

time_t 、struct  timeval、struct   timespec、struct   tm

在用到相关的类型和函数时,需要加上头文件:#include <time.h>

  • time_t: 存储从1970年到现在经过了多少。格式为long int。UTC时间。
  • struct  timeval:提供秒和微秒单位,最高精度是微秒
/* A time value that is accurate to the nearestmicrosecond but also has a range of years.  */
struct timeval{__time_t tv_sec;     /* Seconds.  */__suseconds_t tv_usec;   /* Microseconds.  */};
# endif /* struct timeval */
  • struct   timespec:提供秒和纳秒单位,最高精度是纳秒
struct timespec{__time_t tv_sec;     /* Seconds.  */__syscall_slong_t tv_nsec;   /* Nanoseconds.  */};
  • struct   tm:详细时间的结构体
struct tm
{int tm_sec;            /* Seconds. [0-60] (1 leap second) */int tm_min;            /* Minutes. [0-59] */int tm_hour;           /* Hours.   [0-23] */int tm_mday;           /* Day.     [1-31] */int tm_mon;            /* Month.   [0-11] */int tm_year;           /* Year - 1900.  */int tm_wday;         /* Day of week. [0-6] */int tm_yday;            /* Days in year.[0-365] */int tm_isdst;         /* DST.     [-1/0/1]*/# ifdef   __USE_MISClong int tm_gmtoff;       /* Seconds east of UTC.  */const char *tm_zone;     /* Timezone abbreviation.  */
# elselong int __tm_gmtoff;     /* Seconds east of UTC.  */const char *__tm_zone;   /* Timezone abbreviation.  */
# endif


char *asctime(const struct tm* timeptr);
//将结构中的信息转换为真实世界的UTC时间,以字符串的形式显示char *ctime(const time_t *timep);
//将timep转换为真是世界的时间,以字符串显示,它和asctime不同就在于传入的参数形式不同double difftime(time_t time1, time_t time2);
//返回两个时间相差的秒数int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz);
//返回当前距离1970年的秒数和微秒数,后面的tz是时区,一般不用struct tm* gmtime(const time_t *timep);
//将time_t表示的时间转换为没有经过时区转换的UTC时间,是一个struct tm结构指针stuct tm* localtime(const time_t *timep);
//和gmtime类似,但是它是经过时区转换的时间。time_t mktime(struct tm* timeptr);
//将struct tm 结构的时间转换为从1970年至今的秒数time_t time(time_t *t);
//eg,totalsec = time(NULL) or time(&totalsec);int clock_gettime(clockid_t clk_id, struct timespec* tp);
clk_id : 检索和设置的clk_id指定的时钟时间。
CLOCK_REALTIME:系统实时时间,随系统实时时间改变而改变,即从UTC1970-1-1 0:0:0开始计时,
CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID:本线程到当前代码系统CPU花费的时间*///eg. 获得从开机到现在的时间:clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC,&tspec);



struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = (time_t)gps_utctime_sec;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
if(settimeofday (&tv, NULL) < 0){  MSG("[ GPS ]:Set system datatime error,may need root permissions!\n");
else{MSG("[ GPS ]:GPS valid,update system time!\n");


/*! get the current system time tick, second unit */
static uint32_t getCurrSysTick(void)
{time_t timep;time (&timep);return timep;//seconds from 1970-1-1:0:0:0

3、读取当前时间字符串:Fri Dec 20 14:44:18 2019

static char* getCurrSysTime(void)
{time_t timep;time (&timep);return asctime(localtime(&timep));


static void delay_ms(unsigned int dms)
{struct timespec sleeper, dummy ;sleeper.tv_sec  = (time_t)(dms / 1000) ;sleeper.tv_nsec = (long)(dms % 1000) * 1000000 ;nanosleep (&sleeper, &dummy);//delay 1ms


struct tm* t_tm;
t_tm = localtime((time_t *)&meas_gps_utctime.tv_sec);
/* test gps */
MSG("today is %4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n",t_tm->tm_year+1900,t_tm->tm_mon+1,t_tm->tm_mday,t_tm->tm_hour,t_tm->tm_min,t_tm->tm_sec);  



  1. c++ 时间类型详解 time_t
  2. linux应用time和timezone
  3. linux下的clock_gettime()获取时间函数

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