QML控件 – Rectangle




import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Window 2.2Window {visible: truewidth: 640height: 480title: qsTr("Hello World")Rectangle{anchors.centerIn: parentwidth: 100height: 50color: "red"}


import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Window 2.2Window {visible: truewidth: 640height: 480title: qsTr("Hello World")Rectangle{id:rectanchors.centerIn: parentwidth: 100height: 100radius: 50color: "green"MouseArea{anchors.fill: parentonPressed: {rect.scale = 0.9}onReleased: {rect.scale = 1.0}}}


1. Rectangle的基本使用相关推荐

  1. poj 2559 Largest Rectangle in a Histogram 栈

    // poj 2559 Largest Rectangle in a Histogram 栈 // // n个矩形排在一块,不同的高度,让你求最大的矩形的面积(矩形紧挨在一起) // // 这道题用的 ...

  2. LeetCode 笔记系列 18 Maximal Rectangle [学以致用](最大矩形)

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  3. OpenCV 学习笔记03 boundingRect、minAreaRect、minEnclosingCircle、boxPoints、int0、circle、rectangle函数的用法...

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  4. 【leetcode】85. Maximal Rectangle 0/1矩阵的最大全1子矩阵

    1. 题目 Given a 2D binary matrix filled with 0's and 1's, find the largest rectangle containing only 1 ...

  5. matplotlib可视化基本散点图、在图像指定区域绘制方框(Draw Rectangle)

    matplotlib可视化基本散点图.在图像指定区域绘制方框(Draw Rectangle) 目录 matplotlib可视化基本散点图.在图像指定区域绘制方框(Draw Rectangle)

  6. matplotlib可视化基本散点图、在图像指定区域绘制方框并进行自定义色彩填充(Draw Rectangle filled with color)

    matplotlib可视化基本散点图.在图像指定区域绘制方框并进行自定义色彩填充(Draw Rectangle filled with color) 目录

  7. cv2.rectangle()画出矩形的用法

    cv2.rectangle(img, (x,y), (x+w,y+h), (0,255,0), 2) 功能:画出矩行框 参数:img:原图 (x,y):矩阵的左上点坐标 (x+w,y+h):矩阵的右下 ...

  8. LeetCode 850. Rectangle Area II

    题目地址: We are given a list of (axis-aligned) rectangles. Each rectangle[i] = [x1, y1, x2, y2] , where ...

  9. LeetCode 85. Maximal Rectangle --python,java解法

    题目地址: Given a 2D binary matrix filled with 0's and 1's, find the largest rectangle containing only 1 ...

  10. LeetCode hard 84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram--python,java 15行,c++ 15行 解法

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