
Madness I say. George Clingerman has created an XBox360 game using the XNA Framework called "A Conversation with Scott Hanselman."

疯狂,我说。 乔治·克林格曼(George Clingerman)使用XNA框架创建了一个名为“与斯科特·汉塞尔曼的对话”的XBox360游戏。

Yes, you read that right and I'm as shocked as you are. I've been told that conversations with me are as fun as watching paint dry, and I believe my wife when she says this.

是的,您没看错,我和您一样震惊。 有人告诉我,与我的交谈就像看着油漆干燥一样有趣,而且我相信我妻子说的话。

George based his game on his theory that I have only a certain attention span while talking to you and will run away if you're not interesting. (No comment. ;) )

乔治基于他的理论,即与您交谈时我只有一定的注意力跨度,如果您不感兴趣的话,他会逃跑。 (没有意见。 ;) )

He says:


"It may have been my imagination (the drinks WERE free), but about 10 seconds into the conversation it suddenly occurred to me that Scott Hanselman was timing me. It was like the second I walked up to him, he visually assessed me and gave me a set conversation time, say about 2 minutes and 27 seconds. He was keeping this internal timer running in his head and after the timer reached 0, he'd wrap things up and move on. It makes sense, he's a busy guy, got a lot of geek fame and if he's going to circulate or get anything done, seems like a practical thing to do. So as we're talking and I'm watching this timer that I'm imagining running just behind his left eye, I begin to wonder if there are "checkpoint" bonuses. Like maybe if I hit on an interesting conversation topic or say something in a clever way, will Scott increase my allotted conversation time? And then on the flip side, if I drone on or bore him, is he decreasing my allotted time and preparing to move on sooner?


So yeah, I spent my entire 2 minutes and 27 seconds playing this imaginary game in my head. You do XNADevelopment? +10 seconds. Want to help me make a web browser for the 360? No? -10 seconds. You seem pretty drunk. -30 seconds. That was actually funny +10 seconds. Well, got to go."

是的,我花了整整2分27秒的时间在脑海中玩这个虚构的游戏。 您执行XNADevelopment吗? +10秒。 是否想帮助我为360创建网络浏览器? 没有? -10你好像喝醉了-30+10秒真的很有趣。 好吧,走吧。”

Now, you too can have that kind of fun on your Xbox or Windows machine. Seriously though, it's a pretty interesting little sample that shows a lot of the 2D Gaming Concepts that you'd need to know in order to create your own - more interesting - game.

现在,你也可以有你的Xbox或Windows机器上一种乐趣。 严肃地说,这是一个非常有趣的小样本,它显示了很多2D游戏概念,您需要了解这些概念才能创建自己的-更有趣的游戏。

Sounds like George had a great time and tried something new, coding this in a weekend using techniques from a 4 Hour Work Week:


"The whole weekend demonstrates once of the concepts I picked up from Scott's interview with the author of the 4 hour work week. Create an environment to set yourself up for success. That's how I finished this game in a weekend. I took away the distractions, surrounded myself with the materials I needed to develop and I got it done. I had an absolute blast."


If you want to download the XNA Game Studio Express, get the 1.0 Refresh here. If you want to download just the XNA Framework, get the 1.0 Refresh here. It's a single download and the FAQ explains lots. There's also lots of good samples and tutorials at the XNA Creators Club. The game will run on Windows if you have an Xbox Controller attached, but perhaps someone will add keyboard support or make it a ClickOnce App...

如果要下载XNA Game Studio Express,请在此处获取1.0 Refresh 。 如果您只想下载XNA Framework,请在此处获取1.0 Refresh 。 只需一次下载, FAQ解释了很多内容。 XNA Creators Club上还有很多很好的示例和教程。 如果您连接了Xbox控制器,则该游戏将在Windows上运行,但也许有人会添加键盘支持或将其设置为ClickOnce应用程序...

This was a total surprise to me and I had nothing to do with it, but I want to give Big Thanks to George for this fine bit of fun and for, on his own, using his weekend project to help me raise money for Diabetes Research!

这让我感到完全惊讶,与我无关。但是我要非常感谢George的这段美好的时光,并单靠他的周末项目帮助我为Diabetes Research筹集资金。 !

Seriously, come on, does that REALLY look like me?


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/xbox360-xna-game-development-hanselman-conversation-simulator


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