

Fully Funded Ph.D. Positions in Data Management

One or more fully funded Ph.D. positions are available at the Center for Data

-intensive Systems (Daisy), Department of Computer Science, Aalborg Universit

y (AAU), Denmark. The positions start from May 1, 2016 or soon thereafter.

The positions are within the general area of big spatio-temporal data managem

ent and relate to the management and analysis of geo-spatial and geo-textual

data. Specific topics of interest include but are not limited to: (i) new dir

ections in spatial keyword querying, including effectiveness evaluation, soci

al functionality, and feedback loops; and (ii) big trajectory data management

in spatial networks, including eco-routing and social routing.

Keywords: big data, geospatial data, GPS data, trajectories, tweets, social n

etworks, points of interest, transportation, spatial networks, high-velocity

data, main memory processing, query and update processing, scalability, high

performance, prototyping.

Applicants must have a master's degree in computer science or a closely relat

ed field, with very good grades. Good knowledge of database management is des

ired, as are implementation skills. Good communication skills in English, ora

l as well as written, are essential.

Applicants should prepare for the following materials:

1) CV.

2) Diplomas and grade transcripts for both bachelor's and master's studies.

3) A 2-3 page proposal for the Ph.D. study plan, aimed SPECIFICALLY at the ab

ove topic. The proposal should have the following sections: Background and Mo

tivation, Proposed Research, Expected Results, Time Schedule, and References.

4) Documentation of English proficiency, i.e., scores for TOEFL or similar te

sts, if any.

5) Other materials, e.g., copies of a few relevant publications (if applicabl


About Ph.D. studies at Aalborg University: Danish universities offer very hig

h Ph.D. salaries (and good social benefits) that compare very well with the r

est of the world. The monthly pre-tax salary  is approximately DKK 26,000, pl

us a DKK 2,600 pension contribution. To broaden their research horizons, Ph.D

. candidates are also given financial support for a one-semester academic vis

it to an international research institution.

About Daisy: The database researchers at Daisy primarily conduct research in

spatio-temporal data management, data warehousing, and business intelligence.

International evaluations place Daisy in the global top tier. An independent

study of publication performance in the top database outlets in the 10-year

period 2001-2010 ranks Daisy second among all research groups in Europe. More

information about Daisy can be found at http://daisy.aau.dk.

About Aalborg: Aalborg is a lively city with numerous cultural attractions. T

he area features relatively low cost of living, clean air, beautiful forests

and beaches, and very good transportation infrastructure. A recent report on

European cities ranks Aalborg highest (http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/so


If you have questions, contact Obel Professor Christian S. Jensen (http://www


Please send your application materials to Bin Yang (byang@cs.aau.dk).


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