your redis deployment and scheduling it to run periodically as a cron job.


cd RedisLive/src

vi redis-live.conf





"server" : "",

"port" : 6379



"DataStoreType" : "sqlite",



"server" : "",

"port" : 6381


"SqliteStatsStore" :


"path": "db/redislive.sqlite"










"server" : "",

"port" : 6379,





./redis-monitor.py --duration 120 &

./redis-live.py &


[root@localhost src]# ./redis-live.py --help

Usage: ./redis-live.py [OPTIONS]


--help show this help information

--log_file_max_size max size of log files before rollover

(default 100000000)

--log_file_num_backups number of log files to keep (default 10)

--log_file_prefix=PATH Path prefix for log files. Note that if you

are running multiple tornado processes,

log_file_prefix must be different for each

of them (e.g. include the port number)

--log_to_stderr Send log output to stderr (colorized if

possible). By default use stderr if

--log_file_prefix is not set and no other

logging is configured.


Set the Python log level. If 'none', tornado

won't touch the logging configuration.

(default info)




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