union_cocircular_contours_xld (Operator)


union_cocircular_contours_xld — 计算属于同一圆的轮廓之和


union_cocircular_contours_xld(Contours : UnionContours : MaxArcAngleDiff, MaxArcOverlap, MaxTangentAngle, MaxDist, MaxRadiusDiff, MaxCenterDist, MergeSmallContours, Iterations : )


Contours (input_object) xld_cont-array → object
Contours to be merged.

UnionContours (output_object) xld_cont-array → object
Merged contours.

MaxArcAngleDiff (input_control) angle.rad → (real / integer)
Maximum angular distance of two circular arcs.
默认值: 0.5
Suggested values: 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0

MaxArcOverlap (input_control) angle.rad → (real / integer)
Maximum overlap of two circular arcs.
默认值: 0.1
Suggested values: 0.0, 0.1, 0.2

MaxTangentAngle (input_control) angle.rad → (real / integer)
Maximum angle between the connecting line and the tangents of circular arcs.
默认值: 0.2
Suggested values: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5

MaxDist (input_control) number → (real / integer)
Maximum length of the gap between two circular arcs in pixels.
默认值: 30
Suggested values: 10, 30, 50, 70

MaxRadiusDiff (input_control) number → (real / integer)
Maximum radius difference of the circles fitted to two arcs.
默认值: 10
Suggested values: 10, 20, 30

MaxCenterDist (input_control) number → (real / integer)
Maximum center distance of the circles fitted to two arcs.
默认值: 10
Suggested values: 10, 20, 30

MergeSmallContours (input_control) string → (string)
Determine whether small contours without fitted circles should also be merged.
默认值: ‘true’
List of values: ‘false’, ‘true’

Iterations (input_control) integer → (integer)
Number of iterations.
默认值: 1
Suggested values: 1, 2

union_collinear_contours_ext_xld (Operator)


union_collinear_contours_ext_xld — 计算共线性轮廓的合并 (operator with extended functionality).


union_collinear_contours_ext_xld(Contours : UnionContours : MaxDistAbs, MaxDistRel, MaxShift, MaxAngle, MaxOverlap, MaxRegrError, MaxCosts, WeightDist, WeightShift, WeightAngle, WeightLink, WeightRegr, Mode : )


Contours (input_object) xld_cont-array → object

UnionContours (output_object) xld_cont-array → object

MaxDistAbs (input_control) real → (real)
Maximum distance of the contours’ end points in the direction of the reference regression line.
默认值: 10.0
典型值范围: 0.0 ≤ MaxDistAbs

MaxDistRel (input_control) real → (real)
Maximum distance of the contours’ end points in the direction of the reference regression line in relation to the length of the contour which is to be elongated.
默认值: 1.0
典型值范围: 0.0 ≤ MaxDistRel

MaxShift (input_control) real → (real)
Maximum distance of the contour from the reference regression line (i.e., perpendicular to the line).
默认值: 2.0
典型值范围: 0.0 ≤ MaxShift

MaxAngle (input_control) real → (real)
Maximum angle difference between the two contours.
默认值: 0.1
典型值范围: 0.0 ≤ MaxAngle ≤ 0.78539816339

MaxOverlap (input_control) real → (real)
Maximum range of the overlap.
默认值: 0.0
典型值范围: 0.0 ≤ MaxOverlap

MaxRegrError (input_control) real → (real)
Maximum regression error of the resulting contours (NOT USED).
默认值: -1.0

MaxCosts (input_control) real → (real)
Threshold for reducing the total costs of unification.
默认值: 1.0
典型值范围: 0.0 ≤ MaxCosts

WeightDist (input_control) real → (real)
Influence of the distance in the line direction on the total costs.
默认值: 1.0
典型值范围: 0.0 ≤ WeightDist

WeightShift (input_control) real → (real)
Influence of the distance from the regression line on the total costs.
默认值: 1.0
典型值范围: 0.0 ≤ WeightShift

