本帖最后由 eehome 于 2013-1-5 10:09 编辑


电话:15817431194   0755-82078692

QQ:759728988    mail:Nick@cyberwin.com.cn



--Single chip USB to quad serial ports with a variety of configurations.

--Entire USB protocol handLED on the chip. No USB specIFic firmware programming required.

--USB 2.0 High Speed (480Mbits/Second) and Full Speed (12Mbits/Second) compatible.

--Two Multi-Protocol Synchronous Serial Engine (MPSSE) on channel A and channel B,

to simplify synchronous serial protocol (USB to JTAG, I2C, SPI or bit-bang) design.

--Independent Baud rate generators.

--RS232/RS422/rs485 UART Transfer Data Rate up to 12Mbaud. (RS232 Data Rate limited by external level shifter).

--FTDI’s royalty-free Virtual Com Port (VCP) and Direct (D2XX) drivers eliminate the requirement for

USB driver development in most cases.

--Optional traffic TX/RX indicators can be added with LEDs and an external 74HC595 shift register.

--Adjustable receive buffer timeout.

--Support for USB suspend and resume conditions via PWREN#, SUSPEND# and RI# pins.

--Highly integrated design includes +1.8V LDO regulator for VCORE, integrated POR function

and on chip clock multiplier PLL (12MHz – 480MHz).

--FTDI FT232B style, asynchronous serial UART inteRFace option with full hardware handshaking and modem interface signals.

--Fully assisted hardware or X-On / X-Off software handshaking.

--UART Interface supports 7/8 bit data, 1/2 stop bits, and Odd/Even/Mark/Space/No Parity.

--Auto-transmit enable control for RS485 serial applications using TXDEN pin.

--Operational configuration mode and USB Description strings configurable in external EEPROM over the USB interface.

--Low operating and USB suspend current.

--Configurable I/O drive strength (4,8,12 or 16mA) and slew rate.

--Supports bus powered, self powered and high-power bus powered USB configurations.

--UHCI/OHCI/EHCI host controller compatible.

--USB Bulk data transfer mode (512 byte packets in Hi-Speed mode).

--Dedicated Windows DLLs available for USB to JTAG, USB to SPI, and USB to I2C applications.

--+1.8V (chip core) and +3.3V I/O interfacing (+5V Tolerant).

--Extended -40oC to 85oC industrial operating temperature range.

--Compact 64-LD Lead Free LQFP or LQFN package.

--+3.3V single supply operating voltage range.


Windows Server 2008 R2

Windows 7

Windows 7 x64

Windows Server 2008

Windows Server 2008 x64

Windows Vista

Windows Vista x64

Windows Server 2003

Windows Server 2003 x64

Windows XP

Windows XP x64

Windows 2000

Windows ME

Windows 98


Mac OS X

Mac OS 9

Mac OS 8

Windows CE.NET (Version 4.2 and greater) [x86, ARM & others]



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