Understanding prototypical inheritance

function TodoService(){this.todos =[];
}TodoService.prototype.getAll = function(){return this.todos;
}var service = new TodoService();

this 关键字指的是对象的实例。所以第六行的 this.todos 会在运行时引用第二行的 this.todos

JavaScript 为对象分配原型的最常见方式是使用构造函数,它实际上只是一个使用 new 关键字调用的函数。当您使用 new 关键字初始化对象时,JavaScript 会做三件事。首先,它创建一个新对象。其次,它将新对象的原型设置为构造函数的原型。第三,它执行您使用 new 关键字调用的函数,在该方法中将新对象称为 this 。

Defining a class

// function TodoService() {//   this.todos = [];
// }// TodoService.prototype.getAll = function () {//   return this.todos;
// };// var service = new TodoService();
// service.getAll();//=====>
// class TodoService {//   todos: Todo[] = [];//   constructor(todos: Todo[]) {//     this.todos = todos;
//   }//   getAll() {}
// }//=====>
class TodoService {constructor(private todos: Todo[]) {}getAll() {return this.todos;}
}interface Todo {name: string;state: TodoState;
}enum TodoState {New = 1,Active,Completed,Deleted,

Applying static properties


  1. In other languages such as C#, Java, or even C, C++, you’d refer to these kinds of variables as static members.
  2. However, global variables are now generally considered bad practice and to be avoided at all costs.
  3. 所以在ES5里只能这样写:
function TodoService() {}TodoService.lastId = 0;TodoService.getNextId = function () {return (TodoService.lastId += 1);
};TodoService.prototype.add = function (todo) {var newId = TodoService.getNextId();
  1. in ES6:
class TodoService {static lastId: number = 0;//静态属性constructor(private todos: Todo[]) {}add(todo: Todo) {var newId = TodoService.getNextId();}getAll() {return this.todos;}//静态方法static getNextId() {return (TodoService.lastId += 1);}
}interface Todo {name: string;state: TodoState;
}enum TodoState {New = 1,Active,Completed,Deleted,

Making properties smarter with accessors

to define and substantiate证实 simply object

this code is actually perfectly legitimate合法

it must be preceded by the set keyword

let passcode = 123456;class Employee {private _fullName: string; //私有变量 an internal variableget changeName() {return this._fullName;}set changeName(newName) {if (passcode && passcode == 123456) {this._fullName = newName;} else {throw "error";}}

Inheriting behavior from a base class

derive from源自于 a class

extends BaseClass

class TodoStateChanger {constructor(private newState: TodoState) {}canChangeState(todo: Todo): boolean {return !!todo;}changeState(todo: Todo): Todo {if (this.canChangeState(todo)) {todo.state = this.newState;}return todo;}
}class CompleteTodoStateChanger extends TodoStateChanger {constructor() {super(TodoState.Completed); // 在派生类的构造函数中必须调用 super()}canChangeState(todo: Todo): boolean {return (super.canChangeState(todo) &&(todo.state == TodoState.Active || todo.state == TodoState.Deleted));}

Implementing an abstract class

enforce my intent 执行我的意图

nothing stopping some rogue javascripit code from creating a new instance
没有什么能阻止一些流氓 javascripit 代码创建一个新实例

is designed to guard against, there is ultimately nothing i can do about that

All I can do is focus on the protection that it gives me at development time and in that regard, abstract base classes are an excellent tool.

abstract class TodoStateChanger {constructor(private newState: TodoState) {}// canChangeState(todo: Todo): boolean {//   return !!todo;// }// =>改成抽象类abstract canChangeState(todo: Todo): boolean; // 必须在派生类中实现changeState(todo: Todo): Todo {if (this.canChangeState(todo)) {todo.state = this.newState;}return todo;}
}class CompleteTodoStateChanger extends TodoStateChanger {constructor() {super(TodoState.Completed); // 在派生类的构造函数中必须调用 super()}canChangeState(todo: Todo): boolean {return (//super.canChangeState(todo)//=>!!todo &&(todo.state == TodoState.Active || todo.state == TodoState.Deleted));}

Controlling visibility with access modifiers


abstract class TodoStateChanger {// 抽象类中把它从private改成protected,在派生类中可以被访问到constructor(protected newState: TodoState) {}
}class CompleteTodoStateChanger extends TodoStateChanger {constructor() {super(TodoState.Completed);var a = this.newState // 抽象类中把它从private改成protected,在派生类中可以被访问到}
class SmartTodo {// name: string;// constructor(name: string) {//   this.name = name;// }// => 不用专门声明一个name,直接在构造函数里加任何修饰符public/protected/private作为声明constructor(public name: string) {this.name = name;}


private static _lastId: number = 0;

Implementing interfaces

class TodoService implements IToDoService {private static _lastId: number = 0;get nextId() {return (TodoService._lastId += 1);}constructor(private todos: Todo[]) {}add(todo: Todo) {todo.id = this.nextId;this.todos.push(todo);return todo;}delete(todoId: number): void {var toDelete = this.getById(todoId);var deletedIndex = this.todos.indexOf(toDelete);this.todos.splice(deletedIndex, 1);}getAll(): Todo[] {// 不直接return Todo数组出去// 现在互联网传输的数据一般都是json格式// 将数据传出去之前,先用JSON.stringify把数据转成json字符串格式,方便传输// 否则得到的是[object object]// 接收到数据后,用JSON.parse把数据转成对象格式以便本地使用var clone = JSON.stringify(this.todos);return JSON.parse(clone);}getById(todoId: number): Todo {//JS's built-in array method filter JS的内置的数组过滤方法var filtered = this.todos.filter((i) => i.id == todoId); if (filtered.length) {return filtered[0];}return null;}
}interface IToDoService {add(todo: Todo): Todo;delete(todoId: number): void;getAll(): Todo[];getById(todoId: number): Todo;
}interface Todo {id: number;name: string;state: TodoState;
}enum TodoState {New = 1,Active,Completed,Deleted,

no, quite the contrary 不,恰恰相反
icing on the cake 锦上添花

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