by E. Wilson

由E. Wilson

我从#100DaysOfCode中学到的东西 (What I learned from #100DaysOfCode)

I made it up to Day 95 before officially ending my #100DaysOfCode challenge. Check out my GitHub repo and see for yourself.

在正式结束#100DaysOfCode挑战之前,我晋级到第95天。 查看我的GitHub存储 ,亲自看看。

With all this coding, I haven’t been able to keep up with my daily blogging schedule, but I did share notes about what I worked on for each day via the #100DaysOfCode page on my programming blog.

使用所有这些编码,我无法跟上我的每日博客排程,但是我确实通过#100DaysOfCode页面分享了我每天工作的记录。 在我的编程博客上。

So this is my wrap up post on this challenge: what I did, what I learned, what I completed, and overall what went wrong that made me end it early.


优点 (The Pros)

Overall, this challenge has been the best thing for me in holding myself accountable to learning new things outside of work. Here is what I completed since starting the challenge back in January:

总的来说,对我来说,挑战是让我自己对在工作之外学习新事物负责的最好的事情。 自从一月份开始挑战以来,我完成了以下工作:

书籍完成 (Books Completed)

  • “JavaScript and jQuery” by Jon Duckett乔恩·杜克特(Jon Duckett)的“ JavaScript和jQuery”
  • “You Don’t Know JS: Scope & Closures” by @Getify

    @Getify的 “您不知道JS:范围和闭包”

完成模块和教程 (Modules and Tutorials Completed)

  • DevTips jQuery in 15 (test demo available)

    DevTips jQuery in 15( 可提供测试演示 )

  • JavaScript track — Codecademy (87% of this was done before the challenge, I completed the remaining portions)JavaScript专栏— Codecademy(其中87%是在挑战之前完成的,我完成了其余部分)
  • AngularJS track — CodecademyAngularJS跟踪— Codecademy
  • Intro to jQuery — EdXjQuery简介— EdX
  • Learn AngularJS for Beginners — Udemy为初学者学习AngularJS — Udemy
  • HTML5 and CSS track — Free Code Camp (I didn’t know at the time I could skip tracks, I completed this as a prerequisite for the JavaScript track)HTML5和CSS轨道-免费代码训练营(我当时不知道可以跳过轨道,我完成此操作是JavaScript轨道的前提条件)
  • Responsive Design track — Free Code Camp (ditto)响应式设计轨道—免费代码营(ditto)
  • jQuery track — Free Code CampjQuery Track —免费代码营
  • JavaScript basics track — Free Code CampJavaScript基础跟踪—免费代码营

MOOC已完成 (MOOCs Completed)

  • Responsive Web Design — 94% final grade, Coursera响应式网页设计-94%的最终成绩,Coursera
  • Interactivity with JavaScript — 99% final grade, Coursera与JavaScript的互动-99%的最终成绩,Coursera
  • Front-end Frameworks: AngularJS — 100% final grade, Coursera前端框架:AngularJS-100%最终成绩,Coursera
  • Multiplatform Mobile App Development with Web Technologies — 100% final grade, Coursera使用Web技术进行多平台移动应用程序开发— 100%最终成绩,Coursera

项目完成 (Projects Completed)

  • Tribute Page — for Free Code Camp, built with HTML and CSS

    致敬页面 —用于免费的代码训练营,使用HTML和CSS构建

  • Portfolio Page — for Free Code Camp, built with Bootstrap 3

    组合页面 —使用Bootstrap 3构建的免费Code Camp

  • Bootstrappin’ Portfolio — 5 page portfolio site built with Bootstrap 3

    Bootstrappin的投资组合 —用Bootstrap 3构建的5页投资组合网站

  • Personal Template — biographical landing page built with Bootstrap 4

    个人模板 -使用Bootstrap 4构建的个人登录页面

  • Creative Template — landing page for creatives built with Bootstrap 4

    广告素材模板 -使用Bootstrap 4制作的广告素材的登录页面

  • TaskList — built with Bootstrap 3, JavaScript, and Handlebars.js

    TaskList —使用Bootstrap 3,JavaScript和Handlebars.js构建

  • Animal Exhibit — built with Bootstrap 3, JavaScript, and Handlebars.js

    动物展品 -使用Bootstrap 3,JavaScript和Handlebars.js构建

  • BBC site clone — landing page of the BBC Tech News page, built with HTML and CSS

