
The RColorBrewer package is an unavoidable tool to manage colors with R. It offers several color palettes, as you can see in the attached figure. This page just allows to visualize the composition of each palette. Other pages explain how to use this tool.

There are 3 types of palettes(调色板) :


  • Sequential palettes are suited to ordered data that progress from low to high. Lightness steps dominate the look of these schemes, with light colors for low data values to dark colors for high data values. 适用于从低到高排序的数据。亮度步骤主导了这些方案的外观,用浅色表示低数据值,用深色表示高数据值。


  • Diverging palettes put equal emphasis on mid-range critical values and extremes at both ends of the data range. The critical class or break in the middle of the legend is emphasized with light colors and low and high extremes are emphasized with dark colors that have contrasting hues.在数据范围的两端同时强调中间的临界值和极端值。在传奇的中间的关键阶层或打破被强调与轻的颜色和低和高的极端被强调与黑暗的颜色有对比的色调。


  • Qualitative palettes do not imply magnitude differences between legend classes, and hues are used to create the primary visual differences between classes. Qualitative schemes are best suited to representing nominal or categorical data. 不暗示图例类之间的大小差异,色调用于创建类之间的主要视觉差异。定性模式最适合表示名义或类别数据。

下面这个图应该直接能解决很多问题 ,途中从上到下三类对应上文


  1. seaborn heatmap绘制热力图cmap参数的含义


  2. 【Python】绘制热力图seaborn.heatmap,cmap设置颜色的参数

    1. 参数详解 seaborn.heatmap seaborn.heatmap(data, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None, center=None, robust=F ...

  3. python热力图颜色设置_【Python】绘制热力图seaborn.heatmap,cmap设置颜色的参数

    1. 参数详解 seaborn.heatmap seaborn.heatmap(data, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None, center=None, robust=F ...

  4. python绘制相关性矩阵_python seaborn heatmap可视化相关性矩阵实例

    方法import pandas as pd import numpy as np import seaborn as sns df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(50) ...

  5. python seaborn heatmap可视化相关性矩阵

    python seaborn heatmap可视化相关性矩阵 方法 方法 import pandas as pd import numpy as np import seaborn as sns df ...

  6. 【画图】Python绘制热力图方法以及保存不全问题(seaborn.heatmap)

    0 前言 鉴于Matlab画图已经被封,自此画图战线全部转移到Python上来,这篇博客描述了Python画热力图的方法以及我踩到的坑. 1 程序 1.1 导入包 这里使用seaborn的heatma ...

  7. 绘制热力图seaborn.heatmap,cmap设置颜色的参数

    cmap的参数如下: Accent, Accent_r, Blues, Blues_r, BrBG, BrBG_r, BuGn, BuGn_r, BuPu, BuPu_r, CMRmap, CMRma ...

  8. seaborn.heatmap概述

    点击这里查看官网文档 如果是单纯看数据分布情况,则直接调用包即可. 如果是想看特征两两之间的相似图,则需先求一个相关系数矩阵. 参考样例 import numpy as np import seabo ...

  9. 【数据可视化】Python 热力图(seaborn.heatmap)

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