css 动画使用

使用CSS动画 (Using CSS Animations)

CSS animations add beauty to the webpages and make transitions from one CSS style to the other beautiful.


To create a CSS animation sequence, we have different sub-properties in the animation property in CSS :


  • animation-delay


  • animation-direction


  • animation-duration


  • animation-iteration-count


  • animation-name


  • animation-play-state


  • animation-timing-function


  • animation-fill-mode


示例CSS动画序列可在屏幕上移动文本 (Sample CSS animation sequence to move text across the screen)

In the HTML part we will have a div with class container and a h3 with the text Hello World:

在HTML部分,我们将有一个带类containerdiv和一个带文本Hello Worldh3

<div class="container"><h3> Hello World ! </h3>

For the CSS part:


.container {/* We will define the width, height and padding of the container *//* The text-align to center */width: 400px;height: 60px;padding: 32px;text-align: center;/* Use the animation `blink` to repeat infinitely for a time period of 2.5s*/animation-duration: 2.5s;           animation-iteration-count: infinite;animation-direction: normal;        animation-name: blink;              /* The same can be written shorthand as     *//* --------------------------------------   *//* animation: 2.5s infinite normal blink;   */
@keyframes blink {0%, 100% {              /* Defines the properties at these frames */background: #333;color: white;}50% {                   /* Defines the properties at these frames */background: #ccc;color: black;border-radius: 48px;}

有关CSS动画的更多信息: (More information on CSS Animations:)

  • A Quick intro to CSS Animations


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-use-animations-in-css/

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