    BBC网站克隆 -BHTML技术新闻页面的登陆页面,使用HTML和CSS构建

  • Book App — built with AngularJS (I decided to continue building this beyond a one-page SPA)

    图书应用程序 -使用AngularJS构建(我决定继续在一页SPA之外构建该应用程序 )

  • conFusion Restaurant App* — built with AngularJSconFusion Restaurant App * —使用AngularJS构建
  • conFusion Restaurant Mobile App* — built with AngularJS, Ionic, and Cordova for Android and iOSconFusion餐馆移动应用程序* —使用适用于Android和iOS的AngularJS,Ionic和Cordova构建
  • Prince Tribute quote generator — built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

    Prince Tribute报价生成器 -使用HTML,CSS和JavaScript构建

* Due to Coursera’s honor code which I accepted as a scholarship recipient, I’m not allowed to share the complete code for these projects nor launch them as my own. They have not been added to the GitHub repo for this reason.

*由于Coursera的荣誉代码已被我接受为奖学金获得者,因此我不能共享这些项目的完整代码,也不能作为我自己的项目启动。 由于这个原因,它们尚未添加到GitHub存储库中。

学习的语言,库和框架 (Languages, Libraries, and Frameworks Learned)

  • Bootstrap 4 — proficient, it’s not too much different from Bootstrap 3Bootstrap 4-熟练,与Bootstrap 3并没有太大区别
  • Jasmine — basics茉莉花-基本
  • jQuery — basicsjQuery —基础知识
  • JavaScript — intermediateJavaScript —中级
  • AngularJS — advancedAngularJS —高级
  • Meteor — basics流星—基础知识
  • Handlebars.js — basicsHandlebars.js —基础知识
  • Ionic and Cordova — advanced离子和科尔多瓦-进阶
  • Node.js — basicsNode.js —基础

收到验证的证书 (Verified Certificates Received)

  • 1 from University of London & Goldsmiths伦敦大学和金史密斯大学1名
  • 1 from University of Michigan1来自密歇根大学
  • 2 from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology香港科技大学2

With the challenge, I finished tutorials that I had in my queue, received scholarships to complete MOOCs for web developer certificates, and contributed hundreds of lines of code on GitHub for projects I truly enjoyed developing. Unintentionally, I also became more efficient at writing code tutorials. My posts grew longer as what I was learning grew more complex.

面对挑战,我完成了自己排队的教程,获得了奖学金,以完成针对Web开发人员证书的MOOC,并在GitHub上为我真正喜欢的项目贡献了数百行代码。 无意间,我在编写代码教程方面也变得更有效率。 随着我所学的内容越来越复杂,我的帖子也越来越长。

缺点 (The Cons)

The biggest setback for me was when I got promoted at the organization I work for during the first 30 days of the challenge. As part of my promotion, I was put in charge of our organization’s new site launch and app. It was a great opportunity.

对我来说,最大的挫折是在挑战的前30天内,在我所在的组织中获得晋升。 作为促销活动的一部分,我负责组织新站点的发布和应用程序。 这是一个很好的机会。

With the promotion came longer work days, more training outside of office hours, and more travel. I also took on two freelance gigs outside of my day job to do some design work for clients.

晋升带来了更长的工作时间,更多的办公时间以外的培训以及更多的旅行。 我在日常工作之外还进行了两次自由演出,为客户做一些设计工作。

Working 50–60+ hours a week during February and March, plus doing course work for my web development specialization didn’t exactly make me excited to contribute code to this challenge on most days. I started skipping days, which lead to me losing track all together.

在2月和3月期间,每周工作50至60个小时以上,再加上专门从事Web开发专业的课程工作,这并没有使我在大多数日子里为这一挑战贡献代码感到兴奋。 我开始跳过几天,这使我全都失去了跟踪。

Still, I was too stubborn to quit. So, I took the biggest hit with my blogging. When I started the challenge, I blogged everyday. Once February hit, I had to group days to provide be breaks in between posts. During the last stretch, I only contributed 3–5 posts.

不过,我还是太顽固而不能辞职。 因此,我的博客受到了最大的冲击。 当我开始挑战时,我每天写博客。 一旦2月中旬,我不得不分组几天,以提供职位之间的休息时间。 在上一阶段,我只发表了3-5个帖子。

Blogging about what I was learning became more difficult because I had to spend time organizing material and writing in a way that makes sense for newbies, as well as advanced learners. A typical blog post for me grew to more than 500 words, with me sometimes having to create a series of posts just so I could cover a subject more thoroughly.

