学习书籍:《Psych 101》-- Paul Kleinman

Psych 101


Classical conditioning was Ivan Pavlov’s most famous and influential work, and it laid much of the groundwork of behavioral psychology.

In essence,the idea of classical conditioning is simply learning something by association.Pavlov identified four basic principles:

The Unconditioned Stimulus: A stimulus is any act, influence, or agent that creates a response.

An unconditioned stimulus is when the stimulus automatically triggers some type of response.

For example, if pollen makes a person sneeze, then pollen is an unconditioned stimulus.

The Unconditioned Response:This is a response that is automatically triggered as a result of the unconditioned stimulus.

In essence, this is a natural, unconscious reaction to whatever the stimulus might be.

For example, if pollen makes a person sneeze, the sneeze is the unconditioned response.

The Conditioned Stimulus: When a neutral stimulus(a stimulus that is not related to the response) becomes associated with an unconditioned stimulus, thus triggering conditioned response.

The Conditioned Response: This is a response that was learned from the once-neutral stimulus.

Confused? Don’t be. It’s actually very simple! Imagine if you flinched after hearing a loud sound.

The sound triggered a natural response, making it an unconditioned stimulus, and the flinching was the unconditioned response because it was something that you did unconsciously as a result of the unconditioned stimulus.

Now,if you repeatedly witnessed a certain movement happen at the same time as,or a little bit before,the loud noise occurred - for example,a person swinging their fist to slam it on a table - you might then begin to associate that movement with the loud sound,flinching whenever you see a fist move in a similar manner, even if there is no sound.

The movement of the fist(the conditioned stimulus) became associated with the unconditioned stimulus(the sound), and made you flinch(the conditioned response).

Daily Sentence

Friendship is tested in the thick years of success rather than in the thin years of struggle.

——Barry Humphries

  • 中文解释




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