WeightAngle (input_control) real → (real)
Influence of the angle difference on the total costs.
默认值: 1.0
典型值范围: 0.0 ≤ WeightAngle

WeightLink (input_control) real → (real)
Influence of the line disturbance by the linking segment (overlap and angle difference) on the total costs.
默认值: 1.0
典型值范围: 0.0 ≤ WeightLink

WeightRegr (input_control) real → (real)
Influence of the regression error on the total costs (NOT USED).
默认值: 0.0
典型值范围: 0.0 ≤ WeightRegr

Mode (input_control) string → (string)
Mode describing the treatment of the contours’ attributes
默认值: ‘attr_keep’
List of values: ‘attr_forget’, ‘attr_keep’

union_collinear_contours_xld (Operator)


union_collinear_contours_xld — 统一近似共线性轮廓.


union_collinear_contours_xld(Contours : UnionContours : MaxDistAbs, MaxDistRel, MaxShift, MaxAngle, Mode : )


Contours (input_object) xld_cont-array → object

UnionContours (output_object) xld_cont-array → object

MaxDistAbs (input_control) real → (real)
Maximum length of the gap between two contours, measured along the regression line of the reference contour.
默认值: 10.0
典型值范围: 0.0 ≤ MaxDistAbs

MaxDistRel (input_control) real → (real)
Maximum length of the gap between two contours, relative to the length of the reference contour, both measured along the regression line of the reference contour.
默认值: 1.0
典型值范围: 0.0 ≤ MaxDistRel

MaxShift (input_control) real → (real)
Maximum distance of the second contour from the regression line of the reference contour.
默认值: 2.0
典型值范围: 0.0 ≤ MaxShift

MaxAngle (input_control) real → (real)
Maximum angle between the regression lines of two contours.
默认值: 0.1
典型值范围: 0.0 ≤ MaxAngle ≤ 0.78539816339

Mode (input_control) string → (string)
Mode that defines the treatment of contour attributes, i.e., if the contour attributes are kept or discarded.
默认值: ‘attr_keep’
List of values: ‘attr_forget’, ‘attr_keep’

union_cotangential_contours_xld (Operator)


union_cotangential_contours_xld — 计算共切轮廓的合并.


union_cotangential_contours_xld(Contours : UnionContours : FitClippingLength, FitLength, MaxTangAngle, MaxDist, MaxDistPerp, MaxOverlap, Mode : )


Contours (input_object) xld_cont-array → object
UnionContours (output_object) xld_cont-array → object
FitClippingLength (input_control) real → (real)
Length of the part of a contour to skip for the determination of tangents.
默认值: 0.0
典型值范围: 0.0 ≤ FitClippingLength
FitLength (input_control) real → (real / string)
Length of the part of a contour to use for the determination of tangents.
默认值: 30.0
Suggested values: 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, ‘auto’
典型值范围: 0.0 ≤ FitLength
MaxTangAngle (input_control) angle.rad → (real)
Maximum angle difference between two contours’ tangents.
默认值: 0.78539816
典型值范围: 0.0 ≤ MaxTangAngle ≤ 3.1415926
MaxDist (input_control) real → (real)
Maximum distance of the contours’ end points.
默认值: 25.0
Suggested values: 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0
典型值范围: 0.0 ≤ MaxDist
MaxDistPerp (input_control) real → (real)
Maximum distance of the contours’ end points perpendicular to their tangents.
默认值: 10.0
Suggested values: 2.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0
典型值范围: 0.0 ≤ MaxDistPerp
MaxOverlap (input_control) real → (real)
Maximum overlap of two contours.
默认值: 2.0
Suggested values: 2.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0
Mode (input_control) string → (string)
Mode describing the treatment of the contours’ attributes.
默认值: ‘attr_forget’
List of values: ‘attr_forget’, ‘attr_keep’

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