关于我正在学习的内容的博客变得更加困难,因为我不得不花时间组织材料和写作,这对新手和高级学习者都是有意义的。 对于我来说,一个典型的博客帖子已增长到500多个单词,有时我不得不创建一系列的帖子,以便我可以更全面地涵盖一个主题。

Once I started skipping days, this challenge that should have only taken 100 days ended up lasting over 4 months. Once May hit, I threw in the towel…for my sanity.

一旦我开始跳过几天,本来应该只花100天的挑战就持续了4个月以上。 一旦五月打了,我就扔毛巾...出于我的理智。

我对自己的了解 (What I Learned About Myself)

This challenge revealed a lot about my learning style and what I feel are the best ways for me to accomplish certain goals, such as:


  1. Taking courses that don’t provide any type of technical support outside of a user-generated forum (and Stack Overflow links) are not for me. Not having on-call support while working on course projects is very frustrating. This has continued to be a hurdle for me, so I have decided to hire a mentor who has experience in building MEAN stack web apps when I start my capstone project this Summer. If I have to pay for on-call, one-on-one, high-ranking expertise to help me out whenever I need it, then so be it.参加那些在用户生成的论坛(以及Stack Overflow链接)之外不提供任何技术支持的课程对我来说不适合。 在进行课程项目时没有通话支持非常令人沮丧。 这一直是我的障碍,因此,我决定在今年夏天启动我的顶点项目时聘请一位在构建MEAN Stack Web应用程序方面有经验的导师。 如果我需要付费,一对一的高级专业知识来在需要时帮助我,那么就这样吧。
  2. As I said previously in another post, books should be my primary introduction to any new language, library, or framework I pick up. I like tutorials, but they don’t really teach me much other than how to follow directions. I retain information so much better if I’m reading material.就像我之前在另一篇文章中所说的那样,书籍应该是我学习的任何新语言,库或框架的主要介绍。 我喜欢教程,但是除了如何遵循指示之外,它们并没有真正教给我很多东西。 如果我正在阅读材料,我可以更好地保留信息。
  3. I need to become comfortable reading official documentation for any web tools I want to use. For example, I’m thankful for Cordova for providing a guide to deploy Ionic apps for iOS and Android, but I had to go over that doc way too many times than I care to admit before I could successfully get my conFusion app to launch in the emulator provided. I’m too quick to find a shortcut when I don’t feel the docs articulate enough. While this is not a problem, I’ve learned that I need to read the docs and follow the directions as written first before trying anything else.我需要习惯阅读要使用的任何Web工具的官方文档。 例如,我很感谢Cordova提供了有关为iOS和Android部署Ionic应用程序的指南,但是在我成功将conFusion应用程序启动之前,我不得不反复尝试该文档,而这超出了我的允许范围。提供的模拟器。 当我觉得文档不够清晰时,我太快找不到捷径了。 尽管这不是问题,但我了解到,在尝试任何其他操作之前,需要阅读文档并按照首先编写的说明进行操作。
  4. There is no future in me writing tutorials on a regular basis…at all. I appreciate the increase of readers because of this challenge, but I need to work on simplifying certain programming concepts down to 300 words or less.我没有定期写作教程的未来……根本没有。 我感谢由于这一挑战而增加的读者,但我需要努力简化某些编程概念,最小化至300个单词或更少。

In all, I feel good about wrapping up this project now. If you have enjoyed my posts thus far, please consider following Our Code on Twitter. I recently launched this account to engage more with readers. Follow me, mention this post, and I’ll be sure to follow back.

总的来说,我对现在结束这个项目感觉很好。 如果您到目前为止喜欢我的帖子,请考虑在Twitter上关注我们的准则 。 我最近启动了此帐户,以吸引更多读者。 跟随我,提及这篇文章,我一定会再关注。

Thanks for riding with me on this challenge!


Note: This post was originally published on Our Code, a blog where I share my story of being a self-taught developer and help other coders by sharing curated online resources that I find.

注意:这篇文章最初发布在Our Code (博客)上,我在其中分享我成为自学成才的开发人员的故事,并通过共享我发现的精选在线资源来帮助其他编码人员



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